*** “Dreams” Are Part of The ‘Allegories’ of The Mind
Saint Paul, MINNESOTA.- “… Life is Extremely Wonderful. When you know how to live it, in good. Walking with obvious blindness and on top of you, an unusual deception-transits- stumble it and in the end you fail. You die, fatally,” according to the Wise Men of Asia.
“… The ‘Dreams’ that for centuries – they hold the minds – of millions of people, is an intellectual artifice, which the mercenaries of knowledge – haggle in the face of – the truth of humanity.”
“… They are still committed today to putting on a veil of ignorance to ‘overshadow’ universal knowledge. And the wisdom to which people are entitled,” judges those who for many years studies the Fickle Conduct of Men.
“…If Well, dreams are part of the allegories of the Mind of Men. Never to date, they determine the work of humanity. And minus the future. It is the facts, it is the concrete actions that enforce any human behavior.” They consider, those who value human work, through time.
The ‘Old Wise’ Lamas of Tibet teach their students in the Himalayan mountains, which: “. Dreams disappear and die. With a simple inhalation and deep exhalation, which done any human being.They go: Dreams are the Great Intellectual Mirage.”
Tibetan Wisdom is extremely sobering. Absolutely, arguing that: Dreams are behind Reality. It is the logic of universal life.”
For such reasons and others, EL UNIVERSO, and The UNIVERSE News want any objective, goal or plan to materialize abundantly by 2020. So that you, your families, and those around you may benefit from health, joy, happiness, and great prosperity throughout the year that began.