*** Now, Land of “Dragon” it Moves.
*** Virus Set a Trap Versus Germany
*** “American Dream” is Shattered
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.- In The Zone of the CORONAVIRUS began their lethal actions, was Wuhan, capital of the province of Hubei, in China. From there, the COVID-19 spread itself to all the World, and continues to harm at the planet Earth.
Presidente XI JINXING began working 24 hours, for that your country save itself from the effects of the Coronavirus. Government Chinese in record time, builded several hospitals. Doctors and nurses ought to were to fight facing the Coronavirus, in Wuhan. They won to virus.
Passed the storm, China started to have their normal course, in all activities. Economic, Industrial, Commercial, Educational, and others, which today allows it theirs steps of great advances, in all fields of social development.

As An Anecdote: Remember some Chinese who The Communist Party in moments of Pandemic rallied itself each week. On normal time made it each year. Under the command of President XI, to coordinate the strategic which gives results at China. Now, Land of Dragon it moves.
Managing Almost in silence, President XI JINPING carry out a pleasant end of the solution oppositing Coronavirus. Chinese Scientists announce which for next September on 2020, they will have a vaccine against at the killing Coronavirus.
It Cross the waters of River Spree the office of ANGELA MERKEL in Berlin, Chancellor of Germany. A few days she asks the people to put, not at danger, in what obtained this country, with respect to spread of the Coronavirus. Germany has 7 723 deaths by COVID 19, as per WHO.
Virus set a trap versus Germany. It would be depressing she said, If we had which back at the restrictions who want leave backward too much, and over the top, soon. ANGELA DOROTHEA MERKEL explain to the Low Chamber of the German Parliament. (Bundestag).
Question of the Billion of Dollars. Will the Coronavirus win electoral process to the President DONALD TRUMP, next 3 in November?. Ask in U.S. Nowadays, U.S. lives a sanitary problem too severe. It has 80 695 deaths, and confirmed cases, 1 340,098.
While Dr. ANTHONY FAUCI, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy, and Infectious Diseases, said the number of deaths from the new coronavirus in the U.S. is higher than reported, he stressed, in the Senate.
Economic Paradise break down. The United States’ GDP contracted by 4.8% in the first quarter of the year as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the largest decline in the U.S. economy since the Great Recession, agreement with experts.
“American Dream” for native from the U.S. is shattered, by the Coronavirus. Do Not respect to them. Conforming with official figures there are more 36.5 millions of unemployed. A Historic worldwide record never seen. That without count closes of companies and business.
Enemy virus does not stop. U.S. President DONALD TRUMP will mobilize the Army to distribute a COVID-19 coronavirus vaccine, when it becomes available, and will focus first on older people. And he believes there will be a vaccine by the end of the year.
“Currency is in Air”. The Bets are surplus. Ones are against, and others are favorably for next day 3 of November. Day who to know the destination of President DONALD TRUMP.
In the Land of LENIN, Russian Government and your President VLADIMIR PUTIN are facing the devastating effects from Coronavirus. The Russian Federation has new Cases: 9 200. Confirmed Cases: 272 043. Deaths 2 537 reported World Health Organization.(WHO).
With The Warrior Spirit that by tradition the Russians have, they do not cross their arms. The Scientists have already announced that by next August on 2020, they will have the vaccine against the coronavirus, avoiding eradicate COVID-19.
ITALY with their Prime Minister GUISEPPE CONTE, FRANCE with President EMMANUEL MACRON, SPAIN with your President PEDRO SANCHEZ others nations with yours politicians, the people are seeing the actions in front of the lethal virus as the Coronavirus.
It is the most important question: Does the COVID-19 Put The Presidents to Test?. Yes or Not. Final Balance in ones months it, we see. How many it goes home?. And How many of them staying in their governments?. The People in the world decide it.
Do Not Forget ‘Friends’ Readers of The UNIVERSE: “… If, There is no clear signal. Yet having a strategy, and an excellent maneuver, you cannot act: zero actions, zero requests, zero conversations. It is better to reward. Never a useless movement. If You want to arrive, no trust anybody,” advise The ‘Wises’ of The World.”… See You Soon on… EL UNIVERSO.