*** Confront to AMLO, ULYSSES And ARNULFO?.
***Already, ARNULFO Has -Candidate- For Your “Chair”
*** ARNULFO Does -Not Hide Its Preference- For ULYSSES
*** Would Commit Both More -Betrayals- Against CEPEDA?
By William MORGAN / Gerardo “JERRY” ESTRADA / Special for The UNIVERSE News And EL UNIVERSO. First (1) Part.
Brownsville, TEXAS.- “It is indisputable the -threat- of the former SNTE -despot- ELBA ESTHER GORDILLO, will return to kidnap the SNTE in Tamaulipas is real. Because, the door ‘was’ opened by her pupil: ARNULFO RODRÍGUEZ TREVIÑO, petty tyrant of the Section XXX.”
“As soon as it is known version, it causes great “terror” among the teachers. For the “crimes” committed in the SNTE, by the “partner” of CARLOS SALINAS, VICENTE FOX, and FELIPE CALDERON. As to her (the teacher GORDILLO) is attributed those relationships.”
“In the first staggering steps made by ARNULFO, in Tamaulipas, unfortunately for education workers. He practically, became ‘a’ -emulous- of ELBA ESTHER, whose teachings, he acquired with her, in more than 24 years. And thanks to her, he could be the leader of the SNTE.”
“With the demagogy that ARNULFO uses frequently, in his public appearances. He used it to reach the leadership of the SNTE of Tamaulipas. He was able to convince a sector of teachers to make him his general secretary. Although it was not an overwhelming vote in favor of him.”
“But, what was decisive was the impeccable performance of the National SNTE envoys, who coordinated: so that there would be no agitation or violent acts, in the election process for the renewal of the SNTE Sectional Executive Committee, in the state.”
“The Commission in charge of the process of change, in Tamaulipas. Always respecting the feelings of the workers’ base, following the clear instructions from Professor ALFONSO CEPEDA SALAS, to comply with the labor reform of President LOPEZ OBRADOR. And so it was.”
“Diametrically opposed to what ELBA ESTHER GORDILLO did. She used bribes from union dues, repression and terror to impose to the General Secretaries of Section XXX of the SNTE, in the State that adjoins with Texas.”

“Special mention should be made of ARNULFO RODRIGUEZ TREVIÑO, who always had the support and direction of Master GORDILLO, in her management as leader of the State SNTE. Currently, he started doing the same corrupt practices, taught him by FELIPE CALDERON’s partner.”
“When the Labor Reform of President ANDRÉS MANUEL LÓPEZ OBRADOR shines brightly, and there is a faithful interpretation in theory, and in the facts of The Professor ALFONSO CEPEDA SALAS of that reform. ARNULFO began to twist it, and to throw into the garbage.”
“That frustrated dream that ARNULFO could not carry out, in his first administration. When, he tried to impose the nefarious ULYSSES RUIZ (The Bad, so called in Matamoros, Tamaulipas). Today, he seeks to inherit to him: the General Secretary’s chair of Section XXX.”
“For that ULYSSES, due to the whims and caprices of an old man who does not think correctly, such as is ARNULFO. He has absolute power in the SNTE, he is the Private Secretary of the leader of the SNTE, and is a commissioner of SARTET. Among other positions that he enjoys.”
“ULYSSES traffics with the teachers’ audiences. They try to see their Secretary General. He came out-well- to trade in loans, changes of assignment, and the acquisition of positions, through retirements. And another teacher rights and improvements.”
“With the same corrupt practices that GORDILLO used to exercise a ‘chieftainship’ in the SNTE, for decades. As a good student of ELBA ESTHER, ARNULFO resorts to them, and any price, he wants to impose ULYSSES RUIZ as his successor.”
“ARNULFO and ULYSSES are in -open public opposition- to the presidential theses of ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR, and ALFONSO CEPEDA SALAS, leader of the National SNTE. And will they both commit more betrayals?.” Ask Teachers in Tamaulipas.
The Above Opinions are expressed by teachers that are working in H. Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico to The UNIVERSE News and EL UNIVERSO. When asked: Do teachers have -improvements- in the SNTE at the national and state level, in terms of work and politics?.
We only ask – the teachers say – that our anonymity be maintained. Since the information which we offer bothers, these people who have been linked to organized crime, for decades. And so we avoid any kind of attack on us.
An Outline of the position of GORDILLO, and his associates: “Into a “national cemetery”, became to Mexico by the organized Crime. Caused by violence -linked- to VICENTE FOX, FELIPE CALDERÓN and ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO. Being them, Presidents.”
“Hundreds of thousands of “innocent” Mexicans have been killed by the drug cartels since that time. And still, they currently live in total impunity. Organized Crime infiltrated all spheres of Federal, State and Municipal Government. In society, too.”
“In that bloody Mexico, the ‘chieftainship’ of ELBA ESTHER GORDILLO MORALES was born and grew, in the SNTE. Which was imposed by a “Sinister Character” like CARLOS SALINAS, who pretended to be President and continues from Spain pulling the strings from abroad.”
“She (GORDILLO) herself recognizes it, in addition to other relationships. Like being a close friend of VICENTE FOX QUESADA and his wife MARTA SAHAGÚN. And with the warlord himself: FELIPE CALDERÓN HINOJOSA. Teacher GORDILLO’s relationships are of that size.”
“And as Doctor ALFREDO JALIFE RAHME maintains, in one of his conferences: the people cannot be given a cat for a hare. The fact that the teacher -her assure that- already regenerated in the 4T. (…) No. She is the same as yesterday, as today. She smells of enormous corruption.”
With the permission of The UNIVERSE News and EL UNIVERSO, we take some parts of an interview broadcast on December 19 ,2020, conducted by colleagues and friends: RAYMUNDO SALVATIERRA, and ULYSSES CERVANTES.