*** FOX, And CALDERON Have The Open Door’ For Entering
*** PUTIN And TRUMP : ‘The Violence is The Solution’
San Antonio, TEXAS.- “…In Front of at the possible ‘chaos’ that given in the conquered lands. The Great Generals of Rome saw the need to put order: They created the Roman Law. A contribution to the world. Specially for West.”
“…Julius Caesar, Hadrian, Augustus, Tiberius,Constantius, Marcus Aurelius, and others were Roman Rulers.Those who sought for their people, that they should have full justice. So also, in the conquered peoples by Military Romans.”

“…Justice was a supreme value for Rome, in the time of the emperors. Today, Italy (ROME) enjoys a Justice that was in the hands of organized crime. Which was taken away by children and women who defeated the Italian mafias. Justice is on the side of the common good.” In the opinion of Worldwide Historians.
“…In Contrast, in Mexico,The Justice from the time of the colony to the present day continues to be a desire of the Mexican people. To the misfortune of millions of people, justice is sold to the highest bidder.”
“…Based on the judgments of the sociologists, the immense impunity that is turned into a great monster that damages all the society. It is mainly due to the fact that the justice in Mexico is a great mirage, where any delinquent strolls through the streets, without being disturbed .”
“…Recent examples say it all: The So-Called: “Culiacanazo”. And The Deaths of three women and six children in the ‘Lebaron’ case. And they speak for themselves.There justice is lost, it is a ghost. While criminals work non-stop, with their atrocity.”
“…The News Stirred to VICENTE FOX and FELIPE CALDERON( Former Presidents of Mexico). GENARO GARCIA LUNA, former Secretary of Public Security with former President FELIPE CALDERON, was arrested in Grapevine, Texas, in the United States, on charges of corruption.”
“…Also, GENARO GARCIA LUNA was head of the Federal Investigation Agency in the administration of Vicente Fox (2000-2006). As a prize to contribute electorally with FOX and the PAN , to win the Presidency of the Republic, in Mexico.”
“…According to the indictment of the Federal Court in Brooklyn in New York, GENARO GARCIA LUNA, 51 years old , has three counts of conspiracy to traffic cocaine and one count of false statements.”
“…The US government is seeking his transfer to the East District of New York to face these charges. The Court details that in exchange for multimillion-dollar bribes, GARCIA LUNA allowed the Sinaloa Cartel to operate with impunity in Mexico.”
“…Great Speculation: FOX left Mexico, out of fear, that American justice or Mexican could arrest him, for the GARCIA LUNA Case.The Denunciations against GARCIA LUNA are serious, like those of drug trafficking. This implies to FOX, who has a love for marijuana.”
“…With the ‘Demagoguery’ that showed FELIPE CALDERON as President. The Same As always used, Mr. CALDERON looks for persuading to the Mexican People which do not know to GENARO GARCIA LUNA. Neither what he did. When the GARCIA LUNA case goes up in tone.”
The Previous Analysis is from experts who know the Subject. Those who see bad omens for former Presidents of Mexico: FELIPE CALDERON HINOJOSA, and VICENTE FOX QUESADA.
The Discussion continues in Mexico: To End organized crime, the key are hugs?. And Because justice of Mexico has to wait for someone who will first get America’s justice to catch him and judge him?.
In President VLADIMIR PUTIN’s Opinion only violence can solve the war of organized crime (terrorists), and is the only way to protect the Russian State. In the same sense opined, President of US TRUMP on Twitter: ‘He and his government can clean up the drug cartels, on Mexico, which he describes as terrorists.’
On Mexico, justice walks as the Turtle Pass. How Many go to Jail, in Mexico?… FOX, CALDERON, PEÑA NIETO, LOZOYA, and others have the open door for entering. But the office of GERTZ MANERO is immobile in the face of The Abuses of the Powerfuls.
But… You’d better tell us your opinion…. For us, it’s the only one that’s worth and not another. Please…. ¡ Attention! “Appreciable Readers” of EL UNIVERSO and The UNIVERSE News Can Send All The Comments And Criticisms to theuniversenews@gmail.com And Are Welcome.