*** Four Children Killed -Shocked-to The Ecuador
*** Is the Same One Who Attacked The Mexican Embassy in Quito
*** On TV, NOBOA Acknowledged The Attacks Against Mexico
***AMLO Denounced Him, Before The International Criminal Court
***Pay Attention Please: Translation From English to Spanish by MARY DE LA RIVERA.
NOBOA -Émulo- Del “Genocida” DÍAZ ORDAZ
*** Cuatro Niños Muertos -Estremeció- al Ecuador
*** Es el Mismo Que Atacó la Embajada de México, en Quito
*** En la TV Reconoció NOBOA Los Ataques vs. México
***AMLO lo Denunció Ante la Corte Internacional Penal
*** Mary de la RIVERA -entrañable- amiga y colaboradora de The UNIVERSE News y EL UNIVERSO. Traduce el título y sumario de la Información Del Inglés al Español. Y Los Primeros Párrafos.
San Antonio, TEXAS.-With bullets of the Mexican Army – committed the Genocide – in the square of Tlatelolco, in 1968. They massacred 350 students who were protesting for wanting to stop the abuses committed by President GUSTAVO DIAZ ORDAZ. A fact that -records- the unofficial history.
(Con Balas del Ejército de México -cometió el Genocidio- en la plaza de Tlatelolco, en 1968. Masacran a 350 estudiantes que protestaban por querer frenar, los atropellos que hacía el Presidente GUSTAVO DÍAZ ORDAZ. Hecho que -registra- la historia, no oficial.)
GUSTAVO DIAZ ORDAZ died on July 15, 1979 in Mexico City. Taking to his grave -without knowing- how many crimes he committed against workers, leaders and human rights activists during his six-year government. Another huge case of impunity.
(Murió GUSTAVO DÍAZ ORDAZ, el 15 de julio de 1979 en la ciudad de México. Llevándose a la tumba-sin saber- cuantos crímenes cometió a trabajadores, líderes y activistas de derechos humanos, durante su Gobierno de seis años. Otro mayúsculo caso de impunidad.)
“Knowing that comparisons are odious”, as the popular aphorism says. In the acts of the public domain that -commits- DANIEL NOVOA, President of Ecuador, tries to ‘emulate’ the -Genocide- Mexican: GUSTAVO DIAZ ORDAZ, in his quest for reelection, against the people.
(“Sabiendo que las comparaciones: son odiosas” como reza el aforismo popular. En los actos del dominio público que -comete- DANIEL NOVOA, Presidente de Ecuador, intenta ‘emular’ al -Genocida- Mexicano: GUSTAVO DíAZ ORDAZ, en su búsqueda de reelegirse, en contra el pueblo.)
“In his excessive eagerness to obtain the Presidency of his country at any price, DANIEL NOBOA believes that he can deceive the electorate, who have already seen that he is living an -cohabitation- with the Army. In the case of 4 children and young people killed, an event that shook all Ecuador.
(En su afán desmedido de conseguir a cualquier precio la Presidencia de su país, DANIEL NOBOA cree -engañar- al electorado, quien ya vio que vive un -amasiato- con el Ejército. En el caso 4 niños y jóvenes muertos, evento que -estremeció- a todo el Ecuador.)
Here is part of the debate: There was no question there”, affirmed the governor after Francesco Tabacchi, candidate for the Creating Opportunities (CREO) movement, asked him to tell the names of the minors and ask for forgiveness to the country.
NOBOA in his intervention immediately launched an attack against Tabacchi, and told him that when he was governor of the province of Guayas “it was the most violent time in the history” of that province, while under the current mandate the situation “has improved 22 percent”.
However, NOBOA assured that all the people involved in the case of the children disappeared by the military and later found dead “will be accountable to justice”.
As a result of this setback during the debate, dozens of comments on social networks lamented the attitude of the ruler, who is seeking a new term of office from 2025 to 2029.
LUISA GONZALEZ, candidate of the Citizen Revolution, began her intervention in this Sunday’s debate mentioning the names of the boys: Ismael, Nehemias, Steven and Josue.
The journalist KAROL NOROÑA in her X account criticized NOBOA for not remembering the names of the minors and regretted that the great majority of the aspirants to the presidency of the Executive put children and youth in “the center of their security policy not to protect them, but to imprison them”.
SYBEL MARTINEZ, lawyer and specialist in children and adolescent issues, indicated that the president did not want to answer the question and expressed: “Neither forgiving nor forgetting!.
That case shook the country in December 2024, when brothers Josue and Ismael Arroyo, 14 and 15 years old, respectively, and their friends Nehemias Saul Arboleda, 15, and Steven Medina, 11, went out to play soccer on December 8 and never returned home.
Their charred bodies with traces of -torture- were discovered weeks later near the Taura military base in Guayaquil, and on December 31 a judge ordered the remand in custody of the 16 members of the Ecuadorian Air Force (FAE) involved in the events.

This event called into question the Armed Forces, questioned by human rights organizations, and citizens due to their actions in the context of the internal armed conflict, a measure taken by NOBOA, who for more than a year has been supporting militarization to confront organized crime.
As millions of Mexicans remember: DANIEL NOBOA is the same person who ordered the attack on the Mexican Embassy in Quito, Ecuador. And he was denounced by AMLO in the International Criminal Court for international crimes and violation of the Vienna Conventions.
“I have no regrets”, NOBOA affirmed in an interview given to the Australian channel SBS, and it was the first interaction of the head of state with the press since the beginning of this crisis with Mexico. Demonstrating the -cynicism- that he publicly displays as an emulator of a Genocide.
JORGE GLAS, former vice president of RAFAEL CORREA (2007-2017), had been granted asylum hours before by the Mexican government, headed by ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR. NOBOA sought to try GLAS by kidnapping him at the Mexican Embassy.
While NOBOA explains his decision to assault the Mexican diplomatic headquarters. A group of teachers gathered on April 15 in front of the Ministry of Education in Quito.
To protest against what they consider a process of “militarization” in Ecuador. After NOBOA declared the “internal armed conflict” against organized crime gangs, which he calls “terrorists”.