*** “War of Words” With The Vaccine of PUTIN
*** Mexico And Argentina Will Have The COVID-19 Vaccine
*** ABBOTT Honors The Memory of The Victims
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.- Although it falls in the field of geopolitics, the creation of the vaccine against COVID-19, according to the experts. Russia, China, the U.S., Germany, the U.K., and other countries are aiming for global leadership, at public health.
Russia has already taken a step forward with the registration of its vaccine, SPUTNIK V, to address the national problem. Along with the international one. Opening the doors to wipe out the multi-million dollar profits of transnational pharmaceutical companies.

Conforming with Russian President VLADIMIR PUTIN, the vaccine passed all the necessary tests, and proved its ability to develop a stable immune response. The free COVID-19 vaccination campaign begins in Russia in October, the Health Ministry reported.
Immediately, after the announcement of President VLADIMIR PUTIN on the vaccine called Sputnik V. Appears, the War of disqualifications, and words opposed to the Russian vaccine. A World of criticism was reported in the Western press.
Mexico is on the list of candidates to collaborate on the advanced phase of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine. But in addition, Mexican scientists are already collaborating on five vaccine projects in the United States, China, France and other countries.
The Mexican government has asked the Russian authorities for clinical information on the Sputnik V vaccine opposing COVID-19, developed by the Gamaleya research center, and the Russian Direct Investment Fund, said Mexico’s Foreign Minister MARCELO EBRARD.
“…About the vaccine and treatments in the Russian Federation, we are in communication with them Russian government officials, of course, they have been very open. What we are requesting is the clinical information that should be evaluated by the Ministry of Health of Mexico.”
“…In order to determine the usefulness of this vaccine for Mexico in the short term,” the head of Mexican diplomacy said at a press conference. However, the Mexican federal health authorities must make the clinical assessment of the Russian vaccine in order to make a decision.”
“…We neither disqualify, nor take another position, that is simply the position, we have adopted,” the foreign minister said, noting that the Russian government has expressed willingness to provide the information.”
While The Agreement reached between Mexico and Argentina, the Slim Foundation and the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca will guarantee regional access to the COVID-19 vaccine.
President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR stressed that with this scheme the production process is shortened, deadlines are reduced, guaranteeing quality, so that results will be available in November, and production could begin in the first quarter of 2021.
KAMALA HARRIS is taking a stand against Trump’s “failed government” in her first joint speech with JOE BIDEN. She criticized the Trump Administration for mismanaging the pandemic, which totals more than five million infections in the country, and nearly 169,000 deaths.
“…The President’s mismanagement of the pandemic has plunged us into the worst economic crisis, since the Great Depression,” HARRIS said. Senator KAMALA intends to become Vice President of the U.S. in next November 3.
In The Paso, Texas, to honor the memory of the victims who died in the bombing by a white supremacist at the Walmart facility at Cielo Vista Mall, last year. Governor GREG ABBOT deposited a flower arrangement at the monument built by the retail company.
Accompanied by Mayor Dee Margo and County Judge Ricardo Samaniego, the state governor left a rosary, and 23 yellow roses on the memorial plaque, located next to the La Gran Candela monument, on which the names of the deceased are inscribed.
Prior to this, ABBOTT offered a prayer in honor of the victims, and after kissing the rosary he placed it next to the bouquet of flowers. In the bombing by a white supremacist died many Mexicans.
“This sad event that mourned an entire community should never be forgotten, and we must ensure that it never happens again,” he said after expressing his solidarity with the pain suffered by the families and the community.
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