Ciudad de Mexico.-“…If OSCAR ALMARAZ SMER wants to concretize The ‘Project’ of being Governor of Tamaulipas. First, he have to pass the test of fire, which is to become second chance to be mayor of Victoria, by the PRI.” that is discussed in the political circles from The Capital of Tamaulipas.

For its Detractors of ALMARAZ, it is a dream that will never be fulfilled. (…) They comment: “…Look, never until today ALMARAZ has been disconnected from his partner and political leader: EUGENIO HERNANDEZ FLORES, who’s in jail.”
“…Mr. ALMARAZ has the hands very dirty, being Secretary of Finance of the state government with Governor EUGENIO HERNANDEZ FLORES did what he wanted.(…) And One of the Frequent Visitors from ALMARAZ to their offices, in the government was FERNANDO CANO, who is wanted today by the DEA. For his connections with former Governor, TOMAS YARRINGTON RUVALCABA, who is detained in Florence Italy, by your links with drugs dealers, too.”
“…The ‘Linkages’ of ALMARAZ with the two former governors (YARRINGTON and EUGENIO) were of the public domain. ALMARAZ presumed the relationship with YARRINGTON, first. And then with EUGENIO HERNANDEZ FLORES. Both Political Mexican Personages that the American Justice looks for to judge in a Federal Court, in the United States of America.”
“…Both YARRINGTON and EUGENIO have in the US serious problems with American justice.In The Case of Mr. ALMARAZ, there is the presumption that he is involved in the great dirty movements of money, in the times of EUGENIO being governor. Because it does not explain otherwise since ALMARAZ was the Secretary of Finances of the Government of Mr. HERNANDEZ FLORES.”
“…In Texas and Tamaulipas, it is spoken aloud that ALMARAZ does not arrive at the end of the year. And even if he succeeds in victory for the second time, the American justice arm could catch him. Because he’s stuck to the bottom of Mr. Eugene’s illicit business. “
“…Unofficially in a source of the DEA, it is known that OSCAR ALMARAZ SMER Mayor of Victoria, Tamaulipas, its name appears in a voluminous record of the American justice. By the tricky way, He manages the dirty money that belonged his boss, The governor of Tamaulipas, EUGENIO HERNANDEZ FLORES, today in a prison in Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas. “
“… The Bet that Mr. ALMARAZ has is that the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, LUIS VIDEGARAY CASO decide not to extradite him to EUGENIO and to be tried in the territory of Mexico. This would be an escape for ALMARAZ from the ruthless justice that President DONALD TRUMP wants to carry out.”
“… Relations that still cultivates, EUGENIO HERNANDEZ FLORES, former Governor of Tamaulipas with the President ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO can stop the imminent extradition of the defendant Mr. EUGENIO towards the United States. And as a result, ALMARAZ would be safe from the Attacks of DEA. “
“…EUGENIO AND ALMARAZ are safe until the December 1, in 2018. Due to The President ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO releases your presidential position.After that date, the Mexican President would be an unemployed more. He would not have any political influence in Mexico.”
“…The Hazards of ALMARAZ are reals, and there is a harassment of American justice, for the alleged crimes that have The Mayor of Victoria. It is one of many reasons that it encourages the Mr. ALMARAZ to have immunity as Mayor.Why the DEA stomps the shadow of ALMARAZ, partner, friend, brother and faithful collaborator of the prisoner EUGENIO “.
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