*** AMLO Asked to The Court to Hear The CABEZA Case
*** Tamaulipas is a Hell, And Blames SCJN: Monreal
*** The Court Disregard The Life of The Mexicans
*** Believe it or Not. Also, The Life of Americans Tourists
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.- As C.I.A., and D.E.A. denounce which in Nuevo Laredo, Reynosa and Matamoros (Tamaulipas) operate the drug cartels. Promoting the criminal violence, against the civilians.
If it not were enough that the Government of JOE BIDEN, especially the office of ANTONY BLINKEN are attending the war Russia- Ukraine. The Department of State launches frequently alerts to their citizens, for that avoid visit to Tamaulipas, due to severe criminal violence.
It just happened, in the consulate of U.S. on Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, officials, and employments from the consulate American, were in danger. Where, there were many gunshots, and several hand-grenade, which damage the building of American Consulate.
It obligates to General Consul, DEANNA KIM to suspend its work-consular-announced at a press conference. The municipality of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas was the scene of violence, and terror controlled by drug traffickers, which paralyzed common activities, on the City.
Russian TV reported that in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, there was more violence. Fires, shootings, and blockades in the streets exposing the population. The American Consulate warned its citizens: not to visit Tamaulipas.
During a visit by President ANDRES MANUEL LÓPEZ OBRADOR to Nuevo Laredo. He was sought out by RAYMUNDO RAMOS, a human rights leader, demanded that CABEZA DE VACA be investigated for being a murderer. A report published by El Mañana de Laredo, Saturday, February 19, 2022.

What you see, you don’t judge. The above cases, which are not the only examples of violence that exist in Tamaulipas, amply shows GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA’s contempt for the JOE BIDEN government. And, he doesn’t care about the lives of thousands of people, on Tamaulipas.
In The Building of The Court, on the Mexico, City, whose address is PINO SUAREZ number 2, comment some lawyers that the plan of ARTURO ZALDIVAR and JUAN LUIS GONZALEZ ALCANTARA BARRANCA is supports to the Governor FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, for 2024.
Keeping all the necessary secrecy, because if it were known, what they reveal can cause them labor problems in court. However, asking to be kept anonymous, can give very sensitive information involving ZALDIVAR, CARRANCA and CABEZA DE VACA.
They explain: “…In surreptitious form, the Minister-President ARTURO ZALDIVAR, and the Minister JUAN LUIS GONZALEZ ALCANTARA BARRANCA are behind the political project of GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA. Together, others (9) ministers.”
“…It is not easy to resolve the CABEZA case, as the ministers recognize. Since, the Attorney General, ALEJANDRO GERTZ MANERO, has serious, and grave crimes against her humanity.(Organized Crime, Money Laundering and Tax Fraud.)”
“…A character who is part of the plot orchestrated in favor of CABEZA DE VACA, from the Court is ALONSO AGUILAR ZINZER. CABEZA DE VACA’s defense attorney, at the beginning. It is attributed to him that, he managed to convince ALCANTARA CARRANCA to favor them.”
“…It was so obvious the arrangements between them. Because, when CARRANCA gave the resolution in favor of CABEZA. ZINZER declared that with the resolution of the minister( GONZALEZ ALCANTARA CARRANCA), the issue of the desafuero is already -closed- case.”
“…The Minister of the Supreme Court who heard the matter is recognizing that it was the power of the local Congress to determine. Whether or not to remove him, and remove his status. They made a true gibberish.”
“…Of course, both Minister CARRANCA, and the defense attorney of the Governor of the PAN, ZINZER could not have favored CABEZA DE VACA. If not, have them, the -blessing- of the Minister-President ARTURO ZALDIVAR.”
“…The Dark Plan of ZALDIVAR-CABEZA walks successfully. Trying to prevent him from coming out the least hit. And in the end, look for the FGR to apologize whit CABEZA. Who in the offices of MARKO CORTES, they judge a viable presidential candidate of the PAN, in 2024.”
“…For months now, the main operators of CABEZA (apart from MARKO CORTES, FELIPE CALDERON, MARGARITA ZAVALA and other leading PAN members) have made believe that, CABEZA has the best profile to be the successor of the President OBRADOR.”
“…In this Power Game is inserted the Dark Plan of ZALDIVAR-CABEZA, which despite, the clarity of the concepts of the provisions that marks the federal constitution-especially article 111, CABEZA is unpunished for a year or more.”
“…How did the SCJN (its 11 Ministers) act in the case of Governor CABEZA’s cousin, who illegally imposed her as Mayor of Victoria, Tamaulipas?. All of them, ignored a constitutional controversy, and sent it to the trash.”
“…LUIS TORRE ALIYAN, trustee of Ciudad Victoria promoted in the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) constitutional controversy against the Legislative Power, and the Decrees. By which said power appointed PILAR GOMEZ substitute mayor of the City of Victoria.”
“…The SCJN completely ignored the controversy. Since, it was the cousin of Governor CABEZA DE VACA. To date, the Court never resolved it. When it became clear that the Court( its 11 ministers) debased justice, refusing to see the right of the people of Victoria.”
“…With Public Evidences, the SCJN in Mexico, proves that has a great -disregard at the life- of millions of Mexicans. Too, at the lives of thousand from American Tourists, when both visit to Tamaulipas, a violent state for decades. Including the life of the residents.”
“…The Court has repeatedly refused to prosecute the powerful clan of CABEZA DE VACA. For over a year. And it is not known: when it will. Despite warnings from the office of President JOE BIDEN, to avoid visiting Tamaulipas.”
“…Instead, it validates the Court as a high-ranking institution: the Tamaulipas legislature than, the Federal Chamber of Deputies and the FGR. As Minister ALCANTARA CARRANCA brags. Besides, he subdued to the (Ten) Ministers of The SCJN.”
“…Faced with the horror of a massacre of civilians in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, by an armed commando. Senator RICARDO MONREAL said: Tamaulipas is a Hell. And, he blamed to the SCJN for that climate of violence, for not addressing the issue of CABEZA DE VACA.”
“…Believe it or not. The SCJN did not respond to the respectful request made by President OBRADOR: by pointing out that there was clarity in its interpretation in the matter of the impeachment of Mr. CABEZA, made months ago. Today, it is time, that the Court does -not resolve- the case.”
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“…Anything target, enterprise, activity, plan, mission, or final destination, you might shield in an optimal form, on two aspects: behind you should to have many capitals”.
“…And You ought involved in an Armony spiritual, thus you can walk with absolute safe, advises The Wise Men of The World…See You Soon in ‘The UNIVERSE News, and EL UNIVERSO’.