*** The 21st Anniversary of EL UNIVERSO
San Antonio, Texas.-An ISSUE… Social alarm causes what is expressed before the State Congress of Tamaulipas, by the first political authority of the State. Due to Mexico is a neighbor very close to the US. It’s simply amazing.

But with that, it gives reason to the alerts that the American government promotes for its citizens so that they do not visit Mexico. Of course, neither Tamaulipas.
When you are listening words that pronounce the Governor of Tamaulipas, FRANCISCO JAVIER GARCÍA HEAD OF COW, about the state and your social conflicts, in the First Inform of Government on September 29, 2017.
Mr. HEAD of COW said:
“… In Tamaulipas, violence prevails. A silent violence. Thus, it demonstrated by the indicators of the Executive Secretariat of the National Public security system.” “… Tamaulipas occupies the first places in indicators of insecurity. First place in kidnappings nationwide. First in fuel theft, unfortunately, it also occupies the dishonorable first place in the consignment of minors. Thus is. Girls and boys between the ages of 12 and 17, for crimes involving the carrying of firearms.”
“… Exclusive to the army. Exclusive as grenades and crimes against health. An indicator that demonstrates that little has been done to restore the social fabric. The first places in extortion. As colloquially it is known: As a collection of the floor.”
“… In the last five years, Tamaulipas also occupies the first places in vehicle theft. 51000 vehicles. And more than 35 percent of these have been with violence.”
“… With the figures, I have presented there is no doubt that in Tamaulipas the crimes and all the indicators are on the rise.”
The Question that walks in everyone’s mouth.
What does the Governor of Tamaulipas do, FRANCISCO JAVIER GARCIA HEAD OF COW to change the reality of violence, stopping it and taking it from the roots?. After that HEAD OF COW already completed one year of Government, in Tamaulipas.
In Mexico City, CESAR CAMACHO QUIROZ, former governor of the State of Mexico and current leader of the PRI in the Chamber of Deputies ensures that none governor of the country has been able with the issue of public security. Including the governor of Tamaulipas, FRANCISCO GARCIA HEAD of COW.
Because in Tamaulipas, they are clamoring all days for the presence of the Federal Armed Forces to address the conflict…Not comments again, But…Complicated has the political situation The Mayor of Victoria, OSCAR ALMARAZ SMER for the arrest of his partner and friend EUGENIO HERNANDEZ FLORES, that DONALD TRUMP’s government has him in the sights to extradite him to the United States.
While the image and popular acceptance of President ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO, all over the country is shattered more and more.
See you at the next in…. Politics Tips.