*** Parallelism of RIGO And CEPEDA SALAS
*** After October 1st, The Call For Change, in The SNTE
*** GOMEZ, in The Play of The CABEZA DE VACA
*** With EL TRUCO, 60 Thousands Teachers Support it
By William MORGAN / Gerardo ‘JERRY’ ESTRADA / Special to The UNIVERSE News, And EL UNIVERSO / Third (3a.) Part.
Brownsville, TEXAS.-“… Secretly, teacher RIGO met with CESAR VERASTEGUI OSTOS, EL TRUCO, in a restaurant on the border ( We did not reveal the exact place. Because, the owners would have deadly reprisals), to agree strategies to win the government.”
“…That’s not news. Among them, there are solid, and covert relations between RIGOBERTO GUEVARA VAZQUEZ, still leader of the SNTE, in Tamaulipas. And the former Secretary General of Government, CESAR AUGUSTO VERASTEGUI OSTOS, EL TRUCO, for several years.”
“…Nor, the game that makes MARIO GOMEZ MONROY, current holder of SET, following instructions of his pattern: FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA. Who together with RIGO want to take “EL TRUCO” to the chair that will leave vacant: GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA.”
“…There are already ‘advances’ of the SNTE, in Tamaulipas on favor of EL TRUCO, in the pre-campaign for the Government of Tamaulipas. In the Mexico City polls’s, which did not favor him much. Today, El TRUCO surpassed the President OBRADOR’s favorite, AMERICO VILLARREAL”.
“…It is known that RIGO committed the vote of about 60,000 teachers to help his partner EL TRUCO to become the Governor of Tamaulipas next June. Of course, with the SNTE union structure, in the state.”
“…The Question asked by the Workers of Education Bases in Tamaulipas: Teacher ALFONSO CEPEDA SALAS betrayed his friend President LOPEZ OBRADOR, and to MORENA party, allowing that RIGO to support to CABEZA DE VACA, and the PAN?”.

“…ALFONSO CEPEDA SALAS, national leader of the SNTE, ALFONSO CEPEDA SALAS, has shown many signs in his close relationship with President OBRADOR, and his government. At the national level, the SNTE supports the transcendental decisions of the nation’s President.”
Teachers, residents of Tamaulipas, based in the city of H. Matamoros, speak with The UNIVERSE News, and EL UNIVERSO. Talk with them, about the political-union situation in Section XXX of the SNTE, in Tamaulipas, and Mexico.
We only ask, that we want anonymity, in exchange for giving them information. As, we are denouncing people linked to organized crime and is very dangerous for us. However, they present themselves like to be redeemers of the SNTE workers.
Also comment which: “…In the emergency in TABASCO, caused by the rains. The SNTE is carrying out a census to determine the damage to the property of each of its members. Meanwhile, it sets up collection centers for food, water and cleaning supplies.”
“…The General Secretary of the National SNTE, ALFONSO CEPEDA SALAS, informed that since November 11 past, the leader of Section 29 in the entity, MARIA ELENA ALCUDIA, began the strategy to identify the affected colleagues.”
“…With the purpose of supporting them in the corresponding federal or state aid procedures. She advanced that, once the registration is available, the National Executive Committee of the Union will provide the most urgent goods to the education workers.”
“…CEPEDA SALAS also pointed out that the SNTE managed before the ISSSTE the loans for these contingencies. To date, 200 have been delivered, and 400 more are in process. This is one of the many actions of CEPEDA’s leadership in favor of the OBRADOR government.”
“…In short, ALFONSO CEPEDA never hesitates to support the theses of President OBRADOR, and his MORENA party. And without conditions at the national level the SNTE plays, an important role in the 4T. Because he has seen that: they benefit to the people, and the poorest.”
“…While President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR firmly leads the great solutions to the enormous national problems. With clear objectives of social justice, and social welfare for all.”
“…With the social programs (scholarships for children and young people, pensions for the elderly, attention to single mothers, and the disabled, among other social items) that the President has been attending to for the past three years and has been complying with them.”
“…In Tamaulipas, things happen the other way around. FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA from 2016 to date (2022). From the State Government the ward of FELIPE CALDERON serves organized crime, as evidenced by the complaint of the FGR.”
“…Insecurity for people is the constant in Tamaulipas. Due to the problems that surround the administration of GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA as Governor of the PAN. The War between drug cartels is permanent, in the territory of Tamaulipas.”
“…Parallelism is too marked between: RIGOBERTO GUEVARA VAZQUEZ, and ALFONSO CEPEDA SALAS. Both leaders of the SNTE. Only that one is managed in Tamaulipas. The Other is at level national in Mexico.”
“…If RIGO GUEVARA publicly acknowledges that he is in the arms of Governor CABEZA DE VACA. Imagine how the SNTE is, in Tamaulipas invaded by corruption. Simulation, deception against of education workers in the state.”
“…Meanwhile, ALFONSO CEPEDA without any stridency in the SNTE, walks together with President OBRADOR, to fulfill the goals in favor of the Mexican people, and education workers at the national level. Fighting the cancer of corruption.”
“…That is why no one among the teachers can explain: what RIGO is doing in the SNTE. After his four-year term expired more than a year ago. And he still believes that the SNTE is his property. The only explanation is that behind is GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA.”
“…Those who do not deny the cross of their parish are: CECILIA ROBLES RIESTRA, JOSE GUADALUPE PUENTES, JAIME RAMOS SALINAS, OSCAR RAMOS SALINAS, ENRIQUE MELENDEZ PEREZ and others. They are faithful companions of RIGO.”
“…All of them, in the past, were part of TOMAS YARRINGTON RUVALCABA’s brotherhood. After being detained by the Italian police, YARRINGTON was transferred to a U.S. prison to stand trial for crimes linked to drug trafficking, which he fueled while Governor of Tamaulipas.”
“…Therefore, CECI, MELENDEZ, JAIME, OSCAR, PUENTES are comfortable today in the brotherhood of CABEZA DE VACA. Above all, because of the crimes that the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) is charging the PAN Governor, which is waiting to lay its hands on him and his family.”
“…RIGO’s plan is well underway. To take out EL TRUCO’s candidacy at any cost and defeat President OBRADOR’s party. In addition to staying there in the SNTE, until which CABEZA DE VACA leaves the Government of Tamaulipas.”
“…Although RIGO, and his entourage that surrounds him do not attend to the lacerating problems of the teachers in Tamaulipas. They are building the narrative that they will leave the SNTE until after October 1, 2022. When the call comes out.”
*** Please, pay attention friends of The UNIVERSE News and EL UNIVERSO, this story will continue.