*** Several Governors of PRI, And PAN Are in The ’Sin’
*** Are Two Gangsters PEÑA NIETO And LOZOYA?.
*** Will See Justice Mexico Against The Powerful?
—Dedicated to JOSE LUIS GARCIA GARCIA, Politician, Lawyer, And Professor Who Died in Brownsville, Texas.
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.- In Mexico are wondering: Why, Whenever President OBRADOR addresses in his press conferences the trial against former presidents PEÑA NIETO, FOX and CALDERON, etc. He shows himself contrary to the feelings of the people?.
In the case of the trials against the former presidents PEÑA NIETO, FOX, CALDERON, and others, want to place himself on the wrong side of Mexico’s Political History, President OBRADOR?.

Or What is President OBRADOR looking for?. To convince the people of Mexico that PENA NIETO, FOX and CALDERON are white doves, that they did not harm the country?. Ignoring the political axiom: Which says leave aside the punishment of the corrupt, impunity grows enormously.
A Great Spider Web of scandalous corruption involves the case of EMILIO LOZOYA, a close collaborator of former President ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO. The national and international press reports on a Mexican case, which smells pretty bad. And they describe it:
“…The Extradition of EMILIO LOZOYA AUSTIN, former director of PEMEX in the government of Enrique Peña Nieto (2012-2018), expands the investigations against former officials of the PRI administration, noted for its excesses, and marked by corruption scandals.”
“…But also, of several members of the LOSOYA Family, who is implicated in accusations of money laundering, bribery and illegal property purchases.”
“…On July 24, 2019, the mother of former Pemex director, GILDA AUSTIN, 72, was arrested in Germany for money laundering, and criminal association. GILDA was the subject of an arrest warrant issued by a Mexican judge as part of an investigation into the Odebrecht case.”
“…According to reports from the Public Prosecutor’s Office, Lozoya’s family received million-dollar bribes between 2012 and 2016 in exchange for contracts at the Tula refinery in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico.”
“…At the time of her capture, Gilda Austin was on vacation with her grandchildren on the German island of Juist. She had been investigated for the deposit in her bank account of USD 185,000, used to pay taxes on a real estate deal, surrounded by suspicions of alleged bribery.”
“…On November 2, Lozoya’s mother arrived in Mexico City after being extradited from Germany. That day, Judge JESUS VAZQUEZ read her rights, and informed her that due to her age and health condition, she would face her trial free.”
“…As part of the case, the Mexican justice system also investigated the purchase of a house by Marielle Helene Ekes, wife of the former official, in the luxurious neighborhood of Ixtapa, Guerrero.”
“…The attorney general’s office presumed that the residence was acquired through a bribe from the president of Altos Hornos de México, Alonso Ancira Elizondo.”
“…MARIELLE HELENE EKES is part of the family that owns the company ECKES Group, which has among its brands Eckes Granini, the main supplier of juices and beverages in Europe. In 2019, the Ministry of Finance froze their bank accounts.”
“…Official inquiries followed the route of the money also pointing to GILDA SUSANA, Lozoya’s sister, whose bank accounts in Switzerland had transfers made by the Brazilian company Odebrecht, on December 1, 2012.”
Immeasurable is the corruption that exists in the case of LOZOYA. Serious indications denote the implication of former Legislators (Senators and Deputies) in millionaire bribes, as well as current Governors of the PRI and PAN. Even former Presidents of Mexico are in sin.
In Political Circles in the Mexican capital, they weave a series of trusses that EMILIO LOZOYA made from the offices of PEMEX, during his time of the glory of the PRI, involved in great corruption.
They Mention: ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO, LUIS VIDEGARAY and FELIPE CALDERON knew about the corruption scheme of Odebrecht, a Brazilian company, according to the first statements of LOZOYA in Spain, and now in Mexico. The links with MARCELO ODEBRECHT are evident.
President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR commented that EMILIO ZOZOYA, former Director of PEMEX is willing to clarify how the corruption network was during his term. Even former legislators are involved, conforming with the FSG.
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