*** ‘Simulators’ : FOX, CALDERON And PEÑA
*** Today Attack Their “Financial Structures”
*** OBRADOR is against The ‘Organized Crime’
San Antonio,TEXAS.- EDGARDO BUSCAGLIA is a Senior Research Scholar in Law & Economics. BUSCAGLIA has served as an adviser to several countries on issues involving public policy and economic, transnational crimes.
His research is widely cited, and he has written or contributed to stories for various media outlets, including ‘The New York Times’ and ‘Time’ magazine. BUSCAGLIA received his Ph.D. and his M.A. at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Dr. EDGARDO BUSCAGLIA is a writer, international advisor, academic, civil society leader and philanthropist who specializes in supporting States and Civil Societies to prevent and dismantle transnational criminal networks made up of actors state and non-state.
According to BUSCAGLIA should have : “…The Detailed capital control must be available through a Financial Intelligence Unit that works in coordination with the authorities in criminal, tax, domain extinction, and property research to identify illicit capital.”

“…When the market opens without regulation, there is a tsunami of dirty capital towards the legalized marijuana industry or other drugs , which generates competition between mafia entrepreneurs and clean entrepreneurs to enter the market.”
“…The Mafia entrepreneur is the one who has the greatest capacity to corrupt to obtain regulatory permits, so mafia entrepreneurs are going to take over the market competitively. They will also compete with production and violence,”
“…Political corruption, he said, is what gives incentives to criminal violence which will be exacerbated without a judicial framework, a regulatory framework, to combat money laundering and will end up legalizing the capital of organized crime and legalizing cartels as companies, which must be avoided.”
As a Critic BUSCAGLIA openly pointed out the omissions or complicities of the Presidents of Mexico,VICENTE FOX, FELIPE CALDERON and ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO, in the alleged fight against Organized Crime. In which he saw numerous acts of government like a huge simulation.
A Change in the way we deal with organized crime was presented today by the Secretary of Public Security and Citizen Protection, ALFONSO DURAZO MONTAÑO (Secretary of President OBRADOR) : to focus them as economic entities and attack their financial structures.
“…In The History of drug trafficking(in Mexico), there is no record of a good being confiscated or frozen a account. Now, we have 1,995 accounts of blocked people representing more than 5 billion pesos.” He said.
Among the data released, DURAZO stated that: “… Criminal organizations are now confronted as economic entities, because it is the economic resources that “give them the ability to operate and corrupt”.
“…The account lockout has been carried out by the Financial Intelligence Unit of the Ministry of Finance, on suspicions that these accounts may be linked to organized crime.”
“…Mexico is home to the largest, most sophisticated and violent criminal organizations in the hemisphere. These organizations are arising from their long history of smuggling and their proximity to the United States, the world’s largest economy, to become a regional threat.”
“…Its networks extend from Argentina to Canada and even Europe and Asia. They traffic illegal drugs, smuggling, weapons and people, and launder their profits through money changers, regional and local banks and economic projects”, conforming to international organizations.
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