*** Who Authorized to ARNULFO to be Senator?
*** He Himself Says is a Friend of NARCO-Governors
*** AMERICO Wants to AIME as a Member of Congress
*** ‘GORDILLO-CALDERON’ Are “Enemies” of AMLO
By William MORGAN / Gerardo “JERRY” ESTRADA / Special to The UNIVERSE News And EL UNIVERSO / First Part (1).
Brownsville,Texas.-“… A Question that is on the mouths of all the teachers, in Tamaulipas: Who or Whos authorized to the leader of the SNTE, in Tamaulipas, ARNULFO RODRIGUEZ TREVIÑO, to promote himself as a candidate of MORENA for Senator in 2024?.”
“… Playing at the “Political Clown” ARNULFO RODRIGUEZ, he resorts to wild demagogy to appear that: he has one foot in God’s Land, and simultaneously with the Devil’s.”
“…Into the GORDILLO-style, ARNULFO spilled his hidden truth, which many teachers did not know: ‘I am a friend of all’ the PRI Governors. (Narco-Governors -told the teachers- in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico.) .”
“… The Secretary General of the SNTE, ARNULFO RODRIGUEZ TREVIÑO celebrated the release of the former Governor of Tamaulipas, EUGENIO HERNANDEZ FLORES. After almost six years in prison, he speaks in statements to the Local Press.”
“…When reporters asked him about EUGENIO, ARNULFO responded: What can I tell you. He was my great friend. And well, justice was served, thank God he is free. Because he was an excellent Governor-friend of the teachers-we had many benefits.”
“He commented on the excellent relationship of the SNTE with all the PRI Governors (MANUEL CAVAZOS, TOMAS YARRINGTON, imprisoned in the USA, for drug trafficking, EUGENIO HERNANDEZ, wanted by the DEA for drug trafficking, and EGIDIO TORRE, alleged drug governors).”
“…He also trusted ARNULFO, with the same performance of AMERICO VILLARREAL ANAYA. Although, he did not clarify in what aspects. Only in general terms, he spoke about the position of the current Governor of Tamaulipas.”
Dramatic Opinions are expressed by teachers that are working in H. Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico to The UNIVERSE News and EL UNIVERSO. When asked: Do teachers have -improvements- in the National SNTE, in terms of work and politics?.
Not without first requesting anonymity. Because the characters involved have been immersed in organized crime for many years. Although today, they enjoy full health along of the Governor AMERICO VILLARREAL ANAYA, so not there is punishment for them. They explain:
“…We do not believe that Governor AMERICO VILLARREAL ANAYA has authorized the leader of the SNTE, ARNULFO to carry out a series of skirmishes that help self-promotion: as a candidate for the Senate of Morena, in 2024.
“Since the heart of AMERICO VILLARREAL ANAYA has always been with ABELARDO IBARRA, who with all his resources and political support wanted him to be Secretary General of Section XXX of the SNTE and could not. ARNULFO RODRIGUEZ crossed the line.”

“Furthermore, AMERICO ignored the protest movement carried out by ARNULFO and the entourage of henchmen in Tamaulipas. Under the banner of being redeemers of education workers in the state. How can AMERICO, now make him a senator?.”
“…Besides, it is known that Governor VILLARREAL has an ace under his sleeve, in popularly elected positions to LUCIA AIME CASTILLO PASTOR. He wants her in the local or federal congress as a deputy. However, with her, the SET is to ‘head’.”
“…As for the head of the SNTE, ALFONSO CEPEDA SALAS in his position like national leader. Not even as a conjecture can it be mentioned that he is supporting to his subordinate, ARNULFO RODRIGUEZ, in his crazy adventure of being Senator in 2024.”
“…Because Master CEPEDA, his behavior endorses him being loyal to the principles of the 4T. In difficult times in the country, the SNTE is on the side of President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR and his program. As happened in the COVID-19 pandemic.”
“…In the dirty and perverse games of ARNULFO, who uses the SNTE to obtain political positions. (Senator, Federal and Local Deputies, etc.). The teacher CEPEDA does not lend himself. Although, he is extremely respectful of the union hierarchy, at the national level.”
“… He also does not agree with ARNULFO, who is used to giving ‘Atole’ (cornflour drink), with his finger to the teaching base. As just happened in the past protest movement. There again, ARNULFO betrays those who voted for him in the SNTE.”

“…On the other hand, in the – wild union appearances – to which ARNULFO frequently resorts. He threw the house out of the window, on his birthday. More than 15 teachers celebrated the leader’s birthday, who came to the Capital of Tamaulipas from all over the state.”
“… As a ‘golden rule’ that ARNULFO puts into practice, in his long union career, is very clear: “ Simultaneously it is being right with God and with the Devil. This largely explains his ambivalent, ambiguous and disconcerting actions, based on limitless perversity.”
“…Knowing the grievances that President OBRADOR has, on behalf of FELIPE CALDERON and ELBA ESTHER GORDILLO, in the 2006 fraud that stole the presidency from him. ARNULFO continues flirting with them to be a senator, that is the extent of his political greed.”
“… Thus, the controversial state leader of the SNTE in Tamaulipas, RODRIGUEZ TREVIÑO continues with the lessons that he learned from his teacher ELBA ESTHER GORDILLO. Both have behaved like powerful mobsters”.