*** ‘Danger’ Have The Marriage CALDERON- ZAVALA
*** ‘Cases’ of GARCIA LUNA And CASSEZ at “Sight”
*** FELIPE CALDERON Committed a “Major Fraud”
San Antonio, TEXAS.- Political Circles in Paris, linked to President EMMANUEL MACRON, were shaken. Also, the Political Spheres of President OBRADOR trowhn about. After Knowing the desire of FLORENCE CASSEZ to sue FELIPE CALDERON, former President of Mexico.
Too Many devastating are the effects of the news that Mexico received, for the Marriage CALDERON- MARGARITA. Those who want to build a political party. First by the case of GENARO GARCIA LUNA. And now is the ‘CASSEZ’ Case, based on political analysts.
“…The French Citizen FLORENCE CASSEZ, arrested during a TV montage orchestrated by GENARO GARCIA LUNA on December 2005, announced that she would reopen her case and will sue former president of Mexico, FELIPE CALDERON.”

“…Also Journalist CARLOS LORET DE MOLA, ISABEL MIRANDA DE WALLACE and LUIS CARDENAS PALOMINOS for having unjustly thrown into prison. It’s time to call for accounts (…). All these people have lived in total impunity”, she said in an interview with L’Express.
“…A Few Weeks after GENARO GARCIA LUNA was arrested. Who is accused of receiving bribes from the Sinaloa Cartel during his time with the Federal Investigation Agency (AFI) and the Ministry of Public Security (SSP) during the Government of VICENTE FOX, and CALDERON.”
“…CASSEZ told the ‘French Media’ that she works with his Mexican lawyer to sue CALDERON, who was protecting GARCIA LUNA. And Even before my trial, or rather mock trial, He was given the right to throw myself into the live public vengeance on television, branded as a kidnapper, knowing that it was false. “I want to officially ask you for reparation,” she asserted.
“…FLORENCE who was released in 2013. After more than six years of diplomatic tensions between Mexico and France. She also affirmed that he will sue LORET DE MOLA who broadcast live the fake AFI operation, in which the arrest of CASSEZ and ISRAEL VALLARTA were simulated.”
“…Besides, the French Citizen has in her sights ISABEL MIRANDA DE WALLACE, the controversial president of the association Stop to Kidnapping, who specialized in slandering people, which contributed to throwing them into prison. Where they were generally tortured, denounced, and abused: Hateful, the Wallace’ has been a key protagonist of my media lynch”.
Finally, in the interview: “… CASSEZ pointed to LUIS CARDENAS PALOMINOS, the right arm of GARCIA LUNA, who participated in the apocryphal operation and even hit VALLARTA during the live broadcast.”
“…For 14 years, ISRAEL VALLARTA and his family have been summoned to appear repeatedly to bring the truth to justice. They never made the calls, nor did they have a problem with it.”
“…All the people who walked in the CALDERON and GARCIA LUNA transactions must explain why they acted like this.Why they invented everything and should say what they got in exchange, for their lies, she insisted.”
“…On the International stage, the Image of the MARGARITA-CALDERON Marriage that they enjoyed, fell to the ground and broke. Especially in France, the US and Mexico. When 2021, it is near, Political Year: Renewal of the Chamber of Deputies and Local Governments.”
“…Tentacles of the Cases of GENARO GARCIA LUNA and FLORENCE CASSEZ could trap such powerful characters as: MARGARITA ZAVALA and FELIPE CALDERON. Which would inevitably lead them to jail.”
“…If FLORENCE CASSEZ broke into Mexican Justice and will win the trial against FELIPE CALDERON. It would be unedited. Although in Mexico there are thousands of kidnappings and murders of Mexicans, with CALDERON. They still do no get justice.” in opinion of specialists.
Conforming with the Journalistic Chronicles of that time (2006). Day of the presidential election, they reveal that: “…FELIPE CALDERON to become President of Mexico committed a major fraud against ANDRÉS MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR.”
“…And to legitimize his power in the Mexican Presidency, CALDERON launched the war against the drug cartels.To this day, they continue to see the deadly effects of the Warlord, as FELIPE CALDERON proclaimed himself.”
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