*** ‘Stripping Citizenship’: For -Born- in U.S.
*** 18 States Would Block TRUMP’s Order
*** Also, D.C. And The City of San Francisco
***Pay Attention Please: Translation From English to Spanish by MARY DE LA RIVERA.
¿Es un «Acierto» de TRUMP o un «Error Político»?
*** ‘Despojar la Ciudadanía’: Por -Nacer- en U.S.
*** 18 Estados Bloquearían la Orden de TRUMP
*** También, el D.C. y la Ciudad de San Francisco
*** Mary de la RIVERA entrañable amiga y colaboradora de The UNIVERSE News y EL UNIVERSO. Traduce el título y sumario de la Información del Inglés al Español. Y el primer y Segundo párrafo.
San Antonio, TEXAS.-“A Dangerous Oligarchy is being created in the U.S. that threatens the -democracy- of the United States of America and basic human rights,” former President JOE BIDEN said before leaving the White House.
(“Una -peligrosa oligarquía- se está creando en U.S. que amenaza a la -democracia- de Estados Unidos de América y a los derechos humanos básicos” sentenció, antes de dejar la Casa Blanca, el ex Presidente JOE BIDEN.)
Will the Democrat politician be right, at a time, when President DONALD TRUMP plans to put an end to birthright citizenship? A question that many Americans are asking themselves.
(¿Tendrá razón el político demócrata en un momento en que el presidente DONALD TRUMP planea poner fin a la ciudadanía por nacimiento? Es una pregunta que se están haciendo muchos estadounidenses.)
“U.S. President JOE BIDEN warned that a dangerous oligarchy, is being created in his country.” During the farewell speech he offered last Wednesday.
“An Oligarchy of Extreme Wealth, power and influence is taking shape in the United States today that truly threatens all of our democracy, our basic rights and our freedom,” BIDEN stressed.
Who left office on January 20. Day on which the Republican, DONALD TRUMP, assumed the Presidency, amidst his followers and collaborators of his Presidential Cabinet.
“BIDEN is 82 years old, likewise denounced: that there is an“ ultra-rich technological, industrial complex ”that he explained: could gain unchecked power over Americans.”
TRUMP already has opposition. New Jersey and more than a dozen other states have said they are challenging President Donald Trump’s executive order ending the constitutional guarantee of birthright citizenship.
New Jersey’s Democratic Attorney General MATT PLATKIN -openly broadcasts- that he is leading a group of 18 states, the District of Columbia and the city of San Francisco, in filing a lawsuit, to block TRUMP’s executive order.
Regarding this controversial case, which implies serious political damage to the TRUMP administration that has just begun. PLATKIN said: “Presidents have broad powers, but they are not kings.
TRUMP’s order would end the policy of automatically granting citizenship to people born, in the United States. A measure, he announced on the campaign trail that he would carry out, once in office.
PLATKIN and migrant rights advocates point to the 14th Amendment to the Constitution which states that persons born in the United States and subject to its jurisdiction are citizens, stating that it clearly applies to persons whose parents were not legal citizens, at the time of their birth.
TRUMP’s roughly 700-word executive order, issued Monday night, amounts to the realization of something he has talked about during the presidential campaign.
But whether DONALD TRUMP succeeds, is uncertain, according to migrant rights advocates who are filing lawsuits, to block the president, who has just begun his administration, in 2025.

Shortly after TRUMP signed the executive order. Different migrant rights groups studied the landscape of the conflict, and decided to file a lawsuit to stop it.
The American Civil Liberties Union chapters in New Hampshire, Maine and Massachusetts, along with other migrant rights advocates, also resorted to filing suit in federal court, in New Hampshire.
The main petition of the complaint asks the court to find the order unconstitutional. It highlights the case of a woman identified as “Carmen”, who is pregnant, but is not a citizen.
The lawsuit says, she lived in the United States for more than 15 years, and has a pending visa application, which could lead to permanent status. He has no other immigration status, and neither does the father of the child he is expecting, according to the lawsuit.
‘Stripping children of the ‘priceless treasure’ of citizenship is a grave injury,’ the lawsuit details. ‘It denies them the full membership in American society to which they are entitled.’
Birthright citizenship means that any person born in the United States is a citizen, regardless of the immigration status of his or her parents. A concept that TRUMP rejects, in this day.
It has been in place for decades and enshrined in the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, supporters say. But TRUMP and his allies dispute the interpretation of the amendment and say stricter standards are needed, to become a citizen.