*** Clueless TRUMP, Going to Another Defeat (in 2024)
*** Attack to U.S. Capitol Harasses to TRUMP, Today
*** Supreme Court Put to End of Hidden Files of TRUMP
Dallas, TEXAS.- Chaos, violence left. An Attack to the solid pillars of exemplary U.S. Democracy. Date: January 6, 2021. Unusual was: when a horde of savages (mentally retarded) tries to demolish the U.S. Capitol, in Washington, DC., in opinion of the Analysts.
After the war that faced the original Thirteen British Colonies in North America against England. US Independence appeared. It took place between 1775 and 1781, ending with the British defeat at the Battle of Yorktown, and the signing of the Treaty of Paris, as stated some historians.They explain:
“…Founding Fathers of the United States of America were the political leaders, and statesmen who participated in the ‘American Revolution’ by signing the U.S. Declaration of Independence. Supporting in the Revolutionary War, and establishing the U.S. Constitution.”

“…Contributing signers of the Declaration of Independence (who signed the U.S. Declaration of Independence in 1776), and authors of the Constitution (who were delegates to the Constitutional Convention), and supporting in the drafting of the U.S. Constitution, to the nation.”
“…Since 1776, the United States of America laid the constitutional foundations for democracy as a political system to endure for a long time. GEORGE WASHINGTON, THOMAS JEFFERSON, JAMES MADISON and BENJAMIN FRANKLIN gave their talents to make the U.S. a democratic nation.”
Suddenly, a guy like DONALD TRUMP, tenant of the White House has the audacity, that by means of -violence- of his followers tries to stop a national decision that JOE BIDEN would become the U.S. President. By attacking the Capitol that would judge the presidential election.
In the political environment, there are questions floating in the air: To what – hidden interests – TRUMP is responding, to prevent brutally, a national majority decision that JOE BIDEN was the President, destroying democratic institutions, that have been in existence for more than 200 years?
The Fraud invented by TRUMP, and his racist policies against minorities in the U.S., did not fool the majority of Americans, who repudiated his policies as president, who voted him out of the White House. Today, with failed policies, does he want to cheat again, heading to 2024?.
How to erase the violent traces of the -brutal attack- on the Capitol. At a time when the presidential election was going to be validated, where JOE BIDEN won.? In front of the world, does DONALD TRUMP send a message, that: he is a public enemy number one of U.S. Democracy?.
In the fight for the US presidential succession, in 2024. The Analysts do not rule out that MIKE PENCE, could be the candidate of the Republican Party. In one of his public presentations, he launched harsh criticisms against his boss for four years: Mr TRUMP.
Former U.S. Republican Vice President MIKE PENCE said: that he did not have the right to revoke the 2020 elections. And that former President DONALD TRUMP was wrong to say, that he could have done it.
The Internal crisis of the Republican Party escalated to its latest presidential ticket. MIKE PENCE hit back hard at TRUMP for suggesting he had the ability to overturn the 2020 election results. And called the idea “un-American.”
“…There are people in our party who believe that, as President of the joint session of Congress, he possessed unilateral authority to reject Electoral College votes. And I heard that TRUMP said he had the right to ‘overturn the election,” PENCE said at a Federalist Society event in Florida.
The Presidency belongs to the American people, and only to the American people. “Under the Constitution, she had no right to change the outcome of our election. And KAMALA HARRIS will have no right to overturn the election, when we win them in 2024,” PENCE says between applause.
Indeed, it was PENCE, who ended up validating the elections in a historic joint session of the Houses of Congress, which it fell to him to preside over the end of his and TRUMP’s terms.
PENCE, loyal to TRUMP in his presidential term, spoke of the invasion by a crowd of supporters of the Republican Tycoon to Congress, on January 6 in Washington, which he called a “dark day in the history of the United States Capitol”
In that controversial and tragic incident five people were killed. When TRUMP supporters stormed the Capitol, just as BIDEN’s victory was being certified and after a speech by the president in which he repeated false claims of having won the elections.
The Severe Fact was under serious investigation by a special legislative commission of the Federal Congress. And DONALD TRUMP has refused to file required reports, and also tried to block the sending to Congress of documents related to the event.
On Tuesday past, The U.S. Supreme Court officially puts an end to DONALD TRUMP’s attempts to prevent the transmission of presidential files to a parliamentary commission tasked with clarifying his role in the January 6, 2021, assault on the Capitol.
Last month, the highest U.S. court had already rejected a request by the former president to keep White House files confidential, while the merits of the case were being studied.
Members of the commission are seeking to determine the Republican leader’s role in the Jan. 6 attack by thousands of his supporters in Congress, which sought to prevent the certification of rival JOE BIDEN’s victory in the presidential election.
The representatives, mostly Democrats, are racing against the clock to be able to release their findings before the midterm congressional elections in less than a year, during which the Republicans could retake control of the House and bury their work.
TRUMP, still influential among Republicans, and a possible candidate for the 2024 presidential election, denounces a “political game” and is trying to block the commission’s efforts.
To achieve this, he invoked – among other measures – a prerogative of the executive branch that allows to protect the confidentiality of communications between its members. According to him, it also applies to former presidents.
However, The lawsuit was dismissed by federal courts that consider that the current executive branch waived this prerogative and authorized the transmission of its files to Congress.
Among his occurrences that are quite wild, DONALD TRUMP just declared that: we must send troops to the south of the US, to pacify that border with Mexico. Not before throwing praise to the President of Russia VLADIMIR PUTIN, in his invasion of Ukraine, according to the experts.
Very uncertain is the outlook for TRUMP, heading to 2024 against its competitors. One of them, MIKE PENCE, who taught him high political lessons. Because, he resorts to failed policies, which the people of the United States reject, in their view of the analysts.
“…In The Universe there are different ways: ‘The One of Good, and The One of EVIL’. The Universal One, and The One of Mediocrity. Each one decides, which to take. People complicate the decision. The Transit for the good, and universal being is through study, imagination, and good will. Zero Negativism.”
“…The ego of people plunges them into an abyss of pride, which has no end. When exist simpler ways of doing good, and are there for everyone to see.”
“…However, people prefer to base their behavior on following the blind men. Those who talk about the light. And they have never seen it ,”…advises The Wise Men of The World…See You Soon in ‘The UNIVERSE News, and EL UNIVERSO’.