*** Angry Claims Made by The People to The Opposition
*** PAN, PRI, PRD, MC Not Know Where to Hide
***Only a Traitor Surrenders His Country to Foreigners
*** MARIANA And Others Deputies Sued to AMLO
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.- In The Political Things are color of ant, on the Mexican country. When came the approbation of Electricity Reform to the Chamber of Deputies, began the war parties. Under two visions: Nationalists against Pro-Business.
Historically, Mexico had two stellar moments as a nation. One of them: During the Presidency of LAZARO CARDENAS who made the expropriation of Petroleum, in 1938. Other: President ADOLFO LOPEZ MATEOS who nationalized the electricity industry in 1960.
For analysts, the above significant governmental actions are key. In order for Mexico as a country to be placed on the path of progress and sustained economic, and political development, so as to achieve the best welfare of the people.

Currently, other event more important is the nationalized of the Litio. Act boosts by The President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR. It is consummated on 21 April 2022, with the publication of the new Mining Law in the Official Gazette, say the analysts.
Previously, there was a confrontation between opposition deputies (PAN, PRI, PRD, MC) against MORENA, Green Environmentalist (PVE) and the Labor Party (PT) to approve the Electricity Reform promoted by President OBRADOR, on 17 April 2022.
On the stage of the Chamber of Deputies in Mexico City, the electricity reform was rejected by the opposition by 223 votes. But the PAN, PRI, PRD and MC deputies, stand before the nation as vulgar traitors, as the journalistic chronicles narrate.
Essentially, the reform sought to make Mexicans pay low electricity rates. And that the CFE, as a government-owned company, would be strengthened. Which did not happen. Instead, the opposition legislators disdained the people of Mexico. That makes them traitors.
What did they do?. They are attacking to the Tiger, metaphorically called thus, to the people of Mexico. The Tiger roars quite loud in the nation.
PAN, PRI, PRD, PRD, MC deputies have received all kinds of complaints from the people, the voters, on the national territory. We do not see how and when they will be able to remove this stigma forever. Of being traitors to Mexico. They not ‘know’: where to hide.
To such an extent that, MARIANA GOMEZ DEL CAMPO, deputy of the National Action Party, sued President LOPEZ OBRADOR, and Morena calling: traitor to his country, before the U.N. She published on her social networks.
A Prediction of President LOPEZ MATEOS, in 1960, says: “…Do not trust yourselves because in future years some bad Mexicans identified with the worst causes of the country, will try by subtle means to deliver again the oil, and our resources to foreign investors. Only a traitor surrenders his country to foreigners.”
On September 27, 1960, The President ADOLFO LOPEZ MATEOS wrote a letter during the act of nationalization of the electric industry, which read:
“…I give you back the electric energy, which is the exclusive property of the Nation, but do not be confident because in future years some bad Mexicans identified with the worst causes of the country will try by subtle means to deliver again the oil and our resources to foreign investors.”
“…Not one step back, was the slogan of Lazaro Cardenas del Rio, when he nationalized our oil. Today, fortunately, it was the turn of electric energy. People of Mexico, I dispense you from all obedience to your future rulers who intend to hand over our energy resources to interests foreign to the Nation that we form.”
“…One obvious thing is that Mexico requires several years of technological evolution and administrative efficiency to achieve our energy independence; it would be foolish to affirm that Mexico does not require technological training, in electrical and oil matters.”
“…But for this, no foreigner needs to become a shareholder of the public companies to support us. Only a traitor hands over his country to foreigners. We Mexicans can do everything better than any other country.”
“…When a foreign ruler asks me if there is any possibility of entering the energy or electricity business. I reply that we are just becoming independent of the foreign invasions that emptied our country.”
“…But in the meantime, Mexicans do want to invest in American oil or in its electric energy production, in case they want a foreign partner. In Mexico, the Constitution is very clear: energy resources and oil fields are the sole and exclusive property of the Mexican people in perpetuity.”
“…All other speculations in this regard are treason. Industrializing the country does not imply a public auction of our natural resources, nor the indiscriminate surrender of the country’s patrimony”.
Themselves: PAN,PRI,PRD, and MC, no one put them there. As Traitors of Mexico, in the vote on the Electricity Reform, which they rejected.When the next 5 June, 6 State of Governments are in dispute. (Aguascalientes, Durango, Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo, and Tamaulipas).
In 2023, elections in Coahuila and State of México will be held. For 2024, will be the presidential succession of ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR. While to the PAN, PRI, PRD and MC, the voters qualify as traitors to Mexico, traitors to the homeland.
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“…And You ought involved in an Armony spiritual, thus you can walk with absolute safe, advises The Wise Men of The World…See You Soon in ‘The UNIVERSE News, and EL UNIVERSO’.