*** Racism Suffers a Heavy Blow in The U.S.
*** In American Cities took to The Streets to Celebrate
*** In Washington, Capitol Attack Case Moves Forward
*** Many in U.S. Expect Legal Consequences For TRUMP
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.- AUDREY SMEDLEY, Professor of Anthropology, Virginia Commonwealth University. Author of Race in North America: Origin and Evolution of a Worldview. About the racism talk her.
“…Racism, also called racialism, the belief that humans may be divided into separate and exclusive biological entities called “races”; that there is a causal link between inherited physical traits and traits of personality, intellect, morality, and other cultural and behavioral features; and that some races are innately superior to others.”
“…The term is also applied to political, economic, or legal institutions and systems that engage in or perpetuate discrimination on the basis of race or otherwise reinforce racial inequalities in wealth and income, education, health care, civil rights, and other areas.”
“…Such institutional, structural, or systemic racism became a particular focus of scholarly investigation in the 1980s with the emergence of critical race theory, an offshoot of the critical legal studies movement.”

“… Since the late 20th century, the notion of biological race has been recognized as a cultural invention, entirely without scientific basis.” Today a ‘New Air’ of Justice is clearly breathed, in U.S. After imposing the law in a clear case of racism, which was intended to go unpunished.
DEREK CHAUVIN, a former Minneapolis police officer, was sentenced to 22 and a half years in prison. For the murder of the African-American GEORGE FLOYD, who suffered a deadly police abuse, which led him to lose his life.
A Wave of ‘Discontent’ at national level shocked the country. The U.S. was plunged into endless protests in several American cities, when they learned about the FLOYD case.
With slogans, banners and prayers, hundreds of people, mostly African-Americans, took to the streets of Minneapolis and other cities across the country to celebrate with great jubilation the verdict: against an untouchable White Policeman.
FLOYD family attorney BEN CRUMP called the decision “historic.” He said it brings the victim’s family and the United States “a step closer to reconciliation.
“The sentence is not based on emotion or sympathy,” said Judge PETER A. CAHILL in handing down the sentence in Hennepin County District Court. He added, that his decision is not supported “by public opinion,” but by the law and the facts of the case.
The Defendant was convicted on three counts of manslaughter, which occurred on May 25, 2020. CAHILL considered several aggravating factors, including that CHAUVIN “abused his position of trust and authority” and acted “with great cruelty” in choking FLOYD.
The Defendant addressed the victim’s family prior to the reading of his sentence: “I want to offer my condolences to the Floyd family. There will be some other information in the future that will be of interest, and I hope you get some peace of mind.”
“…I Don’t know all the circumstances that were considered, but I think, under the rules, it seems to be appropriate,” President JOSEPH R. BIDEN opined upon learning of the FLOYD Case ruling.
Former President DONALD TRUMP reappears, who the White House in 4 years fed a discourse of hate and racism in the US. He was in OHIO and alleged the same lie: that he was cheated in the election. And leave aside the attack on the capitol. There are developments in the case.
At a hearing in federal court in Washington City, Judge ROYCE LAMBERTH said the insurrection was a “disgrace” and strongly rebuked the “absolute nonsense” coming from some Republican lawmakers and other right-wing figures who are deflecting what happened.
“I don’t know what planet they were on,” LAMBERTH, said referring to Republican lawmakers, without mentioning any names. The recent release of videos of the attack “will prove that the attempt by some members of Congress to rewrite history by saying it was tourists walking around the Capitol is complete nonsense.”
The Judge called what happened on Jan. 6 “a serious crime” and an “embarrassment” to the country. He praised the media for its coverage of the assault and noted that “much of the citizenry remains outraged by what happened.” Many in U.S. expect legal consequences for TRUMP.
Not Forget ‘Friends’ Readers of The UNIVERSE: “… Winner’s Habits put aside any adversity, at all times in life.”
“…You don’t fight, you don’t combat. However, victory is achieved very easily. When the sky is on your side, ” advises The ‘Wises’ in The World. …See You Soon in ‘The UNIVERSE News, and EL UNIVERSO’.