*** CALDERON Robbed the Presidency to OBRADOR
*** With FOX Increased The “Huge Corruption”
*** Using Mask, CALDERON is a ‘Sister of Charity’
San Antonio, TEXAS.- “…Since The ‘No -Pay’ of Retirement- of the former Presidents of Mexico, VICENTE FOX, and FELIPE CALDERON became them, in enemies of President LOPEZ OBRADOR and the Fourth Transformation, in Mexico. A situation that you see in the Mass Media.”
“…For Fortune from President OBRADOR, his critics FOX and CALDERON do not arrive at the people who have a deep contempt and ignore them. And it is demonstrated in the serious surveys, in which President OBRADOR has an 80 percent popular approval.”

“…The Critics of FOX and CALDERON did what the wind to JUAREZ. Nothing. OBRADOR safe walks in all National Territory”, thus think the supporters of the President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR who has a complicated target: Change at the Country (Mexico).
Both FELIPE CALDERON HINOJOSA(PAN) and VICENTE FOX QUESADA(PAN) are two presidents who took Mexico to a severe national disaster. And they have been the worst presidents, to be reminded according to international policy expert, ALFREDO JALIFE RHAME.
But, CALDERON as FOX has a too large tail. No one of them escapes the monstrous corruption, just to say something. While they lived as sheiks where everyone had to serve and surrender. CALDERON And FOX were in a “Happy World”.
It would suffice to see the Book of RAUL OLMOS and VALERIA DURAN. FOX: ‘Negocios a la Sombra Del Poder’ (Spanish Edition).The Authors of the book present it in a stark way. Like a vulgar traitor of the fatherland.A Haggler, a ‘Phony’ that now the citizens have great contempt for him.
“…Since the early years of his presidency, VICENTE FOX was at the heart of the media hurricane, and not only for his failed political reforms or his famous verbal stumbles. His name has been implicated in various investigations by influences trafficking and conflict of interests.”
“…It is shown here by RAUL OLMOS, the same bully character who promised to end the “Darks Vipers and Tepocatas “, used the executive power to secure his future. Before reaching ‘Los Pinos’(Former Official Residence), FOX faced a very adverse family economic situation.”
“…However, as documented throughout these pages, many of the actions that he carried out during his administration responded not only to governmental purposes but to a strategy to compensate his personal patrimony.”
“…After his administration, FOX continued to do business in the shadow of power, diversifying his income as an entrepreneur and becoming a luxury lobbyist who has received millions of dollars for his work as an intermediary for foreign investors.”
“…Thus, from a rigorous journalistic exercise, this book follows the opaque route of the prosperity of the former president, which has also bound in real estate, transport, agriculture, and even oil companies.”
With a vulgar thief’s behavior before the nation’s assets, FELIPE CALDERON slipped his conduct as President. Today, the people reject to whom the Presidency of the Republic robbed. The Journalist Mexican ANA LILIA PEREZ it describes the crimes that were committed in his government.
“EL CÁRTEL NEGRO”: Cómo el Crimen Organizado se ha Apoderado de PEMEX.( Spanish Edition). This Book is of the talented and courageous Mexican Journalist ANA LILIA PEREZ who go to the intricacies of drug cartels that they greatly damaged to PEMEX.
“…During the governments of VICENTE FOX QUESADA and FELIPE CALDERON HINOJOSA, the “Black Cartel” is developed, a conglomerate of officials, workers, businessmen, contractors, inspectors, comptrollers, customs brokers.”
“…Leaders and members of the Oil Union, politicians, Milkers, extortionists, fraudsters, smugglers and money launderers who, aligned with drug traffickers, consolidate as a business organization parallel to Pemex, to the degree of competing in the domestic and international market of fuels.”
“…These pages scrupulously document the actions of organized crime in the Mexican oil industry: the creation of facade companies, the simulated contracts, the milking of wells and ducts, as well as the plundering in the areas with greater armoring.”
It is one of the many aspects that led to the disaster in Mexico. For the disastrous contribution of FELIPE CALDERON as president. By the mask that CALDERON uses to appear as a sister of charity.The People of Mexico judge as ‘Unpopular Thief’ to CALDERON and to FOX too.
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