*** Election of The Candidate Marked by a Narco-Style Execution
*** AMERICO’s Survey, Nobody Believes it, Not Even SANTA CLAUS
*** In Oaxaca, Durango And Tamaulipas Denounce to MARIO DELGADO
*** With AMERICO Put in Danger The Candidacy of MORENA
*** RODOLFO GONZALEZ Might Be The Solution in Tamaulipas
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.- MORENA impacted on Mexican voters in 2018. Producing the victory of Mr. LOPEZ OBRADOR as President. But, from that time to date, MORENA lives immersed in the worst vices of the PRI. Imposing unpopular candidates, a vision of some Members of MORENA.
Commentate: “…With MARIO DELGADO as leader of MORENA, it has been dragging vices of corruption and turning the positions of candidates for popular election into a business of millions. As has just happened in several states, and in Tamaulipas occurred equal.”
“… Great is suffering who affect the people of Tamaulipas for decades. Because the Governors of Tamaulipas turned out to be real gangsters. Which impoverished the people. And then they linked themselves to organized crime, to become rich.”
“…TOMAS YARRINGTON and EUGENIO HERNANDEZ are imprisoned for drug crimes. About to enter is FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA to jail. Who defends himself like a cat on his back, before an arrest warrant from ALEJANDRO GERTZ MANERO’s office.”
“…The list is long. Two more governors are on the Black List: MANUEL CAVAZOS LERMA and EGIDIO TORRE CANTU. Both, a long history of corruption scandals and links with drug cartels have them. Although both of them walk the streets of Mexico, like white doves.”
“…Special mention goes to AMERICO VILLARREAL GUERRA, a former pusillanimous Governor of Tamaulipas. During his six years in office, he was a regular client of the Mexico City press. Which linked him to JUAN GARCIA ABREGO’s Cartel.”
“…EMILIO VILLARREAL GUERRA and MANUEL MONTIEL GOVEA (TOMAS YARRINGTON’s press chief) managed the obscure relations with organized crime since the government of AMERICO VILLARREAL GUERRA. Today he is defended by AMERICO VILLARREAL ANAYA’s associates”.
“…Over Soptless ‘MONTIEL’, the DEA has records of Mr. MONTIEL’s role in defending his boss TOMÁS YARRINGTON. Especially in the State of Texas, who openly censured the US authorities for incriminating his boss YARRINGTON as a narcotics trafficker.”
“…Taking advantage of YARRINGTON’s companies (commercial companies, newspapers, other businesses), Mr. MONTIEL put at the disposal of the almost virtual winner of the Governor’s race: AMERICO VILLARREAL ANAYA, with the help of his henchman FERNANDO PEREZ CHAPA.”
“…Once again, another international scandal exploded in the face of MARIO DELGADO (MARCELO EBRARD’s pupil, OBRADOR’s Secretary of Foreign Affairs), the methodology of the -famous polls- used by MORENA, which serve to impose dishonest, and unpopular candidates.”
“…ALEJANDRO ROJAS DIAZ DURAN, alternate senator of MORENA, questioned the results of the polls with which Senator AMERICO VILLARREAL ANAYA was elected Morena’s candidate for the Government of Tamaulipas.”
“…It is not possible that RODOLFO (GONZALEZ VALDERRAMA) has been in fifth or sixth place and that OLGA SOSA is above him,” he said in a video uploaded on his social networks, with which he disqualified the method of polls to choose a candidate.”
“…The polls do not reflect the will of the people, but the decision of imposition of the leaders, who cover with this method a supposed democratic decision. Not even Santa Claus believes these results”, he pointed out.”
“…He recalled that there have been cases in which the polls defined the presumably best positioned candidates, but they ended up losing, as happened in the last elections in NUEVO LEON and SAN LUIS POTOSI, in June, 2021.”
“…In the midst of all this, in one of the richest cities in Mexico, San Pedro Garza Garcia, N. L, the businessman SERGIO CARMONA ANGULO is executed in the style of a narco, who is linked to AMERICO VILLARREAL, MARIO DELGADO’s official candidate for the Government of Tamaulipas.”
“…In the Del Valle neighborhood of San Pedro Garza Garcia, the event occurred. The subject was in a barbershop, when several gunshots were heard from outside. At least two bullet impacts were detected in CARMONA ANGULO’s head.”
“…The Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) denounced LUIS RIVERA before the FGR as an alleged “collector” of bribes at the Reynosa customs office. He is one of the operators of JOSE RAMON GOMEZ LEAL, brother-in-law of FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, governor of Tamaulipas.”
“…JOSE RAMON GOMEZ LEAL, brother-in-law of FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, also he is linked with SERGIO CARMONA ANGULO, to who is put up as sponsor of several important members of MORENA in Tamaulipas. Including MARIO DELGADO and AMERICO VILLARREAL.”
“…Major blunders exhibited by MARIO DELGADO as national leader of MORENA, which reach the State of Durango and Oaxaca, other than Tamaulipas.This caused the political irritation by: SUSANA HARP, and JOSE RAMON ENRIQUEZ who denounce the fraud at the polls.”
“…The Caravan of Senator and Morena candidate to the Government of Durango, José Ramón Enríquez, which left Durango last Tuesday. It arrived in Mexico City. It was to accuse that the Selection of 6 Candidates for Governor: it was only for Show.”
“…An “Incongruence” there is between AMLO and “MORENA”, says ENRIQUEZ, due to “Morena is demonstrating corruption, opacity, agreements in the dark, arbitrary designation. The ‘MAFIA’ in Power rules in MORENA.”
“…MORENA Senator SUSANA HARP challenged her party’s decision to give Senator SALOMON JARA the candidacy for the government of Oaxaca. One of the six that will be contested in the June 2022 elections.”
“…In a message on her social networks, the legislator argued that Morena’s polls do not respect the feelings of the people of Oaxaca.Morena’s election commission must respect the feelings of the women and men of Oaxaca.”
“…While, in view of the serious danger that AMERICO VILLARREAL, MORENA candidate to the Government of losing face GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA’s supporters. The solution would be RODOLFO GONZALEZ VALDERRAMA, who knows how to faithfully interpret President OBRADOR.”
“…Several voices of MORENA publicly state the withdrawal of AMERICO VILLLARREAL and the entrance of RODOLFO GONZALEZ VALDERRAMA, as the true candidate of the People. LAURA MORENO points out that AMERICO represents the interests of EGIDIO TORRE of the PRI.”
Not Forget ‘Friends’ Readers of The UNIVERSE: “… The Way of success is to adhere faithfully to the silence of the facts. ‘They’ -speak- more than a thousand words. To follow the opposite is to travel to a ‘void’, which only misfortunes that it can bring. And what is that for?.”
“…The World of hollow words drags anyone to make the worst mistakes, which they later regret, because they could be avoided.Vanity is the worst enemy for full professional development or any level. Be careful that when you see yourself in the mirror, do not look at your mistakes,” …advises The Wise Men of The World…See You Soon in ‘The UNIVERSE News, and EL UNIVERSO’.