*** The Disappearance of Children, in Tamaulipas
*** They Took Away Their Organs And Sold Them in The US
*** CABEZA And EGIDIO Could go to Trial For The Case of Llera
San Antonio, TEXAS.- The ‘Gruesome’ Management of EGIDIO TORRE CANTU as governor of Tamaulipas, from the beginning, was full of infantile errors, according to national political analysts. He was on January 1, 2011, to September 30th, 2016.
“…Public Test that evidenced to EGIDIO was the raucous defeat of his PRI party: being defeated in the conquest of the government in 2016. The Government of EGIDIO TORRE(PRI) was rejected by the electors, because they were tired of so much injustice.”

“…But, There is a stigma that can never be removed and even after his death. Nor the official history of Tamaulipas will be able to compensate for the big political stigma: “… The Name of EGIDIO TORRE CANTU was never on the ballot. Where the government of Tamaulipas was decided.”
“… Intellectual poverty was only at hand with the arrogance that presumed EGIDIO TORRE CANTU, in his public acts, throughout the territory of Tamaulipas. The indolence was the habit in which lived sunken TORRE CANTÚ. And in EGIDIO’s policy showed total ignorance”, advise their critics.
In Zenith, on that was EGIDIO’s Government. EL UNIVERSO and The UNIVERSE News published a series of severe reports and serious allegations from some local political actors and people who suffered injustice from TORRE CANTU as governor. One of many examples is the following:
“…The Broken Voice is of PRIMO F. REYES PEREZ, President of the Association BENITO JUAREZ of Lawyers and Litigants of Tamaulipas who speaks about the disappearance of Children, in Tamaulipas. In an Interview with The UNIVERSE News.”
“…Look, in 2002 I present myself in the offices of the PGR delegation in Tamaulipas, to denounce the disappearance of an indeterminate number of children. Most likely, 50, according to the statement of the Treasurer of the board”.
“…In Which they were interned, in the Hacienda of engineer MARTE R. GOMEZ. There they had built the Center of Social Assistance: “Cheerful Home”.In the municipality of Llera, kilometer 162 of the Mexico-Laredo Highway.”
“…And this was thanks to the initiative of the American Philanthropist, JOHN EYLS. Who in his helicopter goes down the villages of Tamaulipas, Nuevo León, Durango, and Zacatecas. The Purpose was to pick up disabled and defective children.”
“…Under the pretext of curing them. When by his physical nature, it was incurable. Except for their organs, which in the administrations of CAVAZOS LERMA, TOMAS YARRINGTON and EUGENIO HERNANDEZ be-rumored-that the children were used to extract the organs and sell them in the U.S.”
“…He died, mysteriously Mr. ELYS in his airplane, who piloted himself. And since the YARRINGTON regime, criminal actions were intensified. Look, the story is quite long and we will analyze it in parts, to make it clear because Governor EGIDIO TORRE could be complicit with YARRINGTON.”
“…If EGIDIO has nothing to do with this. Then inform the competent authorities. By now he takes a position: He refuses to inform, as I asked before the federal authority.” Special Report: February 25, 2013,/ The UNIVERSE News.
Consulted specialists in the case of children of Llera on possible trials against EGIDIO TORRE CANTU and FRANCISCO CABEZA de VACA as involved in the disappearance of children. The answer was clear:
“…If it is a crime against humanity, the crime does not prescribe. If it has sufficient elements in the FGR of GERTZ MANERO of the offense in question. At any time a criminal action may be carried out against them, the former governor(EGIDIO) and the governor(CABEZA DE VACA .”
Another Question: Is EGIDIO a ‘POOR DUMMY’ in Politics?. I think that the best answer is the one that can give the citizens of Tamaulipas who suffered the scourges of the government of EGIDIO TORRE CANTU.
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