*** Mr. CABEZA DE VACA Wags Tiger’s Tail a Lot
*** We Have The ‘Enemy’ in The Judiciary: The Admiral OJEDA
*** Government of BIDEN Investigates to CABEZA DE VACA
*** JP MORGAN: ‘MORENA’ Might Perpetuate Itself in Power
*** The Mexican (PABLO) ESCOBAR is Calling CABEZA
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.-“….Finally, the people were able to break the chains of corruption and impunity. Deciding that ANDRES MANUEL LÓPEZ OBRADOR would be President of Mexico. Leaving behind 36 years of vices and larceny committed by the PAN, PRI, PRD and others.”
“…Tired of so much of Corruption, impunity, and violence. The People a Sunday, July 1, 2018, support to Mr. OBRADOR for that obtain a landslide victory over the opposition, and turns Mexican History around, for that change a Mexican State that has been pretending for decades.”
“…Fight against impunity and corruption, as President OBRADOR does. It is not an easy task. We see it in the progress made in the executive and legislative branches. The same does not happen in the judiciary, which seems to be going backwards in the history of Mexico.”

“…Justice for the poor. Justice for the weak, Justice for the workers, Justice for the peasants, Justice for all the poorest classes. Justice for the peasants. Justice for all the dispossessed classes in Mexico, who have been clamoring for decades for the most basic justice.”
“…Widespread clamor for justice, which was shared by the Secretary of the Navy RAFAEL OJEDA DURAN, it seems that we have the enemy in the Judiciary”, since there are cases of drug seizures where judges and public ministries dismiss them for not being properly prosecuted.”
“…There are many cases that even make us feel sorry that they act in this way, it seems that we have the enemy in the Judiciary, and we have to close that circle well to be able to carry out the arrest. We have several cases but we have to do them very well, affirmed the Admiral.”
“…The Judicial Power is full of “corruption” and “spoiled”, assured President Obrador. When questioned about the president of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation. “He (ARTURO ZALDIVAR ) I am in favor of the president of the Court continuing for two more years.”
“…To carry out the reform that the judiciary needs.(…) Because there is a lot of corruption in judges and magistrates. In ministers, in the Judiciary, said the President.”
“…He emphasized that the Judicial Power was completely ruined, decomposed. With a predominance of corruption as the Executive Power, and the Legislative Power” observed the political scientific.
First: On June 6, The people of Mexico have a complicated dilemma. Do they know who to vote for?. Expel forever the PRI, PAN, PRD, MC and other parties that plundered the country. Who are characterized for being: thieves, enemies of Mexico and vulgar plunderers?.
Second:Voting for the party of President OBRADOR (MORENA) who has made an impeccable management of public finances. He even just bought a refinery in Houston, TX. And who takes care of the poor, grandparents, all the handicapped and the businessmen?.
Questions made in Mexico. As June 6, election day, approaches. Despite the political battle that the government has faced such as the pandemic and the collapse of the subway in Mexico City. JP MORGAN warns its clients that Morena is likely to succeed in perpetuating itself in power.
In a text disseminated to its clients, in Mexico: “Mid-term elections are likely to confirm MORENA’s consolidation, the financial institution noted: “…It looks like MORENA will win at least six states, retain power in one and be in the lead in three more. Six gubernatorial races are too close to call. This could bring MORENA closer to controlling 50% of the 32 states, of which it already holds seven.”
“…In Mexico, the most important case of injustice at the moment is the of FRANCISCO JAVIER GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, who apparently the Supreme Court of Justice protects him, in every step he takes. Despite that he has very serious crimes are hanging over his head.”
“…In the U.S., the Government through the FBI, and the Department of Justice are focusing an investigation on the still Governor of Tamaulipas, FRANCISCO JAVIER GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, in crimes linked to drug trafficking.”
“…For the millions, he stole from the public treasury, the protection and support of some drug cartels GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA lives with total impunity, like his family that he himself involved. Mr. CABEZA is wagging much the tiger’s tail”.
“…Due to the level of criminality that execute, “The Mexican (PABLO) ESCOBAR” is already calling GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA. Because, He despises the office of GERTZ MANERO, ignores the sentence of the Chamber of Deputies, and confronts Judges who want to prosecute him.”
“…For the time being, CABEZA is dragging the PAN candidates at Mexico to a great defeat. Because of the scandal in which he is involved, due to his ties with drug cartels. And the great theft of the people’s money, which he did and which remains unpunished ” according to the critics.
Not Forget ‘Friends’ Readers of The UNIVERSE: “… The Essence of Humanity is life. Human Beings are one of the elements that Heaven recognizes as valuable.”
“…Ending the life of a human being is like cutting down a tree. And no one can take the lumberjack’s place. ” advises The ‘Wises’ of The World.
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