*** You Have to Follow The “DIRTY MONEY”
***Strategy Against Organized Crime Does Not Work
*** Mexico Does Not Have an ‘Antimafia’ Program
San Antonio, TEXAS.- “…Why If Walk -well- the ‘National Guard’, and the Stellar Social Programs created by Mr. OBRADOR, the strategy against Organized Crime do not work, in Mexico. You have to wait a year to see the results?. While Bloodshed of women and children is a national problem.”
“…A Tragic National Picture: The Federal Government (or Mexican State) has no capacity to control the national territory. Because it shares public spaces with organized crime. Paradoxically, it even lacks control within prisons, in the country.”

“…When a President has to cancel a visit to Reynosa, because his safety cannot be guaranteed. What awaits a citizen of Tamaulipas?. O If any great city, like Culiacan, Sinaloa, assaults by criminal groups. To The Small Cities that await them?.”
“…And if the state is unable to locate and maintain a credible record of more than 30,000 missing. While the relatives of the disappeared have to raise money to carry out DNA tests. Because the state lacks resources.”
“…And if a Governor of any Mexican state prevents access to the search for missing persons. When the mothers of the disappeared eagerly search for their remains. And the state only bears witness to the findings.”
“…What Happens in Mexico, currently?.The State accepts to have tens of thousands unidentified bodies in Semefos as it cannot and does not want to identify them. If the State does not have a precise census of clandestine and mass graves created by organized crime.”
“…When the justice system supports investigations with the widespread use of torture. If impunity reaches levels above 97%. And if justice obeys political interests. Where Mexico goes?.
“…If Criminal groups dominate territories, civil society, public institutions and official budgets. And if the number of intentional homicides is only comparable to situations of any conflict of war in the world, example: SYRIA.”
“… 2019 would be the most violent year since it has been registered in Mexico. In 11 months there have been 32,565 murders, according to figures from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System.”
The Acts are within sight of the people of Mexico. President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR despite his great popularity fails in strategy against organized crime.You can’t cover the sun with a finger secure your critics.Their critics say:
“…No One in their right mind wants massacre, mass extermination plan, hot-killing them, as the President OBRADOR argues.All that is wanted is that there are results in the strategy of the National Guard and with the progress of OBRADOR’s social programs, homicides are avoided.”
“…Avoiding the death of a Mexican or maybe more is not an -ideological- matter. It has nothing to do with left-wing or right-wing issues, it has to do with giving security in its existence to any Mexican, which the Government of OBRADOR has not yet done.”
At the Mexico City Forums, the expert on International Crime, EDGARDO BUSCAGLIA, researcher at Columbia University who has been a severe critic against the Presidents of the PRI and the PAN (FOX, CALDERON and PEÑA NIETO) on what happens in the country, comments:
“… You have an Honest Anti-Corruption Prosecutor who works, but if it doesn’t cover the entire network of companies, it’s no use. Organized crime in Mexico is political. It was political with FOX, with ZEDILLO, with SALINAS, with CALDERON and the level of impunity was widening.”
“… Then we have to destroy – the networks – that allows them to take cities, as they did with CULIACAN. How many cars?. How many companies are in those cars and behind those guns? You have to break the logistical capacity to operate.”
“… In Mexico, – networks are not attacked – of entrepreneurs and politicians. We go and tell them how to do it and we will, for free. This is not science fiction, or quantum physics. They do this in 67 democratic countries around the world. Left and Right. This is technical.”
“… Mr. DURAZO has to understand the difference between a Security Program that has it PARIS, it has TOKYO. Everybody’s got it. And the Anti-Mafia Program. Mexico does not have an ‘Antimafia’ program that goes against Governor MARON, against its entrepreneurs.”
“… Our criticism is propositional. I was the first with CARMEN ARISTEGUI within two hours of the operative, to defend the decision to release OVIDIO (the son of EL CHAPO). Because it was nonsense. Contrary to those of PRI-PAN, because they never had their – buttocks in an area – of war.”
“… You have to follow the ‘DIRTY MONEY’ of Mexico. Which is bloody. For the tens of thousands of murders. It’s Blood Money. If LOZOYA is sentenced and found dirty money behind it. And president PEÑA NIETO comes against him.”
“… Italy spent 60 years with this political criterion of impunity. Until heroes like Judge GIOVANNI FALCON started beating up prime ministers. The same is true in right or left countries. You have to go against the criminal networks (Politicians and Entrepreneurs).”
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