*** Soothsayers of -Speculative Capital- threaten to OBRADOR
*** People Reject The Construction of The New Airport of Texcoco
*** Risk Rating Agencies Were Investigated by Senate US, in 2008
San Antonio, TEXAS.- It’s still not believable. When the Government of PEÑA NIETO is about to end. People reject its main work: the construction of the new Airport of Texcoco. Which was reflected in the citizen consultation.
Soothsayers of -Speculative Capital- continue to threaten President Elect ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR and his government for the cancellation of the work of the airport of Texcoco.
The Beneficiaries of Speculative Capital make the war against the -fragile- Mexican Peso. Which against the American dollar, nothing can do, and that President PEÑA could never protect him.
Neither ERNESTO ZEDILLO PONCE DE LEÓN(PRI 1994-2000), nor VICENTE FOX QUESADA(Pan-2000-2006), nor FELIPE CALDERON HINOJOSA(PAN 2006-2012) and ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO (2012 to date), in the latter is recorded the greatest disparity of The Peso.

According to financial historical records, in the management of President PEÑA NIETO, the peso has fallen to minimum levels not seen since 1954. And the dollar has grown stronger. Devaluation of Mexican Peso in front of Dollar is 60 percent or more.
Speculative Capital Consultancies are also launched against President LOPEZ OBRADOR. Because he takes into account the popular to cancel the airport of Texcoco. LOPEZ OBRADOR’s great sin is to take into account the people.
“…The ‘Financial Markets’ became nervous because OBRADOR canceled the work of the airport of Texcoco.” It was one of the news that the fortune-tellers of speculative capital divulged. Financial Apocalypse that they announced has not been seen, in Mexico, in the opinion of the experts.
In Mexico, many people ask: In more than 30 years that the country has no economic growth. What are the real benefits for the country of the speculative capital and markets Financial?.
Another very similar question. When Mexico does not grow economically, for more than three decades. What supports have of the investors in speculative capital done at that time, so that the national economy is productive and healthy?.
An Investigation by the US Senate concluded that two major risk-rating agencies helped banks hide investment risks. Before the financial crisis in the United States erupted, in 2008.
The Permanent Research Subcommittee told that the two entities-Moody’s Corporation and Standard and Poor’s received major commissions from banks generated unreliable levels of confidence for high-risk bonds.
Some risk rating agencies facing President LOPEZ OBRADOR’s decision to cancel the work of the airport of Texcoco. Those that failed in the US, in 2008 and were investigated by the US Senate. So how can you believe in those risk rating agencies, in Mexico, in 2018?.
Corruption, Poverty and Wild Violence grew together with the management of President ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO. The country is plunged into a crisis. Where the PRI, nor the PAN are saved because its bases are of enormous corruption.
However, More than Thirty Million Mexicans who voted for ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR trusts that Mexico will come forward, according to Political Analysts.
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