*** Neoliberalism Was Consolidated by SALINAS
*** In 2021, PRI is a Party Center-Left For Always
*** Electricity Reform Seems Walks Safe in Mexico
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.- After the wake of the death of millions of people left in the world by COVID-19. Affecting the world economy, particularly the USA, INDIA, GERMANY, JAPAN and other countries. Only CHINA was spared, as attest to data from international organizations.
Mexico is included among the countries impacted by the deadly pandemic. The Mexican economy was torn to pieces. Unemployment grew exponentially. The Covidi-19 completely paralyzed the national productive activities, according to official information.
The Damage to the national economy was catastrophic. Mexican households felt the disastrous ravages of the pandemic, which according to the WHO, has not yet been defeated.
However, the Government of LOPEZ OBRADOR not only resisted the harmful effects of COVID-19, in the economic aspect. Rather, it was applied to take care of the entire population of contagion, it has been achieved so far, in the opinion of the Health Authorities.
President OBRADOR has very clear: which plans benefit of the people, at the judgments of his followers. For this reason, within the economy, he observes that PEMEX and CFE are companies that must be taken care of and promoted so that they contribute to national development.

A Star Initiative for changes to the Constitution is the Electricity Reform, presented by the President to Congress. Where it has serious pitfalls to overcome, because MORENA does not have a majority of legislators that can approve it. An uncertain stage that the experts see.
In The Opinion of Analysts the truth is that, with the constitutional reform initiative presented this year, Mr. LOPEZ OBRADOR has once again put on the agenda a controversial issue, a perfect target for ideological debate.
The Electricity Reform plan proposes to strengthen the state-owned Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) and thereby partially reverse the market liberalization approved, with constitutional rank, in 2013.
For its detractors, the proposal to reverse part of the energy reform approved during the six-year term of ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO will scare away private investment. In Addition to severely damage to the national economy.
Besides of the criticisms, there have been voices warning of a setback for the necessary transition towards the use of clean energy in Mexico, the second-largest economy in Latin America.
If AMLO’s plan is approved in April 2022, the CFE would take majority control of the generation of electricity consumed in the country, with at least 56 percent of the market. Currently, according to the government, the CFE generates 38 percent of electricity and the private sector 62 percent.
On repeated occasions, from the morning press conference at the National Palace in Mexico City, President OBRADOR has asked the PRI to reflect on the benefits of the Electricity Reform, which benefits the people.
An unexpected twist has just taken place, in the capital of the country, PRI leaders in a national assembly defined that their party would become a Center-Left Party. With this, they will implement the best solutions for Mexico, say.
RUBEN MOREIRA, coordinator of the Institutional Revolutionary Party in the Chamber of Deputies, assured that the PRI “gave a kick” to the neoliberalism “that was imposed on us from power”, he wrote on Twitter.
Mr. MOREIRA former governor of Coahuila added, that following the agreement reached at the 23rd PRI Assembly, the Institutional Revolutionary Party will now be center-left, and allied popular causes.
With Presidents: MIGUEL DE LA MADRID HURTADO and CARLOS SALINAS DE GORTARI, neoliberalism ‘was’ consolidated in Mexico. Mainly through the privatization of state-owned companies.
Today, The PRI’s actions in the 23rd National Assembly open the door for the Electricity Reform promoted by President LOPEZ OBRADOR to be approved in Congress by a qualified majority. Thus observe the specialists.
In Tabasco, it is known that ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR’s beginnings as a politician, started with the all-powerful PRI. Critics of the leader of the 4T in Mexico warn that Mr. OBRADOR has his DNA from the tricolor.
Forever Together PRI And AMLO?. A political situation that might be in the approbation of the Electricity Reform on federal congress, in 2022. With all it, Mexico will win, because the Mexican State will take the control of the market in the country, by the CFE, think the experts.
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