***GEÑO is a “Child of Breast” Before CABEZA: DEA
*** CABEZA Turned Tamaulipas Into a ‘Narco-State’: DIAZ
*** While KAMALA Was in Mexico, With President OBRADOR
*** U.S. Asks Its Citizens -Not to Visit- Tamaulipas, by Violence
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.- Through the International Press, the eyes of the world observe the case of FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, who continues to pose as the Governor of Tamaulipas, in The Mexican Republic.
In Open defiance of the Mexican Justice System, Mr. GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA refuses to appear before a federal judge. In order to answer for several serious crimes made by the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic.

With legal subterfuge and the support of FAUSTINO GUTIERREZ PEREZ, Eighth District Judge in the state of Tamaulipas. Together with Minister JOSE LUIS GONZALEZ ALCANTARA CARRANCA, GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA avoids the execution of an FGR arrest warrant.
In Germany, France, Italy and others countries ask: As a suspected criminal like FRANCISCO JAVIER GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA circumvents Mexican Justice, which has a very bad reputation internationally, for decades?.
In Mexico since January 30,2012, the PGR investigated to TOMAS YARRINGTON for alleged money laundering, tax crimes and illicit enrichment. And The DEA is also accused him of alleged financial arrangements with the Gulf Cartel in exchange for protection, when he was governor.
On April 9, 2017, TOMAS YARRINGTON was detected by Florentine police agents in a restaurant in the central Signoria square, and arrested. The former governor was transferred to the Sollicciano prison, in that Italian city pending his extradition to Mexico or the U.S.
The Italian Press reported the arrest of TOMAS YARRINGTON, former governor of the state of Tamaulipas, in the city of Florence. Where police captured him in the historic center of Florence, near the Piazza Duomo, and he was not alone.
The Arrest was made thanks to the participation of the Italian Scientific Police. TOMAS YARRINGTON was already expected in the United States, because he has two arrest warrants for corruption, and drug trafficking crimes.The Italian Government decides to send him to the U.S.
TOMAS YARRINGTON, former Governor of Tamaulipas, pleaded guilty on March 25, 2021, before Judge HILDA G. TAGLE of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas in Houston, United States, to the crime of conspiracy to commit money laundering.
Based on a press release from the U.S. Department of Justice, the former Tamaulipas state governor admitted, during a private hearing, that he accepted more than $3.5 million in illegal bribes and used them to fraudulently purchase properties in the U.S.
CABEZA tore Tamaulipas to pieces, to enrich himself and his family, the people perceive. “GEÑO Es Un ‘Niño De Pecho’ Ante CABEZA”, titled the report of last October 5, 2018, by colleague GERARDO “JERRY”ESTRADA, broadcast in Spanish by EL UNIVERSO and The UNIVERSE News.
“…According to intelligence information from the U.S. CIA had -founded- suspicions that the PRI presidential candidate, CARLOS SALINAS DE GORTARI. Who together with his brother RAÚL had increased links with drug traffickers. In particular, with the Gulf Cartel in 1987.”
“…The Cartel’s Center of Operations is located in Tamaulipas, according to the CIA. And its most important strongholds are in Matamoros, Nuevo Laredo and Reynosa. They are points of operations and financial activity. The SALINAS -linked- with JUAN GARCÍA ÁBREGO, in 1984. And they increased their -coexistence- in the following years.”
“…The Gulf Cartel’s interference -in politics- occurs with the Governors. Many think: naturally. Because AMERICO VILLARREAL, MANUEL CAVAZOS LERMA, TOMAS YARRINGTON, EUGENIO HERNANDEZ and EGIDIO TORRE, had relations with them.”
“…Actually, both TOMAS YARRINGTON and EUGENIO HERNANDEZ, two former governors are “Child of Breast” compared to FRANCISCO JAVIER GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, Governor of Tamaulipas” commented a senior DEA official to EL UNIVERSO and The UNIVERSE News.
One of the most critical of CABEZA DE VACA, who has already received death threats from Mr. CABEZA, Morena Senator ALEJANDRO ROJAS DIAZ DURAN openly and with all his letters, says: That CABEZA DE VACA turned Tamaulipas into a ‘Narco-State’.
While CABEZA, from his Twitter, reiterates that Tamaulipas is an Earthly Paradise, a way he found to flee from justice. Precisely in the visit of Vice President KAMALA HARRIS to Mexico there is a US announcement.
As KAMALA is with President OBRADOR at the National Palace in Mexico City. From Washington, DC, the State Department office asks American citizens not to visit Tamaulipas, due to the violence of Organized Crime.
His detractors believe that CABEZA has the “saint turned upside down”.The PREP reveals that MORENA won: in Nuevo Laredo, Gustavo Díaz Ordaz, Reynosa, Río Bravo, Valle Hermoso, Matamoros, Burgos, Soto La Marina, Altamira, Ciudad Madero and Ciudad Victoria.
In the Congress of Tamaulipas they see a clear advantage for Morena in these 2021 elections, which won 16 districts, almost triple that of Cabeza de Vaca’s party, the PAN, which only retained six. And out of 9 federal deputies, MORENA won 6 federal seats.
Not Forget ‘Friends’ Readers of The UNIVERSE: “… A Negative Thought is the worst thing that can happen to a human being, who wants to succeed, in life. This is like a magnet, which brings you great misfortunes.”
“…If you only want good things, think about creating your own universe. Full of emotions, feelings and positive thoughts ” advises The ‘Wises’ of The World. …See You Soon in ‘The UNIVERSE News, and EL UNIVERSO’.