*** Protests Explode All Over U.S. by Floyd’s Death
*** U.S. Economy to Collapse “Easily by 30 Percent
*** If There Are Deaths on States, Look For to Governors
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.-As in the U.S. is immerse on several conflicts. For example: Protests versus racism across nationwide. Over a dark economy, which sink. And to fight opposing to the coronavirus, conforming with the analysts.
Thousands of protesters gathered in different cities in the United States, to protest the death of African-American GEORGE FLOYD at the hands of the police, they want justice, reported CNN and FOX.

Hundreds of people gathered in various parts of the country, such as in front of the White House in Washington. But also in New York, Dallas, Houston, the victim’s hometown (Minneapolis), or Las Vegas, Des Moines,Memphis, and Portland between other parts, 30 Cities.
Major sectors do not understand President DONALD TRUMP’s bellicose attitude to the nationwide protests. As President stokes racial divides over Protests, threatens use of vicious dogs, ominous weapons divulged on Twitter.
The United States surpassed 101,567 deaths from the Coronavirus, becoming the first country in the world to exceed that figure, according to the independent count of Johns Hopkins University.
Number of infections are 1,695,776 (US), also the first in the world by far ahead of Brazil (465,166), Russia (405,843) or the United Kingdom (272,830). President DONALD TRUMP has a severe problem who should resolve it, say your critics.
In The United States, the unemployed number 41 million workers under COVID-19, the Labor Department reported. While the Federal Reserve led by JEROME POWELL showed “its willingness to use all available tools to support the U.S. economy in these challenging times”.
Its Worst Contraction since the -financial crisis- of 2008 suffer The United States (US) economy, according to official data from the Department of Commerce. The drop in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was caused by the Covid-19, which paralyzed the country.
COVID-19 could cause the U.S. economy to collapse “easily by 20 to 30 percent this quarter,” said Federal Reserve Chairman JEROME POWELL . Last quarter it contracted by 4.8 percent. Several Problems has U.S. as is nearly the presidential election, next 3 November.
Meanwhile, in Mexico, President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR based on a group of scientists and medical experts decided the steps to confront the COVID-19. To this day, Mexico is marching towards an exit, in the opinion of the specialists.
“…At The Present Time, in worldwide level, Chinese President XI JINXING, French President EMMANUEL MACRON, South Korean President, MOON JAE-IN, Russian President VLADIMIR PUTIN between others agree that the Coronavirus is an enormous problem of the world.”
“…In their governments, the specialists in Medicine, the scientists who know how to fight the pandemics (in this case: Coronavirus) express that the COVID-19 is a global problem. There is no other way to face it, but in a global way. That’s how big the conflict is.”
“…Germany, England, China, Russia, South Korea, France, and other countries are all seeking a vaccine versus COVID-19. The Coronavirus does not attack one country or another. It attacks everyone, to no one respects. Hence, the conflict is global.” as per the experts.
Curiously, in the Aztec country, seven Governors of the PRI-PAN decided to take the fight to their states alone, resisting the coronavirus. Ignoring the measures of President LOPEZ OBRADOR, and a team of the medical scientists.
In Jalisco, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, Michoacan, Colima, and Durango, if the COVID-19 wins the battle against the 7 Governors. You know that they don’t know the medical science of the world. And nor the experiences of countries that have control over COVID-19, say the scientists.
Make no mistake, you. If in those states of Mexico there is more contagious, and the number of deaths increases. Just look at those Mexican governors who wear the mask of wise men.
Not Forget ‘Friends’ Readers of The UNIVERSE: “… If, There is no clear signal. Yet having a strategy, and an excellent maneuver. You cannot act: zero actions, zero requests, zero conversations. It is better to reward.”
“…Never a useless movement. If You want to arrive, no trust anybody,” advise The ‘Wises’ of The World.”… See You Soon on… EL UNIVERSO.