*** PEÑA and CALDERON Deny Relations With EL CHAPO
*** In The Court of Chicago, in 2011 There Was Talk of That…
*** No ‘One’ Believes to PEÑA NIETO and CALDERON
San Antonio, TEXAS.- Curious Glances of International Public Opinion are set in the case of El Chapo, a Mexican drug trafficker, who is prosecuted in the US. El Chapo’s trial, in its first steps, causes a global scandal. By involving to two Presidents of Mexico.
In the Federal Court of Brooklyn, New York, El Chapo’s Lawyer JEFFREY LICHTMAN said the ‘Sinaloa Cartel’ paid briberies to President ENRIQUE PENA NIETO (PRI) and his predecessor FELIPE CALDERON HINOJOSA(PAN).

Immediately, President ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO went out to disprove in a television channel, which he did not receive any bribery of the Sinaloa Cartel. Also, refused the former president FELIPE CALDERON told that is totally false.
Unfortunately, for the Misters PEÑA NIETO and CALDERON, a large sector of the population does not believe them. In contrast to JOAQUIN GUZMAN LOERA, El Chapo, the people believe him, more than the two presidents of Mexico, according to political experts.
Having pursued, captured and extradited to the United States to JOAQUIN GUZMAN LOERA, “El Chapo”, does not exempt to the Presidents FELIPE CALDERON HINOJOSA, and ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO from their responsibilities in the acts of corruption in Mexico, that allowed at -the cartels of the Drug-like Sinaloa will create great economic and political empires, throughout the territory, says EDGARDO BUSCAGLIA.
In relation to the position of the next president of Mexico ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR, The Director of The International Law & Economic Development Centre, EDGARDO BUSCAGLIA hopes that he will be ready to break with the political pact of impunity.
“When serious investigations begin in Mexico, they will find that former presidents will fall, as happened in Brazil, Italy, Colombia, and Argentina, and we will see a purge that will allow them to have a democracy towards the future and not a power of the Mafia-like today have them, “says BUSCAGLIA.
“…The Lawyers of Chapo are not the first to affirm this when I was close covering the process of Vicente Zambada in the court of Chicago in 2011, part of its arguments were the networks of corruption in Mexico. He talked about how he entered to Los Pinos( Oficial Residence) guarded by a thousand military, “said Anabel Hernandez, Mexican Journalist.
Writer and Journalist ANABEL HERNANDEZ, whose book “Los Señores Del Narco” (Spanish edition) noted that these accusations (against PEÑA NIETO and CALDERON) could be “the beginning of a true judgment” on the so-called war on drugs and drug trafficking in Mexico and the United States “. Because so far it was all about a show.”
It is insurmountable, that during the trial of El CHAPO more information will be available involving numerous officials of the government of ENRIQUE PENA NIETO. Where citizen perception knows that the bond between politicians and drug traffickers is very narrow.
The ‘Big Question’ that is asked in Mexico: Will the President-elect, ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR, respond to the desire for justice that millions of Mexicans crave, against ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO and FELIPE CALDERON who damaged at the country?.
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