*** CABEZA DE VACA Regroups to Attack AMLO’s Policies
*** ARNULFO in The SNTE, Fulfil With ‘God And The Devil’
By William MORGAN / Gerardo “JERRY” ESTRADA / Special to The UNIVERSE News And EL UNIVERSO / Second (2)Part.
Brownsville, TEXAS.- “Paraphrasing to the President LOPEZ OBRADOR, who said in Spanish, in a press conference: “¡¡¡ Ya le -cambiaron- los “MODITOS” al líder del SNTE, ARNULFO RODRÍGUEZ, para atender a la base de los trabajadores de la educación, en Tamaulipas !!!”
“Let’s start with the simplest things, until we get to the real problems,” teachers working in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico, tell to The UNIVERSE News and EL UNIVERSO.
Not without first requesting anonymity, because the characters involved have been immersed in organized crime for many years. Although today, they enjoy full health in the government of AMERICO VILLARREAL ANAYA, who is very honest according to the 4T. They say:
“Even to leave a message. The assistant(s) of ARNULFO ask: if they have a good relationship with the teacher of Villagran. Then they proceed. After that ARNULFO promised to receive them in Ciudad Victoria and did not do it. Despising the teachers.”
“In the corridors of the SNTE building, they talk barbarities about ARNULFO, and his clique of ruffians”. Narrated teachers from the border with the state of Texas, to The UNIVERSE News and EL UNIVERSO. Saying:
“Let’s go by parts. Let’s see what is happening at the national level, to understand the most improbable things happening in Tamaulipas. With the Government of Tamaulipas and its pusillanimous Governor, AMERICO VILLARREAL ANAYA, with the deceptions that he gives.”
“In the truculent step that ELBA ESTHER GORDILLO, had in the National SNTE. Under ominous signs that sustained her, in the excessive repression, which implemented for several decades. Thanks to her godfather, CARLOS SALINAS, the Mafia Boss, who promoted her.”
“GORDILLO always had and has a great fascination for the power of the Presidents: SALINAS DE GORTARI. Then with VICENTE FOX and FELIPE CALDERON, currently she herself declares on TV, that they were the best Presidents of Mexico.”
“Thus, she took advantage of the power of the Presidents to control the SNTE. And to avoid jail for a crime attributed to GORDILLO of a teacher: MISAEL NUÑEZ ACOSTA, according to the CNTE, which accuses her of having planned and ordered his death, because he was an obstacle.”
“Precisely, FELIPE CALDERON HINOJOSA and VICENTE FOX QUESADA, in their governments. Not only did GORDILLO totally unpunished. But she was part of the looting and corruption that FOX and CALDERON carried out against Mexico.”
“In this context, ARNULFO RODRIGUEZ TREVIÑO became the leader of the SNTE in Tamaulipas. He served at the darkest interests of FELIPE CALDERON, VICENTE FOX and ELBA ESTHER GORDILLO in the state, and with the protection of them, ARNULFO got ahead in the SNTE.”
ARNULFO is a guy whose practice is a formula: “Comply with God And The Devil”. Yesterday, he was part of ELBA ESTHER, CALDERON AND FOX. Today, he is trying to join the team of President LOPEZ OBRADOR and ALFONSO CEPEDA SALAS of The SNTE, who represent the 4T.”
“With this, CABEZA DE VACA wants to destroy the works and advances of the 4T throughout the country, promoted by President OBRADOR. In addition to prevent his family and himself from going to jail. And that Tamaulipas continues being a -great booty- for his family.”
“As President OBRADOR says: the people are wise and know right from wrong. And it is not necessary to be a political genius. Nor an expert in politics, to realize the perverse double games of certain characters, who are usurpers of the politics.”
“Facing the latent threat of CALDERON, FOX, GORDILLO and CABEZA DE VACA. What are two totally gray characters doing, such as Governor AMERICO VILLARREAL ANAYA and his ally ARNULFO RODRIGUEZ of the SNTE?.”
“Both are enjoying a very bad public image. Where the image make-up artist FRANCISCO CUELLAR, only devours the government’s budget. But it does not solve AMERICO’s image, and he serves in his office to TOMAS YARRINGTON, who has always been -loyal- to the U.S. prisoner.”
“Important notice to the general public (unemployed), the teachers say: ‘If you want to work with the Government of Tamaulipas’ get a recommendation from any of the narco-Governors, and obtain a job immediately.”
“To The offices of AMERICO VILLARREAL ANAYA hold in high esteem the applications of MANUEL CAVAZOS LERMA, TOMAS YARRINGTON, EGIDIO TORRE, and especially those of FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, who are the major occupants of official positions.”
“And if we add to that, the vagaries of AVA’s collaborators, political chaos ensues. And they are: JESUS LAVIN VERASTEGUI, LUCIA AIME CASTILLO PASTOR and HECTOR JOEL VILLEGAS GONZÁLEZ, among others.”
“In the Secretaries of Administration, of Education, the Secretary General of Government, and other state agencies. A good part of the personnel are people of EGIDIO, YARRINGTON, CAVAZOS and CABEZA DE VACA. To the detriment of those of MORENA, who now live on unemployment.”

“Proof, proof, you journalists (reporters) demand. Simple with a -external audit- to know the profiles of officials and employees of the state government offices. To the disgrace of the people -it would reveal- the power of the narco-governors”.
“While President OBRADOR keeps his family out of government and politics, in general. To be consistent with the public morality of political activity. AMERICO VILLARREAL ANAYA to his son AMERICO VILLARREAL SANTIAGO practically make him: a Vice-Governor.”
“SANTIAGO as Vice-Governor sticks his nose into all government affairs. He has just supported CLAUDIA SHEINBAUM, MORENA’s presidential aspirant, in Reynosa. His father(AMERICO) wants that SANTIAGO, to be a senator. So he can follow his footsteps.”
“With the” mask ” of being deeply respectful of God’s values (OF GOOD), ARNULFO RODRIGUEZ TREVIÑO behind the backs of the education workers, and in the deep darkness makes the arrangements of how to distribute positions, union dues, and other benefits, with gangsters.”
“A ‘Golden Rule’ that ARNULFO has put into practice, in his long union career is very clear:” To be simultaneously right with God and with the Devil “. This explains to a great extent his ambivalent, ambiguous and disconcerting actions, based on a perversity without limits.”
“Now, that it is known through the mouth of President OBRADOR, in his press conferences from the National Palace, the evil actions that FELIPE CALDERON did against Mexico through his government, which plundered the country, and flooded it with deep corruption.”
“Together with the godfather and partner of GENARO GARCIA LUNA, (collaborator with CALDERON) imprisoned for drug trafficking in New York, ELBA ESTHER GORDILLO extended her networks of corruption, in addition to the SNTE to the ISSSTE. Now, she lives in impunity”.
“In Teachers’ circles, they knew that. However, ARNULFO never realized it, and always looked to the other way. On the other hand, ARNULFO, during his tenure, shower to the Teacher GORDILLO and FELIPE CALDERON, with praise millions of times.”
“In the Era of the 4T, ARNULFO changed his strategy, for his unspeakable purposes. His statements and public speeches are focused on saying purely good things about President OBRADOR and the National Leader of the SNTE, ALFONSO CEPEDA SALAS.”
“Although from a distance to see, ARNULFO’s goal of becoming a Senator from 2024, is very clear. To this end, he has begun a series of tours throughout the state, addressing, according to him, the problems of the teachers. And the meetings with mayors and politicians are visible.”
“But, if we had to decide between melon and watermelon. As of now, we believe that the only one who shows that he is with the 4T is our national leader of the SNTE, ALFONSO CEPEDA SALAS. In addition to supporting President OBRADOR. ALFONSO would make a good senator.”
“Meanwhile, ARNULFO RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ has already shown the copper, in a short period of time. The teachers of Tamaulipas continue to suffer the labor injustices of USICAMM, and the arrogance of the authorities of SET, who ‘misdirects’ the immaculate LUCIA AIME CASTILLO”.