*** U.S. Election November 3 Went Unnoticed by Them
*** ‘Prediction’ of The Professor ALLAN LICHTMAN
*** President TRUMP Goes Loses on November 3.
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.- “…While the world watched with curious eyes the U.S. Presidential race. The great scholars of geopolitics never showed any interest in predicting who would be the winner, in the fight for the White House, remaining in political limbo.”
“…Neither in Europe, nor in Asia, nor in Latin America, nor anywhere else in the world, the geopolitical experts who have the airs of vanity, when they point out that they see what is going to happen in the future. They never predicted anything about who would be the next President of the US.”

“…No doubt the issue of the U.S. presidential election was a fairly complex one. With many aspects that should be taken into account. Which could mean that if they tried to see the future of the winner between JOE BIDEN and DONALD TRUMP, they would be made to look ridiculous.”
Why, The Geopoliticians no Predicted to the winner in Election November 3 past, on the U.S.?. They wonder in America. Instead, ALLAN LICHTMAN professor of HARVARD announced the defeat of DONALD TRUMP, with a scientific method of politics, months in advance.
TRUMP Goes Loses on November 3.( September 15, 2020)
*** ‘Prediction’ of The Professor ALLAN LICHTMAN
*** It is Not a Prediction Obtained From a ‘Crystal Ball’
*** BIDEN is Going to be Next President of The U.S.
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.-It is not an answer that a deity gives to a consultation, through an intermediary, and in a sacred place as would make in former Roma o former Greek. Nor is it a prediction obtained from a crystal ball, as a magician would do.
With scientific rigor, following the methodology related to political science, Professor ALLAN LICHTMAN predicts that: ‘President DONALD TRUMP will lose the Presidential reelection next November 3’.
Since August 5 past, when ‘The New York Times’ broadcast a video of ALLAN LICHTMAN explaining his solid arguments that TRUMP would be defeated. Until today, supporters of TRUMP are very nervous, and in political circles, they value the prediction of the Political Historian.
Why?. Due to which the World Press, Radio, and Television made your headlines: the theme of LICHTMAN which in 2016 predicted that TRUMP would win against HILLARY CLINTON. Today 2020 is not like that. Mr. ALLAN says it with all his lyrics that TRUMP will lose on November 3.
Professor ALLAN LICHTMAN is The Political Historian who Predicted DONALD TRUMP’S election victory four years ago. When all the polls said she would win HILLARY CLINTON. But, the Polls were a failure.
LICHTMAN assures that he has correctly predicted the winner of every U.S. Presidential Election since 1984. On The Time of RONALD REAGAN. What it has earned because many call him: ‘THE WASHINGTON ORACLE’.
So far, He Was Never Wrong. Although some critics say that in the 2000 Election, LICHTMAN predicted who GORE would the election. And GORE ended up winning the popular vote. But, the Supreme Court later ruled that the vote count favored to GEORGE W. BUSH.
However, LICHTMAN maintains the validity of his prediction of GORE’s Triumph. But no one takes away from the fact which TRUMP won all against predictions in the past Election, in 2016.
Now, Professor LICHTMAN has just made his prediction about the November Election. In a News that was published on the front page of “The New York Times”. LICHTMAN predicted who TRUMP will lose the Election. Which is around from the corner.
And who The Democrat JOE BIDEN is going to be next President of The United States in 2020. But the Most Interesting thing is that, as in all his past predictions, Mr. LICHTMAN does not listen to the Polls. He ignores them.
Famous Professor and Political Historian look at 13 Historical Factors or Trends and makes its guess as to which the candidates have the most in their favor. Currently, in The Case of The Winner is JOE BIDEN. For the misfortune of the republicans, DONALD TRUMP will lose.
In an interview on CNN, ALLAN is asked about the Defeat of TRUMP, he explains: “…Previously, I used to predict the popular vote. But, I don’t do that anymore. In 2016 I simply said that DONALD TRUMP would win. And in 2020 I simply say that DONALD TRUMP will lose.
“…And the reason why I did it before. Was that the popular vote used to be pretty much the same as the Electoral College. That’s how it was for a while. But, that’s changed. Now the Democrats can count with 6 million votes additional. But, they don’t necessarily win the electoral college.”
Regarding the keys or factors that decide the Election, LICHTMAN states that: “The keys are fundamentally based on measuring the performance of the current government. And not on the presidential campaign. The Keys measure the overall picture of the performance of the candidate seeking re-election.”
“…Because elections in the United States are basically ‘votes’ for or against the government party. The one that occupies the White House. Today they are the Republicans and DONALD TRUMP.”
“…So, with the 13 keys, I look at the big picture. And he analyzed things like the results of the most recent legislative elections, those of 2018. If there is a candidate from a third party. The state of the economy in the short and long term.”
“…The Level of Social Malaise. The Scandals. The Policy Changes. Successes and Failures in Foreign Policy, etc. And the way the keys work is if six or more are negative. I mean against the White House Party. So I can predict that you’re out of the game.”
“…On the key that plays against TRUMP, LICHTMAN says: At the end of 2019, it looked like TRUMP would win this re-election. Because he had only four keys against him. It takes 6 keys to lose the election..”
“…At that time, TRUMP had against it first: the key to the last legislative elections, which the Republicans lost in 2018. Second, it had against it the key to the scandal. TRUMP ‘was’ the only president, since BILL CLINTON to be indicted by the House of Representatives.”
“…Third, he has against the key to the lack of success in foreign policy. Its initiatives do not work in Venezuela, the Middle East, and North Korea. Four: Do not give him the key to a Charismatic Ruler. While TRUMP is a showman, it is not a RONALD REAGAN.”
“…Fifth: The key to the short-term economy: a deep recession. Sixth: The key to the long-term economy: no economic growth. And Seventh: The Key by Social Unrest: Protests across the US. And the malaise from the pandemic. So TRUMP is out of the game.”
Not Forget ‘Friends’ Readers of The UNIVERSE: “…If You get the greatest victories. You make a lot of money. Or You achieve surprising facts for everyone. Even for you. You Must remain in the stillness of silence. Nothing can be celebrated. Be careful.”
“…You Cannot sing your victories. If You do the opposite, you will live in the mirage of evil that does so much harm: The ‘Arrogance’, advises The ‘Wises’ of The World. See You Soon in… The UNIVERSE News, and EL UNIVERSO.