*** Yet, no There is a Vaccine Against The COVID-19
*** The Coronavirus is a “Constant Threat”, And Huge Danger
*** Myopia of The Scientists Cannot See Beyond Their Noses
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.-In Plenary XXI Century, yet is unacceptable that a pandemic as the ‘Coronavirus’ stop almost the totally human activity, in the world, by long time. COVID-19 has kidnapped at the world. Without until date, can nobody delete it absolutely.copy to clipboard
It is walking -blindfolded- the Medical Science to oppositing at COVID-19. While Globally, as of 7:07pm CEST, 24 May 2020, there have been 5,206,614 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 337,736 deaths, reported to WHO.(WHO).

The Road of life is quite difficult, and hard. A Great Debt has the Medical Science in front of The Humanity. Almost half million of lives around the world of people are dead. It seems like a small thing to the Medical Experts.
Speculation to continue. The Myopia of the Worldwide Medical Scientists does not allow them, to see beyond their noses. What brought an enormous confusion for facing the effects of the lethal virus as is the coronavirus, conforming with the critics of WHO.
Hundreds of thousands of lives are in mortal danger, by the Coronavirus in the world. Fear and Anguish take hold of all humanity, when they learn that there is no vaccine to eradicate COVID-19.
In Hospitals of the World go falling the lives of humans. They could not to win at the monster of the Coronavirus. Still, that had all the modern equipments for exit of mortal disease. That is the news which spread en TV, Radio And Press at worldwide.
The World Health Organization announced that it believes the “primary source” of the Coronavirus outbreak is of animal origin, and Wuhan authorities indicated that the center of the epidemic was a fish market. China confirmed that the virus is spreading from human to human.
Fears that the virus would spread rapidly over the Lunar New Year’s holiday were raised. It was predicted to lead to millions of movements, and prompted countries in Asia and other regions to institute body temperature controls.
At Airports, railway stations and roads in the hope of containing the epidemic believed to have originated in Wuhan, Central China. The WHO at a meeting decided that the outbreak constitutes an “international public health emergency.
Common symptoms are infections that often occur with fever and respiratory illnesses (cough and shortness of breath). In the most severe cases, they can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and even death.
Usual recommendations for not spreading the infection are good hand and respiratory hygiene (covering the mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing). Avoid close contact with anyone who has signs of a respiratory condition, such as coughing or sneezing.
“…Ghost of Anxiety harasses in all homes in the world, due to upcoming infection of the Coronavirus. The Relatives in your homes see as the COVID-19 is a constant threat, and huge danger.”
“…It Vacuum of the schools is revealed in your walls. No, there are screams of children and teenagers. The Teachers are distant from the desk, and blackboard. All caused by the lethal coronavirus. Today, some nations reopening the schools.”
“…Commerces and Industries are damaged by The COVID 19. Relationships between employers, and patterns are difficult, because stopped the activities on the all jobs, in the world. Now they give first steps to reopen commerces and industries.”
“…A Public Activity of the Governments almost is closed. It stopped. The Rules for Leading the Governments changes. Health measures are hosted by Presidents, Prime Ministers and Politicians. Why?. The Coronavirus is moving. Here, and Now Governments have gone ahead.”
“…It is severe indeed. In Between Life And Death is the humanity by cause of The “Coronavirus. While The WHO reports how many deaths occurred at worldwide level. An Acute Contrast which no benefit at the people on planet Earth”, divulge the Journalistic worldwide Chronicles.
Not Forget ‘Friends’ Readers of The UNIVERSE: “… If, There is no clear signal. Yet having a strategy, and an excellent maneuver. You cannot act: zero actions, zero requests, zero conversations. It is better to reward.”
“…Never a useless movement. If You want to arrive, no trust anybody,” advise The ‘Wises’ of The World.”… See You Soon on… EL UNIVERSO.