*** Eleven Minister of SCJN Has at The Money as Its “Great God”
*** The Court Judges With Corrupt PRI, PAN And PRD Laws
*** CABEZA Walks Free, Thanks to Court Corruption
*** MEXICO Mired in Massive Corruption, by The SCJN
Fort Worth, TEXAS.- What will investors from Germany, Russia, Japan, South Korea,China, Italy, the U.S., and other countries -think- about the fact that Justice is sold to the highest bidder, in Mexico. Alongside, it is recognized that there is a great deal of corruption in the federal courts?.
“…Whoever says that there is no corruption in the courts, either has not been in one or is lying through his teeth. We have to be self-critical, and the only way to improve a court is to understand the problems we have.” So of clear form say ARTURO ZALDIVAR, Minister-President of SCJN.
President ANDRES M. LOPEZ OBRADOR rejected the resolution of the Court which abolishes the official pre-trial detention for crimes such as smuggling, tax fraud and use of false invoices, and said that it shows that the Judiciary protects corruption and is at the service of minorities.
This is one of the many criticisms that Mr. OBRADOR makes from the important tribune of the nation, such as the press conference. He has just made another severe criticism of the Federal Judiciary, regarding the missing persons, and sentences condemning thousands of innocent people.
Colloquially, it is said: the justice that the Court has imparted in these 36 years is based, on the fact that it has at the Money as your God. From there they cover up for white collar criminals, drug criminals with laws that are the product of the corruption imposed by the PRI, PAN and PRD.
Some legal doctrinaires state says that: “… The right to access to justice is considered a fundamental right, and constitutes the means to demand its fulfillment, before the courts, and to guarantee equality in front of the law.”
“…The Administration of Justice (in procuring and imparting justice) is a public service that the State is obliged to provide, for the benefit of all. This service must be of quality, effective, and efficient.”
“…Every person has the right to be judged within the legal terms. The public servants of the institutions for the procurement and administration of justice must attend to the requests of the parties promptly.”
“…Every person has the right to have justice administered by courts that will be ready to impart it within the terms, and time limits established by law, issuing their resolutions in a prompt, complete and impartial manner.”
“…In spite of this constitutional duty in Mexico. There are no real and complete statistical data that show the situation of the administration of justice, to illustrate the enormous deficiencies that exist.”
“…However, with the deficient information available in the electronic network, it can be affirmed that this public service is deficient and incapable of converting into positive law: the constitutional duty of a prompt and expeditious justice for all.”
“…When in Mexico there really exists a prompt, and expeditious justice, as ordered by the federal constitution. A new stage of law will be entered, and the people will stop suffering great injustices that damage the social fabric.”
“…Today, unfortunately, there is no prompt and expeditious justice. This is a factor that hinders the integral development of the country. This negligence of the court (SCJN) in Mexico, is seen by all the countries of the world.”
“…It is no secret to anyone that the -slowness of the administration of justice- with its resulting backlog. It is a present and constant -evil-, to which an urgent solution must be found. Otherwise, the country will continue to be mired in massive corruption.”
“…It is thought in Mexico, and the U.S. that the Governor of Tamaulipas, FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA enjoys an impunity, never seen before. Due to the corruption that prevails in the Court presided, by ARTURO ZALDIVAR, and his ten ministers, which is evident, so far.”
“…Why?. It could not be otherwise. The facts are in: ALEJANDRO GERTZ MANERO’s office accuses to CABEZA of very serious crimes: the crimes of “Organized Crime, Money Laundering and Tax Fraud. Alongside your family.”
“…Since before April 30, 2021, CABEZA DE VACA should already be in front of a federal criminal court answering for the crimes committed. And that time, nothing happens. Because the ZALDIVAR Court protects him. There is no other way to understand it.”
“…In exchange for the freedom that CABEZA has as an alleged white collar criminal. What is exhibit in Mexico and the U.S. that Minister-President ZALDIVAR, and his closest ministers receive millions of dollars from the untouchable PAN Governor”.
“…Inevitable is CABEZA’s tragic political fate. Until October 1st of this year, the Attorney General’s Office will be able to act against the worst Governor in the Political History of Tamaulipas: FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA.”
Meanwhile, the people have to suffer the violence unleashed by the drug cartels in the territory of Tamaulipas. The government of JOE BIDEN has issued warnings to Americans at various times not to visit Tamaulipas due to the violence that prevails.
The UNIVERSE News and EL UNIVERSO reported on the serious developments surrounding the CABEZA case: It does -not become- a “Rheumatoid Elephant”. If anything, the Mexican Court whose applied justice is invisible to the eyes of millions of Mexicans. It is a ‘Great Ghost’ according to constitutional experts.
In Washington, D.C., the government of JOE BIDEN is watching to see, if the fight against corruption in Mexico is real. And what role is being played by Chief of Court ARTURO ZALDIVAR, and his ministers. Especially in Tamaulipas, where violence is rampant, as stated the analysts.
Let me recap: “… The North American Press, a few weeks ago, reported an extremely violent incident in the Aztec country. And it disclosed the actions of the JOE BIDEN Government regarding: the -cruel violence- carried out by organized crime in Mexico and Tamaulipas. “
“…Not even 24 hours had passed. When the Government of JOE BIDEN exhorted its citizens, not to visit Tamaulipas, and other states, due to the violence. There was an armed attack on the civilian population, and 15 innocent people were killed in Reynosa”.
“…The Hit Men -as attest witnesses- shot at everything that moved. In the neighborhoods: Bienestar, Almaguer, Fidel Velazquez, Lampacitos, and Unidad Obrera. They acted as if it were: a war. ‘Worse’ than the one I know -develops- in Syria.”
“…Before the ‘omission’ of GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, Reynosa has become a violent city. What the population does not deserve. While Minister JUAN LUIS GONZALEZ ALCANTARA CARRANCA ‘put the petals off the daisy’ to define the CABEZA DE VACA Case.”
“…What caused Senator RICARDO MONREAL to allude to the events in Reynosa. In which 15 people were killed by an armed group. He said: “Tamaulipas is a hell. And -he blamed- the SCJN for this climate of violence, for not attending to the CABEZA DE VACA matter.”
“…Several U.S. media show Governor FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA’s ineptitude to solve the unstoppable violence of organized crime, which the population has still suffered for more than 5 years.”
“…An ‘Emblematic Case’ is that of MIRIAM RODRIGUEZ, human rights activist, who was murdered in her home in San Fernando, Tamaulipas, which THE NEW YORK TIMES gave special coverage, due to the crime, and abuses affect by the population of Tamaulipas.”
“…A World of suspicions, and serious indications make us think that in the case of CABEZA DE VACA, Mr. ZALDIVAR and the 10 ministers that accompany him are going to favor him. Despite that there are very weak legal arguments that protect FELIPE CALDERON’s close friend.”
“…You know the way. With the constitutional controversy promoted by LUIS TORRE ALIYAN to prevent CABEZA DE VACA’s cousin, MARIA DEL PILAR GOMEZ LEAL, from being imposed as mayor of Victoria. The court has not yet resolved the case.”
“…To MARIA DEL PILAR GOMEZ LEAL was made Mayor of Victoria, Mr. CABEZA in violation of the law. She ceased to be. Today she is paid as a high official in the government of her cousin. And what happened to the Court, and the myth that justice is prompt and expeditious?.With CABEZA, the Court have 260 days without solving the case.”
Not Forget ‘Friends’ Readers of The UNIVERSE: “… One of the virtues that transcends any field of human life is Majesty. In Ancient civilizations were dominated by the “Great Majesty” that allows them to go in Universal History. The Egyptian, Chinese, and Indian cultures flourished in this social field.”
“…The Majesty is of a fully grown “Lion”, an aphorism that expresses: an allegory of the wise masters, and ‘Virtue’ that is within people’s reach. Precept that expresses, whoever manages to make it a habit(of the Majesty) will get to success, without any problem,” …advises The Wise Men of The World…See You Soon in ‘The UNIVERSE News, and EL UNIVERSO’.