*** “LUCIA Out, LUCIA Out” -Scream- The Teachers
*** AIME no Respects The SNTE, Says ARNULFO
*** The ‘SNTE And ARNULFO’ Linked to “GORDILLO”
By William MORGAN / Gerardo “JERRY” ESTRADA / Special to The UNIVERSE News And EL UNIVERSO / Second Part (2).
Brownsville,TEXAS.-“… With shouts of” LUCIA out, LUCIA out”. “Not one step back, not one step back”. “ARNULFO, ARNULFO”. Governor AMERICO VILLARREAL ANAYA, made his way through the teachers to listen to the requests, in their manifestation.”
“… Governor AMERICO there, told them, that: they have the support of the state government, and to the union leader ARNULFO RODRIGUEZ, he made it clear that there are -no threats- against him, nor to the teachers who participate in the protest.”
“…Furthermore, in a respectful manner to the union criteria, Governor AMERICO VILLARREAL ANAYA, asked them to resume classes, so as not to continue affecting students, and children.”
In the scenes described previously, by teachers that are working in H. Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico. In a public way you are seeing the greatest -political- union weakness of the -gaudy- leader of the SNTE, ARNULFO RODRIGUEZ TREVIÑO.

The UNIVERSE News and EL UNIVERSO pose the following question: What are the political consequences of the clique. Which has kidnapped the SNTE in Tamaulipas, headed by the great disciple of ELBA ESTHER GORDILLO, who still moves in Mexico?.
Under anonymity, teachers from H. Matamoros -speak out- about what is happening in the education workers’ union. They do not can hide their fear at the reprisals, and possible attacks, by the pseudo-leaders of the SNTE. (…) They explain with details:
“… AMERICO VILLARREAL arrived during the demonstration at the headquarters of occupation, which had been going on for several days. Outside the Tamaulipas Ministry of Education (SET) at the “General Luis Caballero” Causeway in Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas.”
“…With the cry of “Away LUCIA , Away LUCIA”, the teachers received to the governor. Referring to who they want: the departure of the holder of the SET, LUCIA AIME CASTILLO PASTOR.”
“… AMERICO VILLARREAL ANAYA thanked them, for allowing him to be there. And that he is attentive to listen to their labor demands of the SNTE, in the state.”
“… Please know that the governor continues to be open to dialogue. In a dialogue, there have to be two sides and that from our side, you will always have our hands extended, expressed the Governor.”
“… And he added that we must seek to improve the labor conditions of the teachers’ base. They can count with the governor, and the cabinet to solve the problems that afflict us”.
“… And he added that we must seek to improve the labor conditions of the teachers’ base. They can count with the governor, and the cabinet to solve the problems that afflict us”.
“…The governor also remarked to the leader of the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE), ARNULFO RODRIGUEZ TREVIÑO, that there are no threats against him or the teachers.”
“… On the governor’s word, he is not at any risk, there is no threat from the Ministry of Education or the General Secretariat of Government, and even less from me.”
“…The Teachers’ Union Leader RODRIGUEZ TREVIÑO, has pointed out that there are threats against the teachers, who participate in the protests demanding the dismissal of LUCIA AIME CASTILLO PASTOR, head of SET.”
“…While ARNULFO RODRIGUEZ responded to Governor VILLARREAL ANAYA, that LUCIA AIME CASTILLO, she has not earned the trust of the teachers, and reiterated the request that, she leave the agency. Furthermore, she does not respect the SNTE.”
“… The Governor listened to the SNTE leader, and left the place. He was accompanied by the Secretary General of Government, HECTOR VILLEGAS. “We continue talking”, AMERICO finally said, to the teachers.”
“… Of the gruesome union career of RODRIGUEZ TREVIÑO in the SNTE. It is said that in his DNA, he has the -genes of a great- traitor. First, he was a convinced member of the PRI. Then he moved on to PANAL. And now: he flirts with MORENA and the PAN of CALDERON-GORDILLO.”

“… It took 24 years for him to become Secretary General of the SNTE, in Tamaulipas. Thanks to the fact that: ARNULFO knelt with the chief ELBA ESTHER GORDILLO, to allow him to reach that position. And he achieved it, in the times of FELIPE CALDERON.”
“… It is not ruled out that ARNULFO, was in cahoots with FELIPE CALDERON and ELBA ESTHER GORDILLO, leader of the SNTE. Which ones committed fraud to steal the Presidency of ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR, at 2006”.
“… Although, with the SNTE education workers, ARNULFO always appears alluding to God. But, he hides obscure relations with the Devil. That is one of the thousand faces that ALFONSO CEPEDA, national leader of the SNTE, does not know of him.”
“… After he shouted to the four winds that: the SNTE protest in Tamaulipas could be resolved in 15 minutes (FOX style). The only thing that Governor AMERICO did was to make LUCIA AIME CASTILLO PASTOR resign, from her position at SET.”
“… Until today, RODRIGUEZ TREVIÑO still does not explain: Why did he change his main demand from the SNTE to other union aspects that have become a great smokescreen for teachers?. LUCIA AIME enjoys good health at the SET.”
“… Another -betrayal- that ARNULFO commits: against the teacher’s base, in the -uncertain adventure- of self-promotion wanting to be a senator, by the Party of ANDRES MANUEL LÓPEZ OBRADOR. After that he served GORDILLO and CALDERON of the PAN”.