***There is More Fuel Theft is Where The PAN Governs
***How “Organized Crime” Owns PEMEX
*** “El ‘Saqueo’ de PEMEX -Desde- Los Pinos”
San Antonio, TEXAS.-“… When a Thief walks into your house. And He steals the most valuable. Then The robbery is denounced and the authority crosses its arms. Smells something pretty bad.” Something very similar happened to PEMEX, in Mexico. Thus see it some political observers.
“… Carry out an exhaustive investigation of more than six years and supported with many sources of documentary and living information, which reveals serious acts of corruption of high officials, during the administrations of the Presidents VICENTE FOX and FELIPE CALDERON, to the detriment of Pemex”. In his owns words, ANA LILIA PEREZ narrates the previous passages.

¿ Who is ANA LILIA PEREZ?. A Woman Talented and Courageous Mexican Journalist and Writer who had the audacity to fulfill her duty to inform at the people of Mexico. His Books are written in Spanish:
“…(1)’CAMISAS AZULES MANOS NEGRAS’… El Saqueo de Pemex Desde Los Pinos (2) EL CÁRTEL NEGRO… Cómo el Crimen Organizado se ha apoderado de Pemex(3) Mares de COCAÍNA…Las Rutas Náuticas del Narcotráfico (4)VERDUGOS…Asesinatos Brutales y Otras Historias Secretas de Militares(5) PEMEX RIP… ‘VIDA Y ASESINATO DE LA PRINCIPAL EMPRESA MEXICANA’.”
Before and after 2008 began the threats against ANA LILIA PEREZ of the powerful untouchables, including the Presidents of Méxco. Death threats increased, which obligated to her in 2012 be exiled in Germany. She lived in Berlin, temporarily.
“… What lives now the population of the shortage of gasoline, is the effect of what happened in Mexican oil for many years. That was looting, the looting of secret intake, I put them in quotes, because most of the looting is of the staff of PEMEX. “
“… Fuel theft is one of the looting links. But, how went we get there? We had a major oil company worldwide. And that should be reflected in the economy of the citizens. PEMEX contributed 47% of the gross domestic product. “
“…. In PEMEX there are many ways of robbery. And what you see today is the product of all the looting that started as an ant robbery to become a well-organized structure, that the moment you want to fight it, it’s like hitting a wasp’s nest. Then it’s all swarms. That’s what we’re seeing. “
Based on the investigations of ANA LILIA PEREZ, it infers that VICENTE FOX and FELIPE CALDERON are colluding in the looting of PEMEX, by omission or collusion, according to her it explains. Critics of neoliberalism also score to ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO in the midst of fuel theft.
On 12 of January 2019, the leader of Morena,YEIDCKOL POLEVNSKY, stressed at the press conference in Oaxaca, that where there is more fuel theft, is in the states where the PAN governs. Therefore, Polevnsky demanded that the PGR investigate in depth those responsible for the theft of gasoline, in the country.
“On the subject, I think there are many in the chain, you have to look, you have to see, even there are states of higher concentration, I do not know why, but many of them are states of PAN.” She said.
At The Time that the Government of President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR faces to Organized Crime for having to control in the company most important as is PEMEX.The obstacles are presented immediately, but the Federal government is determined to end the theft of gasoline.
In His Press Conferences made from the National Palace, President LOPEZ OBRADOR ensures that the shortage of petrol will end in some States of the Republic. Mr. OBRADOR thanked the support of all Mexicans who assist the fight against gasoline theft.
For The Damage done to PEMEX and at the people of Mexico by decades. There will be punishment at the culprits of the theft of fuel?. A Mystery, which could soon be cleared. If The President of LOPEZ OBRADOR takes the bull by the horns.
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