*** Assassination of COLOSIO, on 23 March,1994
*** To IVONNE ORTEGA Forced Her to Resign
*** It Could Cause The Party to ‘Disappear’
San Antonio,TEXAS.-When a person has a severe illness and is in the terminal stage. They ask: If it would be good apply the euthanasia, for to end with your existence?. At The PRI occur, it same. It Would be a good resort the euthanasia for the PRI?. A Dilemma that political analysts have in Mexico.
COSIO VILLEGAS says in 1947: “…Mexico is experiencing a great crisis because the goals of the Mexican Revolution have been exhausted. The process started in 1910 has lost its meaning and the Mexican political class is dedicated to achieving short-term goals without worrying about establishing a true national project.”

“…The origin is in the Period of DIAZ. After the great mess in which Mexico lived for three-quarters of the nineteenth century, Porfirio DIAZ managed to give two fundamental things to this nation: order and progress. In return, however, it established a dictatorship that prevented political participation, and ignited the inequitable distribution of wealth.”
“…The Mexican Revolution was founded on the promise that these two problems would be solved. To achieve this he overthrew the Time of DIAZ, focused on reforming the field and protecting the workers (the Mexican industrial poles of that time) and hailed nationalism, to give this society a sense of belonging and direction.”
“…All the men of the Mexican Revolution, without exception, to any, have been inferior to the demands of this One. In a mixture of ineptitude and corruption, the warlords were able to destroy the previous system, but did not build a new political-social apparatus that would end poverty and modernize Mexico in every way.”
“…Legislative power always acted as an appendix to the Executive, to the extent that being a senator or deputy was (and is) one of the most despicable elements of Mexican society.”
“…The Revolution managed to create a lot of wealth, but it was refocused in a few hands, and the poor grew in number, and government dishonesty and ineptitude allowed public insecurity to grow to the levels we now suffer.”
At the beginning of 1929, the National Revolutionary Party (PNR) was born on 1 March thanks to Plutarco Elias Calles. The then president Lazaro Cardenas created the Mexican Revolution Party, nine years later(1938). In 1946 was called PRI. All on the political line of The PRI.
The Destiny of Mexico was linked at The PRI, since 1929 until 2018 with the corrupt ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO. The Depth Analysis of DANIEL COSIO VILLEGAS, although is about 1947 almost all the national problems that mentioned are current.
During Lustrums, the PRI cultivated the worst vices against the people and distinguished militants such as LUIS DONALDO COLOSIO MURRIETA who suffered an unjustifiable assassination, on 23 March, 1994.
Today, The PRI with tricks who know him, he put in a privileged position to ALEJANDRO MORENO ‘ALITO’ as national leader. And practically to IVONNE ORTEGA, former governor of YUCATAN forced her to resign. She was the opponent from ALITO.
Through a video, Miss IVONNE explains that “…Last Sunday’s internal vote was one of the most shameful in the democratic life of the PRI and the country. If one insists on the old tricks and the dishonest practices shown during the election the PRI, from the hand of the dome has only route: extinction”.
The Ex-federal deputy regretted that: “political leaders lent themselves to this new scam” and considered that in the electoral process by the national leadership was riddled with irregularities, which have not been abandoned, which could cause the party to disappear.”
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