*** If The People Err, The Cure is Other Election: LINCOLN
*** “Today, America’s Democracy Held Up”: HARRIS
*** A “Hot Potato” For TRUMP: Russia’s War vs. Ukraine
***Pay Attention Please: Translation From English to Spanish by MARY DE LA RIVERA.
Ausente el ‘Fantasma’ Del Caos, en el Capitolio
*** Sí el Pueblo se Equivoca, la Cura es Otra Elección: LINCOLN
*** Hoy, la Democracia de EE.UU. se -Mantiene- en Pie: HARRIS
*** Una “Papa Calienta” Para TRUMP: la Guerra de Rusia vs Ucrania
*** Mary de la RIVERA -entrañable- amiga y colaboradora de The UNIVERSE News y EL UNIVERSO. Traduce el título y sumario de la información del Inglés al Español. Y el Primer y Segundo párrafo.
San Antonio, TEXAS.-“Republican President who had great faith in democracy was ABRAHAM LINCOLN. And he not only led the nation into and out of civil war. But he took care of it: by polarization, immoral majorities, vindictive politics and election fraud.”
(“Presidente Republicano que tuvo en una gran fe en la democracia, fue ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Y no sólo condujo a la nación a la guerra civil y la sacó de ella. Sino que se ocupó: por la polarización, las mayorías inmorales, la política vengativa y el fraude electoral.”)”
“In 1861, LINCOLN worried about the fragility of democracy. He was concerned about the possibility that“ the people might make a mistake in an election” by electing an undemocratic leader. The real cure,” he remarked, is in the next election,” recounts the U.S. History.
(“En 1861, LINCOLN preocupado por la fragilidad de la democracia. A él, le inquietó -la posibilidad- de que “el pueblo pueda equivocarse en una elección” encumbrando: a un líder antidemocrático. La verdadera cura” -remarcó- está en las siguientes elecciones”, narra la Historia de U.S.)
Away from the Capitol in Washington, D.C. from the -barbarism- of a group of Republicans who attacked to nullify the triumph of JOE BIDEN, in 2021. Without caring that the majority of the national vote favored the still tenant of the White House, according to analysts.
Another reality that is disclosed, today: “The US Congress officially certified: the electoral result confirming that DONALD TRUMP will be the next President of the United States. Without being exempted the event from seeing – phantoms – of an attempted coup d’état.”
“The joint session of the Senate and House of Representatives was held behind a curtain of fences backed by concrete barriers, protected by police and National Guard officers carrying automatic weapons.”
“This year, for the first time in U.S. history, the Secretary of Homeland Security determined that this official count held today was a “National Security Event.”
“As a result, he mobilized thousands of National Guard troops and ordered the closure of streets around the Capitol in Washington. Federal lawmakers and the media were forced to pass through several inspection points, sniffed by bomb-sniffing dogs.”
“While thousands of metropolitan police, along with other support police who arrived from various cities, were deployed throughout the federal zone, very close to the Capitol.”
“This whole process was further complicated by a snowstorm that caused the shutdown of the federal government and much of the city, including schools.”
“As required by the Constitution, Vice President KAMALA HARRIS, the Democratic nominee defeated by DONALD TRUMP in the November election, chaired the joint session.”
“During which legislators reported in alphabetical order by state the result in each entity and the total votes obtained in the electoral college system that led TRUMP to victory.”
“In U.S. presidential elections: there is no direct vote. Instead, each state holds an election where delegates are elected by an electoral college; a minimum of 270 electoral votes is required, a simple majority. To win the election (the popular vote is secondary and sometimes does not determine the winner).”

“After the reading of the state results, HARRIS declared that “TRUMP, from the state of Florida, has received 312 votes”. After a round of applause from the Republican caucus, she added, speaking in the third person, “ HARRIS, from the state of California, has received 226 votes.”
“By certifying his own defeat, KAMALA HARRIS was sending a message about respecting the process and the principle of peaceful transfer of power.”
“HARRIS quickly proclaimed the joint session of Congress adjourned and left the chamber. In remarks to reporters on his way out, Harris proclaimed, in a clear reference to the ghosts of four years ago, that “Today, America’s Democracy Held up.”
“Enthusiasm among the tycoon’s supporters continues to grow. As January 20 approaches, the date of DONALD TRUMP’s inauguration as President of the U.S., their hopes for social welfare pin on him, and they wish to see them fulfilled.”
“On the other hand, skeptics do not see with much clarity how TRUMP is going to solve the RUSSIA vs. UKRAINE War. And the Genocide in GAZA. Which are problems of a great geopolitical scope.”
“Although the collective spirit of numerous countries in the World are advocating for World Peace. War, wherever it develops, is a serious conflict that brings with it: Famine, Destruction and Death. We will see how DONALD TRUMP responds.”