*** CABEZA DE VACA Humiliated to AMLO
*** Also, He Accusted to MONREAL to be ‘Corrupt’
*** The PAN Can -Lose- in The 2021, And 2022
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.- Could You do us a favor?. Members of PAN of Tamaulipas ask me. I answer: Yes, with great pleasure. On another occasion, we looked for a colleague of yours from THE UNIVERSE News, and EL UNIVERSO, to do an interview with us, they say.
We Asked her to be totally anonymous, to avoid reprisals from FRANCISCO (PAN’s governor of Tamaulipas). And he complied, but put him in Mcallen, Texas. Today, we respectfully request that you do not put the place of interview, say members of PAN. They Explain:

“…We are looking for you, and we want to launch the alerts for the militancy of the PAN, in all of Tamaulipas. So that it no longer submits to the directives imposed by FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, that are leading the party to lose the elections of 2021, and also about 2022.”
“…Look, EGIDIO TORRE CANTU was key to GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA winning the Government. If it wasn’t for him, the PAN wouldn’t be in the government of Tamaulipas. Since we were facing people like ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO, he was the President.”
“…In the PRI, MANLIO FABIO BELTRONES was the national leader of the PRI. But, EGIDIO was against them, and their candidate BALTAZAR HINOJOSA OCHOA, who lost resoundingly.”
“…To understand this, it is only to see that EGIDIO as Governor had control of the electoral bodies and the structure of the PRI, in the state. And he tilted them in favor of CABEZA DE VACA. So the PAN arrives at the Government of Tamaulipas, in 2016.”
“…However, EGIDIO is the most corrupt of all the governors. Worse which YARRINGTON, and than EUGENIO. TORRE CANTU is not touched by the local justice that CABEZA DE VACA manages. And if instead he’s after JORGE ABREGO, who was Secretary of Finance.”
“…We Know, how was the move in which GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, became Mayor of Reynosa. President VICENTE FOX, his wife MARTA SAHAGUN, and their children spoke with Governor YARRINGTON, for what CABEZA DE VACA were the President of Reynosa.”
“…Although, FRANCISCO was a close friend of YARRINGTON. TOMAS today in disgrace for being imprisoned in the U.S. Its commercial companies and the media are the biggest suppliers of the Government of CABEZA. And They are not in economic crisis, despite the COVID-19.”
“…We still don’t understand why Governor CABEZA despised and humiliated to LOPEZ OBRADOR as MORENA’s presidential candidate. Every time he visited a municipality in the state, on his way to the National Palace.”
“…On his instructions, which he gave from the Government Palace in Ciudad Victoria, several of his collaborators, people who work in the state government, blocked the rallies with provocateurs sent by FRANCISCO, to prevent OBRADOR from becoming President of Mexico.”
“…Also, CABEZA DE VACA accused RICARDO MONREAL of corruption during the presidential campaign. Although MONREAL turned him around saying that CABEZA DE VACA has an open file in the SIEDO, which incriminates him. Now, MONREAL is the leader of the Senate.”
“…There are many examples. But, we put one current one. After the President invited all the governors to join INSABI. One of the first to refuse was GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA. And the People of Tamaulipas are left without the federal health system. While The COVID-19 still damaged.”
“…The Governor failed in his goal of caring for the people in the face of the Coronavirus. GLORIA MOLINA GAMBOA, Secretary of Health, confirms that the official number of confirmed cases is rising, and deaths are increasing.”
“…For four (4) years, CABEZA DE VACA in his government has been handling the people with deceit and lies. This will have repercussions in the elections of 2021 and 2022, which will have Tamaulipas. Where the PAN would have the real possibility of being ignored by the voters.”
“…Insufficient employment, lack of large scale works, null welfare states, apart from a government that charges well for officials, but has no social results in favor of the people who voted by the PAN. It’s a government of elites.”
“…It Goes without saying, that organized crime is out of control in Tamaulipas, thanks to the inactions of CABEZA DE VACA to keep the state calm and safe, in which public spaces are dominated by criminals.”
“…A Serious mistake, and an unforgivable fault is the humiliated committed against President LOPEZ OBRADOR while he was a presidential candidate. But also his insistence on being in open opposition, and conflict with the nation’s president.”
“…If GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA wants to fight with the President, with the leader of the Senate MONREAL or whoever, he will do it. But not from the Government.”
“…Since being unforgivable mistakes, that drag down the people who are not taken into account to make that decision. And the most serious one that drags the PAN down, equally. On that road, the PAN is going defeat on 2021, too in 2024. For the PAN, Mr. CABEZA is an enormous nightmare.”
Not Forget ‘Friends’ Readers of The UNIVERSE: “… If, There is no clear signal. Yet having a strategy, and an excellent maneuver. You cannot act: zero actions, zero requests, zero conversations. It is better to reward.”
“…Never a useless movement. If You want to arrive, no trust anybody,” advise The ‘Wises’ of The World.”… See You Soon on… The UNIVERSE News, and EL UNIVERSO.