*** I do Not Know About The Case of CABEZA: ZALDIVAR
*** In The Office of ZALDIVAR Raises The Suspicions of Corruption
*** SCJN Despises American Life, Protected by JOE BIDEN
*** A Hell is Tamaulipas, For Residents to Live in
By DANTE GONZALEZ / Special to The UNIVERSE News / EL UNIVERSO. First Part.
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.- During the Moral Renovation, in 1982, which MIGUEL DE LA MADRID HURTADO -pompously- called his six-year plan. The worst looting of the national coffers took place. People demanded justice against powerful criminals. There was never any.
With DE LA MADRID, as President, which was in the hands of CARLOS SALINAS DE GORTARI, who was the Secretary of Programming and Budget. An unsatisfied line was Justice. A longing, still of the Mexican people, today at 2022, remains unfulfilled.
In the Government of CARLOS SALINAS(1988) was one of the worst time who the Mexican nation was affected by the drug cartels. The Economy is controlled by the boss of the Mafia. Justice was an issue that only helps to criminals.
ERNESTO ZEDILLO, and VICENTE FOX(1994/ 2000), one from the PRI, and the PAN, continued with it same. Justice makes it a permanent myth. The population saw how the powerful criminals walked through the streets of Mexico, without any authority bothering them.
FELIPE CALDERON (PAN- 2006) and ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO (PRI- 2012) could not miss, to the great ‘farce’ that they made of justice. Where the great culprits, the white-collar criminals were untouchable. The PRI and PAN governments protected them.
Thus, the former presidents of Mexico were involved in a dance of millions of dollars. So that justice was sold to the highest bidder. Mexico lived and still suffers from corrupt justice. Today in 2022.
Within the essence of corrupt justice, for more than 36 years, the SCJN sailed in that world of darkness, and evil, which today has trapped Mexican society. While, the white-collar criminals enjoy their incalculable riches.

Just the above judgments are exposed by sociologists, political scientists, jurists, political philosophers, and other scholars of the Mexican reality, who see the disastrous role that embodies the SCJN, being -accomplice of the criminals- white collar.
The UNIVERSE News and EL UNIVERSO had the opportunity to interview in Mexico City an expert in constitutional law, and litigation lawyer, on the role of Justice in Mexico, at the time of the 4T. Requesting that, he remains in the anonymity.
The UNIVERSE News and EL UNIVERSO ask: In your opinion, from your experience in the field of litigation, how do you observe the emblematic case of Governor FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA (PAN), who continues to evade justice in Mexico?. The Expert says:
“…In the SCJN raise-too many suspicions-of corruption of the procedural proceedings in the case of GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA. Both the ministers JUAN LUIS GONZALEZ ALCANTARA CARRANCA, and the minister President ARTURO ZALDIVAR, that after a year, is not resolved.”
“…Along with them, the rest of the Ministers of the SCJN that with their silence, and their no actions: the situation of the untouchable Governor of Tamaulipas, GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, continue free as the wind. When it weighs on him, serious crimes.”
“…What makes Tamaulipas and out of state think that at the Court will be completely exonerated. By the influence of two former Presidents VICENTE FOX, and FELIPE CALDERON who exert pressure on the ministers. In order to save his skin of CABEZA.”
“…This is not a minor matter. CABEZA DE VACA as governor of Tamaulipas is accused of tax fraud, organized crime, and money laundering. An arrest warrant has been in place for some time. But the SCJN has prevented it from being exercised.”
“…It was the gibberish that Minister JUAN LUIS GONZALEZ ALCANTARA CARRANCA, who more than a year ago validated a constitutional controversy made by the Congress of Tamaulipas. In which only, the local institution is valid, and not the Chamber of Deputies.”
“…It does not have eyes to see, the SCJN. Nor ears to hear what is happening in the case of CABEZA DE VACA. At a time, when the violence generated by the organized crime, remains its activity criminal on Tamaulipas.”
“…In a press conference of the SCJN (April 20, 2022) reporter CARLOS MANUEL JUAREZ questioned Minister ARTURO ZALDIVAR if they are going to solve the case of CABEZA DE VACA, which the population of Tamaulipas has been waiting for more from a year?.”
“..I do not know, it is the responsibility of the instructing minister (JUAN LUIS GONZALEZ ALCANTARA). I have no idea how the matter is going. I am very respectful of the ministers. And I don’t ask them how their affairs are going,” said Minister-President ARTURO ZALDIVAR.”
“…Incredible response from Minister ARTURO ZALDIVAR. Which still has all of Mexico puzzled. When the world knows that the violence in Tamaulipas does not stop. And the government of JOE BIDEN does not cease its alerts to its citizens, who avoid visiting Tamaulipas, for the violence.”
“…You don’t need to be a law expert. The indications are public, and evident -to see that the SCJN presided over by ARTURO ZALDIVAR will give closure to the issue of CABEZA DE VACA. In doing so, despise the people of Tamaulipas, desirous of punishing the alleged offender.”
“…In the Judicial History of the SCJN is recorded: the use of legal subterfuges that executed the minister JUAN LUIS GONZALEZ ALCANTARA CARRANCA to help his partner, and friend GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA”.
“…If There is -no clear- signal. Yet, having a strategy, and an excellent maneuver. You cannot act: Zero actions. Zero requests. Zero conversations.”
“…It is better to reward. Never a useless movement. If you want to arrive. No trust anybody, advises The Wise Men of The World”…See You Soon in The UNIVERSE News, and EL UNIVERSO.