*** MARIO Wants Damage More to MORENA
*** CAVAZOS LERMA Linked to The Gulf Cartel
*** ARNULFO, a Voice in The Desert of Tamaulipas
By Charlotte JONES / Special to The UNIVERSE News / EL UNIVERSO.
El Paso, TEXAS.- It is well known in Mexico, City, that MARIO DELGADO cheated his way to become the national leader of MORENA. With the support of LORENZO CORDOVA, boss of The INE, through an obscure survey, on November 5, 2020.
Question that at the time the corrupt INE validated the triumph, to favor the masquerade of the now National President of MORENA. And that PROFIRIO MUÑOZ LEDO, an old critic of the PRI, PAN and PRD, launched serious diatribes against MARIO, LORENZO, and the INE.
There were two polls to elect the National President of MORENA, a position that was vacant. The first victory was for MUÑOZ LEDO. But the first one was invalidated, and to this date it is not known what happened. The second one was won by MARIO, thanks to the cheating INE.
Since 2020 to date, DELGADO has made a series of mistakes that have damaged the party of President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR. And he persists in the same, in applying the controversial polls for popular election positions, where nobody knows the procedure.
Despite the importance of the selection for governor candidates. MARIO prepares deliberately the stage, for his unconditional supporters to be elected. Or the one who buys his candidacy for millions of pesos, as his critics warn.
Public cases show the blunders of DELGADO. Which erode the bases of the 4T, in Mexico. Two recent events: in the State of Mexico there was no problem for the selection of the candidate. In Coahuila, however, the Alliance is fractured. When the PT goes only against MORENA.

In view of the nomination of ARMANDO GUADIANA, candidate for Governor in Coahuila. MARIO imposed on him, which is why the 4T is splitting, as they respect the President of the Republic. Although today they are confused and are going with RICARDO MEJIA, pre-candidate of the PT.
Because of the unpopularity of GUADIANA, in the state of Coahuila. Despite the lack of campaign, RICARDO MEJIA, who follows OBRADOR’s thesis. In a very short period of time, he could surprise to win the Coahuila Governorship. If so, it would be a hard blow for MARIO.
Along with Coahuila, also: Oaxaca, Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi, Durango and other states in a scandalous way MARIO traced the polls to select candidates for Governors. These polls were severely questioned by MORENA’s actors and rank and file.
Under The Title of “MARIO Like PEÑA NIETO, And CALDERON”, by DANTE GONZALEZ, reported in The UNIVERSE News And EL UNIVERSO, some mistakes of The National Leader of Morena, on March 9, 2022. One part of the text:
“…A Few blocks from the National Palace, where President OBRADOR lives, gathered at the Monument to the Revolution, militants and personalities of the National Regeneration Movement, were holding the “National Convention of MORENA”, in which they seek to unify the party’s bases.”
“…The Attendees repeatedly shouted the slogans “Out MARIO”, in repudiation of the party’s leader, MARIO DELGADO CARRILLO. Alongside, the characteristic campaign cry: “It is an honor to be with OBRADOR”. In the past 5 February, on 2022.”
“…As speakers, they paraded: PACO IGNACIO TAIBO II, JOHN ACKERMAN, JESUSA RODRIGUEZ, VICTOR TOLEDO, JAIME CARDENAS, among others. Personages who grabbed to MARIO DELGADO from “PIÑATA”, for your acidic criticisms against MARCELO’s pupil.”
“…At the Convention, attendees held roundtable discussions on internal democracy and party decisions. Morena’s ideology as a leftist force. Preparations for the next Morena, National Congress.”
We disseminate a piece of information sent to us, by an important sector of teachers in Tamaulipas to The UNIVERSE News and EL UNIVERSO, which we transcribe:
“In his visit to Reynosa, Tamaulipas, one of the most important municipalities in the state, made a few days ago. Teacher ARNULFO RODRIGUEZ TREVIÑO, made strong statements regarding the situation of teachers, in the state.”
“The General Secretary of Section XXX of the SNTE, who has just a few days of taking charge of the SNTE, in Tamaulipas, put his finger, in the sore spot, sentenced: Teachers were in total abandonment, on the part of the Government of GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA.”
“But, the most serious thing in addition to the contempt felt by the PAN Government, was that the teachers who suffered in the flesh, our colleagues in their schools were mistreated and treaties despotic by the local educational authorities.”
“Under the complacency and disguise of RIGOBERTO GUEVARA VAZQUEZ, who in six years pretended to be the defender of the rights of education workers. Although, he acknowledged that he was always in the arms of FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA.”
“What ARNULFO told the local press in Reynosa seems to be a voice in the Tamaulipas desert. Not so, for those who have known state policy for decades. Surely, they rumbled loud in the offices of the new tenants of the State Palace.”
“In the Capital of Tamaulipas, Ciudad Victoria, in 15 and 16 JUAREZ, Government Palace, are located the offices of AMERICO VILLARREAL ANAYA, HECTOR JOEL VILLEGAS “EL CALABAZO” and PACO CUELLAR, uncomfortable were the words of ARNULFO, who spoke the truth.”
In the offices of the Governor, in the General Secretariat of the Government and in the luxurious Directorate of Social Communication, they began to tremble, for the position of ARNULFO. Because they know something about the profile of the resident of Nuevo Laredo.
“A separate mention. LUCIA AIME CASTILLO who charges very well as a SET holder never felt alluded. Everything indicates that she wants to follow the guidelines of GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, the controversial ostrich policy, in the quite comfortable offices of TAMATAN.”
“Don’t even think about wagging the tiger’s tail. As the President of the Republic, ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR, has repeatedly acknowledged, the people of Tamaulipas have a high level of political awareness, and participation in the state’s tasks.”
“Within this context of President OBRADOR’s generous appreciation, are immersed the strength of the teachers, who are part of the SNTE, in the state. Who more than once have given proof of their union temperance.”
“Governor MANUEL CAVAZOS LERMA’s head almost rolled, trying to impose on a whim esoteric norms alien to the good customs of the teachers of Tamaulipas. The SNTE took out its caste and confronted those who were linked to the Gulf Cartel”.
“MARISELA MORALES, head of the PGR publicly accused MANUEL CAVAZOS LERMA of having close ties to the Gulf Cartel. And that his personal fortune was the product of international drug trafficking profits.”
“In the SNTE, which he leads at the national level, Teacher ALFONSO CEPEDA SALAS is in favor of respect for education workers throughout Mexico. He rejects impositions in the SNTE and that the rank and file workers should be the ones to choose their leaders.”
“In absolute consonance with the thesis of President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR who applies a deep respect for the majority of the rank and file workers. This is how Professor ALFONSO CEPEDA SALAS acts in the sectional union changes.”
Here is what the teachers of Tamaulipas are suffering at the moment in the Government of the 4T (of MORENA). Does President LOPEZ OBRADOR know what is happening in the northern state of Tamaulipas, adjacent to the state of TEXAS?.