*** AMLO’s Protégé to Confront to The SNTE
*** The Trips of ALFONSO to The United States of America
By Charlotte JONES / Special to The UNIVERSE News / EL UNIVERSO.
El Paso, TEXAS.- It is no secret in Mexico, City that, one of the Governors protected by President ANDRES MANUEL LÓPEZ OBRADOR is the Governor of Tamaulipas, AMERICO VILLARREAL ANAYA.
From a distance, the affection that President LOPEZ OBRADOR feels for the cardiologist from Tamaulipas, can be observed. When the Mexican president visited Tamaulipas in October 2022, it was noticeable by the support given, according to those close to VILLARREAL ANAYA.
As if he were SANTA CLAUS, President OBRADOR was accompanied by his entire Cabinet at the working meetings to secure federal support, alongside VILLARREAL ANAYA. In 4 months, he will make three visits to the state.
In the face of the disaster that left FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, a fugitive from the justice system, throughout the government of Tamaulipas. The people who were most affected by the member of the PAN. Today, there are presidential responses that large sectors applaud.
In the area of education, the same Governor AMERICO himself has been shouting to the skies. Denouncing his counterpart CABEZA DE VACA of having plundered the public treasury, which corresponds to teachers, adolescents, children and the educational community.
In the teachers’ union of Tamaulipas, there are many doubts about the staggering, and uncertain action of the new leader of section XXX of the SNTE, ARNULFO RODRIGUEZ TREVIÑO. In the farce that consults the working base of the state, in all 43 municipalities.

Teachers from the main cities of the state adjacent to TEXAS (TAMAULIPAS): Nuevo Laredo, Reynosa, Matamoros, Rio Bravo, San Fernando, Victoria, Mante, Tampico, Madero and Altamira, among others, ask The UNIVERSE News, and EL UNIVERSO, to disseminate the following:
“We denounce that it is not possible to wear the ‘Face Mask ’ ARNULFO of redeemer of education workers. Since his past management as leader of the SNTE, teachers suffered from abuses and aggressions, in the state. Sponsored by him.”
“From the scandalous sale of squares, whose value amounted to 100 thousand, 200 thousand to 300 thousand pesos. And any change of workplace, or any job promotion. ‘The lucrative trade of ARNULFO’s office had their comercial value.”
“Everything was measured by money, any right of the education workers that the SNTE could assert before the SET. It was the mentality of an education mercenary that ARNULFO practiced in the teachers’ union under his leadership.”
“Issues that currently explain, to a large extent: why ARNULFO RODRIGUEZ TREVIÑO could not sweep his opponents, ABELARDO IBARRA and NAIF HAMSCHO, in the election for the General Secretary of Section XXX of the SNTE”.
“It was an election of thirds. ABELARDO and NAIF were not able to prevent ARNULFO’s arrival. But, why the voting time of the teachers was manipulated by the envoys of ALFONSO CEPEDA SALAS, which prevented the majority of teachers from voting in Tamaulipas.?”
“Some teachers in the state see it as a fraudulent abuse that, taking advantage of the close relationship that ARNULFO RODRIGUEZ TREVIÑO has with ALFONSO CEPEDA SALAS, national leader of the SNTE. He managed to win with his slate that he headed, to keep the SNTE”.
“The relationship between ARNULFO RODRIGUEZ and ALFONSO CEPEDA is so close that the national leader of SNTE (Mexico City) makes frequent trips to the United States. He arrives at the ARNULFO residence. Then CEPEDA crosses into Texas or other cities in the U.S.A.”
“At the residence of ARNULFO, the wife of this one, attends to the thousand wonders to the teacher CEPEDA SALAS, before leaving to his tours to the lands of the U.S.A. A fact that hides in large sectors of teachers, who do not know what ARNULFO, a fake type, really is.”
“In Tamaulipas, it was an election full of irregularities that in the face of the reform carried out by President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR is far from being transparent, democratic, and that responds to the interests of the majority of the teachers.”
“Now, ARNULFO is walking around with the banner of picking up the teachers’ problems, in order to present them to Governor AMERICO VILLARREAL ANAYA, hiding his true intentions: To remove officials that the governor himself appointed months ago, in the SET.”
“Work carried out by the restless LUCIA AIME CASTILLO, holder of SET by precise instructions of the Governor AMERICO, so that their profiles were efficient, and effective to serve optimally the teachers of the state.”
“If ARNULFO’s intentions to dismantle SET and remove the officials appointed by Governor AMERICO in his possible meeting are fulfilled, it would cause a war. ARNULFO would want to impose his unconditional puppets, lacking the profile to serve in SET.”
“In the building of the SNTE, located in Ciudad Victoria, capital of Tamaulipas, a series of rumors are aired by ARNULFO collaborators(RUIZ, TAVARES, Etc.) that make groups nervous, and other annoying, inside from an important sector of the union.”
They put it: “In times when EGIDIO TORRE CANTU, was Governor. ARNULFO faithful to his bronco style, had a conversation with TORRE CANTU claiming that he had agreements with his murdered brother RODOLFO. Looking to keep these.”
“He did not find a positive response and withdrew. But, later on, in less time than a rooster can crow. ARNULFO organized a series of teachers’ commandos to take over state government offices. Thus getting EGIDIO to agree to all their requests.”
“Today that Governor AMERICO VILLARREAL ANAYA has not responded to a request for a hearing. ARNULFO already knows the way of pressure and blackmail, because he insists on changing the officials appointed by VILLARREAL at SET. Since they do not benefit to him.”
“With the support of ALFONSO CEPEDA SALAS, ARNULFO will obtain everything he proposes in the SNTE and will achieve his personal and union goals, even if he has to break down any official wall. Whoever it may be.”
“Keep the list of officials to be proposed by ARNULFO in SET. Bosses of Departments, Deputy Directors, Area Directors, and SET Deputy Secretaries. People who will serve you in their personal project of being Senator of the Republic.”
“In Reynosa, ARNULFO closed several political agreements with MAKI ORTIZ. Who in the past selection for the candidate for Governor for MORENA, challenged in the courts the triumph of AMERICO VILLARREAL ANAYA.”