*** MONREAL Flirts With CABEZA DE VACA, For 2024
*** RICARDO Eludes The Disappearance of Powers, in Tamaulipas
*** Governor of The PAN Wants an “Eternal Immunity”
*** SCJN Proyects Sentence in Favor of CABEZA DE VACA
*** Dedicated to The “Extraordinary Producer” of The UNIVERSE TV, That I Wish Long Life, by Their Birthday. Do You Know Which, We Have a Realizable Dream, in New York, City.
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.-In the behind the scenes of the CABEZA Case, ambiguities of the Senate leader, RICARDO MONREAL, appear. Who, in spite of the fact that, he has the upper hand in order to: eliminate the powers in Tamaulipas, does not act. The People think, he will not act.
Why do they think so?. RICARDO MONREAL’s critics from Mexico, City, are airing their arguments. Assuring that, they know very well the stratagems of the man born in Zacatecas, Mexico, to achieve his goals, in his personal politics.
Black chapters exist between RICARDO MONREAL, being a prominent member of MORENA. And the powerful Governor of the PAN, in Tamaulipas, FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, who orchestrated a dirty campaign, in 2018.
All the mud of the world, fell into the humanity of MONREAL. At a time, when in Tamaulipas, he was representative of the Presidential Candidate OBRADOR. The heavy hand of CABEZA DE VACA went to the bottom. He called it corrupt, and others derogatory terms.
RICARDO MONREAL was neither slow, nor lazy, to jump into the ring. At the time, The UNIVERSE News, and EL UNIVERSO reported the statements, which reflected great discomfort, on the part of the current leader of the Mexican Senate.

A few days ago, in the 2018 election campaign in Mexico, RICARDO MONREAL, a close collaborator of ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR, virtual president of Mexico, denounced to the Governor CABEZA for sticking his hands, and feet into the political process in Tamaulipas. EL UNIVERSO and The UNIVERSE News spread that denunciation.
MONREAL Narrates “… I am accustomed Governor of Tamaulipas, mister CABEZA DE VACA (…) I am used to facing satraps, tyrants. To these types of authoritarian characters. I do not fear them. I do not have respect. I’m not afraid of them. “
“… I am not even your ‘Lackey’. I am not your ‘Jester’. And I ask the people of Tamaulipas not to leave. They do not be afraid. The People are the one who decides. Today, we have the great opportunity to change. From that, MORENA, remove all this ‘Scourge’ of Corrupted Rulers.”
“… He made a blaming to me. You have to prove it (…) Instead, I have documents. You will remember him, Governor. (…) From 2009, investigation of the SIEDO, the O12. (…) And you know very well what I mean … I do not know why you’re Governing? … I do not know why you’re unpunished ?.”
Other event. Recently, during a live transmission through social networks (May 29, 2021), the national leader of MORENA, MARIO DELGADO denounced the situation of insecurity in Tamaulipas.
“….We were detained with long weapons. They closed in on us. They pointed long weapons at our van,” the National President of MORENA commented, not without showing his nervousness.
The National Leader of MORENA lamented that: “The Federal Judicial Power has not yet defined whether or not CABEZA DE VACA has immunity. While the situation of insecurity continues in Tamaulipas”.
MARIO DELGADO was accompanied by Senator GUADALUPE COVABURRIAS, Congresswoman, ADRIANA LOZANO, and Congressman, ERASMO GONZÁLEZ, all of them prominent members of MORENA. They were on their way from H. Matamoros to Reynosa, for a work tour.
Also, The UNIVERSE News, and EL UNIVERSO reported: In the midst of senators, federal and local deputies, bench leaders and the national leader of Morena, Mario Delgado, AMERICO VILLARREAL ANAYA denounced that: ” In Tamaulipas there are those who impose terror, and judicial threats to obtain votes.”
“…Governor CABEZA DE VACA, in complicity with his candidate, TRUKO VERASTEGUI, have decided to use the judiciary, to turn them into a weapon against democracy.” Information about May 24, 2022.
The Morena-PT-Green candidate for the government of Tamaulipas denounced, ” the “State election” that Governor CABEZA DE VACA, and his candidate CESAR, TRUKO, VERASTEGUI, are preparing for June 5.”
“…They are imposing a regime of terror throughout the state, with illegal, unsubstantiated, arbitrary arrest warrants issued against my family, my campaign team, militants and supporters of my candidacy,” he stressed.
“…Since, they could not deal with me, because they have nothing to charge me with, they decided to go against me and my family, against whom they have undertaken a fierce persecution, with insults, mistreatment to their reputation, and moral damages”.
On April 19, 2022, in a press conference given by the legislators of MORENA of Tamaulipas, denouncing the flagrant abuses of CABEZA DE VACA, against the people, in the Senate building in Mexico, City.
They present, the request for the disappearance of powers in Tamaulipas, before RICARDO MONREAL. To date it sleeps, the rest of the just. For what, they attribute to him that, he is flirting with CABEZA DE VACA, in his attempt to be MORENA’s Presidential Candidate, in 2024.
While in the political corridors of Mexico City, there is talk that CABEZA DE VACA is seeking to have eternal immunity, to save his skin. Before, the imminent actions of the Attorney General’s Office, which would prevent him from going to jail.
In the hall of the SCJN, it is said that Minister JUAN LUIS GONZALEZ ALCANTARA CARRANCA, and his guide, Minister ARTURO ZALDIVAR, are making obscure efforts to allow CABEZA DE VACA to continue with the immunity, and that the arrest warrant will not be executed.
It would not be strange at all, if the draft sentence is in favor of the still PAN Governor of Tamaulipas. When, the 1st Chamber of the SCJN is ready. This would comply with the wishes of FOX, and CALDERON, saving CABEZA DE VACA, as is perceived by the people of Tamaulipas.
“… If There is -no clear- signal. Yet, having a strategy, and an excellent maneuver. You cannot act: Zero actions. Zero requests. Zero conversations.”
“…It is better to reward. Never a useless movement. If you want to arrive. No trust anybody, advises The Wise Men of The World”…See You Soon in The UNIVERSE News, and EL UNIVERSO.