*** In 2015 And Followed in 2016 the PRI’S Severe Defeats
*** But on 2018, They Buried to The PRI
*** PEÑA NIETO’S Political Ineptitude is Evident And Public
San Antonio, TEXAS.- Since The “Political Collapse” of the PRI that had on last July 1. In Fact, The Tricolor disappeared from the electoral map. A Great Majority in México sees that there is a political vacuum caused by President ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO. For The Painful Defeat of The PRI.
Due to that, President PEÑA NIETO since that date, he seems to have stopped being on the national public scene. National Attention is focused on The President-Elect, ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR. And Any Event minor that LOPEZ OBRADOR does walk behind him, The National Media.

Shaky Start, on December 1, 2012, of ENRIQUE PENA NIETO as president was clouded with violence in his presidential takeover. The ‘Most Important Area’ for the political analysis, that developed by Mexican President ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO is precisely The Politics.
Disastrous Evolution of the PRI in PEÑA NIETO’S time never stopped. On the contrary, it fell to very low levels. In The Fateful year of 2016, the PRI won sound defeats. In the 12-governorships dispute, he only got five. Already in 2015, the PRI lost the majority in many states.
Unusual, the PRI lost the majority of the control of the national territory. According to the election results, it will govern only 46% of the country’s entities. Full of Pride PEÑA NIETO never studied the results of the PRI and the wise reactions of the Mexican People.
In VERACRUZ, DURANGO, QUINTANA ROO and TAMAULIPAS, there were defeated the PRI, after several decades of having the power. The Defeat of the PRI was so disastrous that it caused the resignation of the national leader MANLIO FABIO BELTRONES.
“Historic Defeat” that affected to the PRI, in 2000. And He took him out for 12 years of the presidency. In 2018 PEÑA NIETO’S party suffered a deadly injury. Never, the PRI was in a deep crisis and a political catastrophe as today, provoked by the serious results of the last 1 of July.
Voters rejected the PRI, in 9 governorships. And lost the federal Congress (Senators and Federal Deputies). It was The Worst Political Failure reached the PRI in 2018. Now with Artificial Life is currently held to the PRI.
For Almost six years, President PEÑA NIETO never gave examples of being a politician with important scopes. Always the steps the president was giving were unsteady. The Government of PEÑA NIETO sank. He lives divorced from the Mexican People.
Sum of Mistakes that the President PEÑA NIETO accumulated are detestable for the citizens. A Political Balance that speaks for itself. PENA NIETO will go to the political history of Mexico, as The Worst president that has had the nation, conform with The Political Analysts.
President PENA NIETO is leaving. But national problems remain. For President PEÑA NIETO were resolved with speeches and statements.
Although for political experts persist in the national reality as the scandalous corruption that surrounds at the government of the PRI. In addition, the insecurity has kidnapped to Mexico whole.
National Economy did not grow, in Mexico. Extreme Poverty of the country was the subject of PEÑA NIETO’S speech. Violation of human rights was a permanent UN complaint. Violence remains unstoppable for the misfortune of millions of Mexicans. And Yet there are more major problems that hurt to the country.
Before The General Outcry of the Mexican people to bring justice to President PEÑA NIETO and his collaborators. The Question is in The Air:
Will it be able to fulfill The President-Elect, ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR, the people’s desire for to do justice in the humanity of ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO and his collaborators, After 1 December next ?.
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