*** With Eleven Words NIXON Say -Goodbye- to ‘White House’
*** The CLINTON-LEWINSKY Scandal Exploded: in Political Trial
*** TRUMP Will be Acquitted, If There is no Political Earthquake
San Antonio, TEXAS.- “… RICHARD NIXON was born on January 9, 1913. In an Orange County city in California. And He goes down in history as the only president of the United States, who resigned to the presidential office.”
“… NIXON was a senator. In the presidential election of 1952, he was on formula with the president-elect, former general DWIGHT EISENHOWER. But, in the 1960 presidential election, NIXON was defeated by the Famed Democratic Candidate JOHN F. KENNEDY.”

“…On February 7, 1973, the United States Senate voted 77-0 to approve the creation of a special committee to investigate the Watergate Case, and appointed lawmaker SAM ERVIN, a North Carolina Democratic constitutionalist.”
“… And as Chairman of the collegiate body that had the power to request the personal recordings that President NIXON kept with his collaborators in the White House, an order that the ‘Head of State’ refused to comply with.”
“…The Impact that would bring down Nixon’s political aspirations occurred on July 24, 1974. When the Supreme Court ordered the Executive Branch to make the tapes public, with the presidential talks.”
“…In One of the most incriminating conversations: NIXON is heard to promote the involvement of CIA agents to block the FBI’s investigation. When the tape became public, parliamentary support for the President was shattered.”
“…The Pinnacle of Outrageous Information against NIXON was brought by young Journalists BOB WOODWARD, and CARL BERNSTEIN of The WASHINGTON POST. Which practically pulverized the image of the White House Tenant. And He almost forced to resign from office.”
“…On August 9, 1974, in a small letter addressed Secretary of State, HENRY A. KISSINGER. The Most Powerful Political man in the world, he said goodbye to the ‘White House’ with -eleven- words: “…I hereby resign the Office of President of the United States.”
“…The CLINTON-LEWINSKY Scandal was a sex political scandal in 1998. For a sexual relationship between then-PRESIDENT US, 49-year-old BILL CLINTON and a 22-year-old White House employee, MONICA LEWINSKY.”
“…News of this extramarital affair and the resulting research, heavily promoted by the Republican Party, finally led to President Clinton’s perjury in 1998, by the U.S. Chamber of Representatives.”
“…CLINTON was exonerated from all charges of perjury and obstruction of justice in a 21-day trial by the Senate. This constitutional process, the president’s trial by the Senate after a House of Representatives office, only stood with CLINTON and the nineteenth-century president ANDREW JOHNSON, who was also exonerated.” Versions above are of Cronists of Politic History of U.S.
“…In the Political Trial against DONALD TRUMP. Despite the Democrats’ insistence on hearing new testimonies. The Republican majority overcame those demands to make this the First Impeachment of a President, in the Senate without witnesses.”
“…Even the new revelations made last Friday by former national security adviser JOHN BOLTON had no influence on Republican senators, who said they had heard enough.”
“…The Senate adopted the rules for the final stretch tonight: on Monday the trial will proceed with final arguments and on Wednesday afternoon the vote will be held on each of the two charges. With this, the president will be acquitted, if there is no unpredictable political earthquake.”
The Previous Views are from the American Press, which does not come out of amazement about the singular Political Judgment that this coming week is over. And President DONALD TRUMP is released.
While in Mexico, tens of millions of people do not understand what is wrong with the Government of OBRADOR, in the face of the monstrous impunity which enjoyed by former presidents: FOX, CALDERON, SALINAS, PEÑA NIETO and others. Those who damaged to the country, enormously.
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