*** With SALINAS And PEÑA NIETO Smells a Lot to Bad Odor
*** 10 Governors Were To Trial, For Several “Crimes”
*** Tamaulipas Contributes its Fee: GEÑO And YARRINGTON
San Antonio, TEXAS.-“… Like a ‘Poisonous Snake’ that destroy anything in its road. And there is nothing which to oppose it to her. Thus, The Corruption damaged all the Mexican State, since from 1929 to 2018. When the PRI rules in the country, for the misfortune of millions of Mexicans.”
“… An Economic crisis, where the capital of the narco abounded, the earthquake of 1985 and the “fall of the system ” in the elections of 1988 were the events, that marked at the Government of MIGUEL DE LA MADRID HURTADO, and an indivisible factor that was the official corruption.”

“… CARLOS SALINAS DE GORTARI started his government with electoral fraud in 1988. He promised to bring Mexico to the first world. But he provoked the worst economic crisis. He presumed social peace and the Zapatista Army of National Liberation appeared.”
“… It was 1994, year of -blood- by The Assassinations of LUIS DONALDO COLOSIO, JOSE FRANCISCO RUIZ MASSIEU, and The Cardinal JUAN JESUS POSADAS, although the latter occurred in 1993. The Tragedy of Salinas: To be the favorite villain of Mexico. There Corruption had roots.”
“…FOBAPROA, a millionaire debt still paid by the Mexicans, that originator was ERNESTO ZEDILLO PONCE DE LEON and gave the bank to foreigners. The massacre of 45 Indians in Acteal, Chiapas, on December 22, 1997, was the result of the official policy followed to punish the indigenous people that ZEDILLO urged. And in the management of ZEDILLO stinks of a lot of corruption invading the Federal Government.”
“… The Most Pathetic Case is of ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO, who has just left the national disaster, that caused him. Frivolity and stridency were always habits that enveloped President ENRIQUE PENA NIETO and his family during his government.”
“…Fact that impact to the world was the disappearance of the 43 students of the Normal Ayotzinapa, in the state of Guerrero. PEÑA only dissimulated. Before the seriousness of the crime, which currently the world does not leave its astonishment.”
“… It could not be missed, the theft of gasoline, whose purpose was to destroy the national oil industry. The entire nation lives stunned, for so many social damages that PEÑA NIETO committed. And the arm of justice does not reach it.”
Previous concepts that are aired in various public forums in Mexico, by sociologists, economists, observers, and national political analysts. Those who do not fail to see the serious problems faced by the Mexican people, because of the ineptness and egocentricity of their rulers.
Of 32 governors are 10 prisoners, under judicial proceedings or fugitives. These are some of the former governor of Quintana Roo, Roberto Borge Angulo, former-governor of Veracruz, Javier Duarte de Ochoa, former Governor of Tamaulipas, Tomas Yarrington Ruvalcaba.
Interim governor of Michoacan, Jesus Reyna Garcia, Governor of Tabasco, Andres Granier Melo, Flavino Rios, interim governor of Veracruz, among others. Nipping corruption in the high political spheres of Mexico.
Tamaulipas also puts his quota: with former governors such as TOMAS YARRINGTON RUVALCABA and EUGENIO HERNANDEZ FLORES. A prisoner in the US and the other with an order of extradition towards the US. By their links to organized crime.
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