*** A “Macabre Era” With SALINAS, And FOX
*** MEXICO Lived Worstest “Time of Terror”
*** Next August 1st MEXICO Will Punish Its Enemies?
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.- Mexico has a historic opportunity -to punish- its enemies: SALINAS, ZEDILLO, FOX, CALDERON and PEÑA, for the enormous -damages- caused to the country. Only that INE is the ‘main’ and ‘great enemy’ of the people, as expressed in the social networks.
How Many millions of Mexicans were repressed, and forced to leave the country. During the governments of CARLOS SALINAS, ERNESTO ZEDILLO, VICENTE FOX, FELIPE CALDERON and ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO, who executed thesis against the people?.
In the U.S. alone, it is mentioned that there are around 55 to 65 million Mexicans living there. Many of them illegally and others, conforming to American laws. A risky situation that they had to flee, which they owe to the PRI and PAN governments.
It would be necessary to give exact numbers of Mexicans living on the continents of Europe, Asia, Oceania, and on countries like Canada, just to mention a few places of those Mexicans who sought to save their lives and their families.

Not to mention that in this fatal period of Mexico’s History (with SALINAS, ZEDILLO, FOX, CALDERON and PEÑA), hundreds of thousands of journalists, activists and human rights defenders died, in the national territory, with the open complicity of the neoliberal governments.
The International Press records countless cases of the system of terror, and violence consummated by SALINAS, ZEDILLO, FOX, CALDERON and PEÑA, against those who opposed their obscure interests. Mexico lived in that time: a ‘macabre’ era.
Before He dies, the former President MIGUEL DE LA MADRID assured that CARLOS SALINAS fostered a “great corruption” among his family. In relation to the secret money in the six-year term of CARLOS SALINAS. DE LA MADRID estimated that there was indeed a diversion of resources.
DE LA MADRID went in depth with CARLOS SALINAS, mainly his brother RAUL. He affirmed, that he improperly obtained Pemex contracts, obtained commissions from public bids, was involved in several acts of corruption, and even “contacted drug traffickers”.
ERNESTO ZEDILLO was the main beneficiary of the death of LUIS DONALDO COLOSIO, PRI Presidential Candidate. ZEDILLO left 46 million poor people in his government, of which 26 million ended up in misery, on base with the official figures.
Your Critics hold ERNESTO ZEDILLO responsible for 136 people killed by paramilitaries, for the 45 victims of the Acteal massacre, and for the 17 peasants killed in Guerrero, by state police.
In 2005, with VICENTE FOX as President, Odebrecht won two international bids with Pemex Refinacion. One for 317 million dollars and the other for more than 317 million dollars for the reconfiguration of the “General Lazaro Cardenas” Refinery in Minatitlan, Veracruz.
The Ministry of Public Administration lost the 2015 audit that former President Vicente Fox was involved in corruption, during the remodeling of the official residence of Los Pinos: Miguel Aleman residence, cabins 1 and 2, exterior works, with a cost of more than 61 million pesos.
For ANABEL HERNANDEZ, due to his prominence, FELIPE CALDERON “is not resigned to go down in history as what he is, a president who left Mexico in flames, destroyed; he is one of the worst presidents of modern times, given the structural damage he did to the country”.
In “The President’s Accomplices”, the book ANABEL, documents the corruption, and impunity that prevailed under CALDERON, and describes his relationship with GENARO GARCIA LUNA, his Secretary of Security, who is in prison in the U.S. for allegedly collaborating with drug traffickers.
Under President ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO, huge scandals have surfaced: the disappearance of the 43 students from Guerrero, the multimillion dollar White House, corruption cases such as the master swindle, and the PEMEX and Odebrechet scandals.
Countless grievances that millions of Mexicans have against CARLOS SALINAS, ERNESTO ZEDILLO, VICENTE FOX, FELIPE CALDERON and ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO.For the great damage they did to the nation.
“…If CARLOS SALINAS is not punished it would be a historic failure, you can’t play with fire, you can’t threaten and then retract. If the government doesn’t do it, if the prosecution does not go to the bottom, then this could be a historic defeat for the government of Mexico,” MUÑOZ LEDO says.
August 1st is not far away. If the INE does not stop sabotaging the national consultation, which will prosecute the former Presidents, no one in Mexico doubts that the people will repudiate them in the vote, say the young people who are promoting the movement against the traitors of the nation.
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