*** President Lost The ‘Trade War’ Against China
*** TRUMP is Used to Judge Without Evidence
*** Mexican President Offers Asylum to ASSANGE
SAN ANTONIO,TEXAS.- While HENRY KISSINGER, an important American politician, with enormous influence with Presidents RICHARD NIXON, GERALD FORD, and currently with President DONALD TRUMP, in the international field.
In 1994, Mr. KISSINGER launched his work The Diplomacy. He explained the role that the United States should have in the international context, that places him as a world leader. Behind President TRUMP was KISSINGER, in the ‘trade war’ against China, with results of great losers.

The Emperor of the French (1804–1814 /15) NAPOLEONE BUONAPARTE with a vision of a great statesman sentenced over The country of the Dragon: “China is a sleeping giant. Let her sleep, because when she wakes up, she will shake the world”. A Statement that is fully valid, today.
“Hate and Fear”, feelings who, prompted the British English to severely criticize NAPOLOENE, in the 17th and 18th centuries. However, the record of the historians of England, says otherwise:
“…NAPOLEONE BUONAPARTE, is one of the most celebrated personages in the history of the West. He revolutionized military organization and training; sponsored the Napoleonic Code, the prototype of later civil-law codes; reorganized education; and established the long-lived Concordat with the papacy.”
“…NAPOLOENE’s many reforms left a lasting mark on the institutions of France, and of much of Western Europe. But his driving passion was the military expansion of French dominion,” says, among things around ‘The Emperor of French’.
Not to mention the high unemployment in the U.S., the poor performance of the national economy and other national problems that TRUMP, as a prominent inept, was unable to solve for the benefit of the people. The Trade War that TRUMP waged against China is part of this context.
Conflicts do not end for DONALD TRUMP as President. The ‘Assange Case’ that made headlines around the world. And it seems that it was more serious for the White House strategists. The Fact that a judge in England refused to extradite the persecuted man from the TRUMP government.
British Judge of the Central Criminal Court in London, VANESSA BARAISTER, who this past Monday concluded that the co-founder of Wikileaks should not be extradited to the United States and that the risk of JULIAN ASSANGE committing suicide, if extradition were allowed, “was high”.
ASSANGE is being held in a London jail and is accused by the American justice system of 18 crimes of espionage and computer intrusion. President TRUMP and his government have been targeting him, for some time now.
Washington accuses him of several crimes against National Security for the publication of confidential documents about the military intervention of the United States and its allies in Iraq and Afghanistan.
When the news became known in the world, about the refusal of England to the U.S. in the “ASSANGE Case”. One of the Presidents who stepped forward was ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR. He celebrated with great enthusiasm in his usual press conference, in Mexico City.
“…I am going to ask the Secretary of Foreign Affairs to make the necessary arrangements to request from the United Kingdom Government the possibility that Mr. Assange be released and that Mexico offer him political asylum”, Mr. OBRADOR says.
“…I Believe it is a triumph of justice. I am glad England is acting that way because Assange is a journalist and deserves a chance. I am in favor of his being pardoned,” he said.
OBRADOR’s offer of asylum to Assange is part of a long tradition of asylum in Mexico. In late November 2019, the country welcomed former Bolivian President EVO MORALES, who was overthrown by a military board.
Independent analysts in Europe, mainly in Germany, France and England think that it is a legal disaster that the President TRUMP has instrumentalized against the journalist JULIAN ASSANGE. Who is used to judge without proof, without evidence from the White House.
Not Forget ‘Friends’ Readers of The UNIVERSE: “…If you know the plans of heaven, and engage in actions that transcend to do universal good. Always inevitably, you will have a full life and great joy, from all points of view.”
“…If someone tries to destroy the plans of heaven, that someone will immediately have a severe punishment. He may even pay with his life. No one can play with heaven’s plans. Be careful,” advises The ‘Wises’ of The World. See You Soon in ‘The UNIVERSE News, and EL UNIVERSO’.