*** U.S.,RUSSIA, And CHINA Are Launching Space Missions
*** As MEXICO Lives Immersed in The Worst Federal Injustice
*** World Press Observes Actions of The ‘Mexican Court’
*** Are The “Big Vases” The Eleven Mexicans Ministers?.
*** Government of JOE BIDEN Take Care to Their Citizens
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.- “…At the times, when the U.S., CHINA, and RUSSIA are launching their space missions to the Moon or Mars. In Mexico is suffering from: a centuries-old problem: that do not exist justice be equal, prompt, and expeditious for the citizens.”
“…Subterfuges, and legal loopholes, and other vices in the laws are reals traps that, prevent the prosecution of these: the powerful, the untouchables. In addition, the white-collar criminals, who swarm everywhere.”
“…For the corrupt Mexican political system promoted by the PRI-PAN and PRD decades ago, which today the 4T seeks to oxygenate a little. It is considered quite serious: the matter of the governors of the country that cannot be touched, not even with the petal of a rose.”
“…In which, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation presided by ARTURO ZALDIVAR, and his 10 ministers are very far from fulfilling a wish of millions of Mexicans (throughout their history as a nation), that corrupt – powerful – politicians, can be judged, as accordingly”.
“…An Emblematic Case: for the World Press is that of Governor FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA. He is favored by a legal trap, despite the fact that the federal House of Deputies has removed his immunity, as of April 30, 2021, for crimes linked to drug trafficking.”
“…And it is still time that Mr. CABEZA DE VACA enjoys all the privileges of a Mexican Governor. Notwithstanding that you are accused by the office of GERTZ MANERO, for organized crime and other serious crimes.”

“…Privileges that a -poor Mexican- lacks before the Federal Court. Justice is sold to the highest bidder, currently before the rhetoric of Minister President ARTURO ZALDIVAR and his 10 ministers. And it is not known, if they will correctly prosecute Mr. CABEZA.”
Previous analysis that several sociologists raise before the perverse national problem of the null federal justice. That it is up to him to put in the scales of Mexican laws, which are interpreted with the millions of dollars, which are at stake, when it comes to powerful people.
In the gibberish made by Minister JUAN LUIS GONZALEZ ALCANTARA CARRANCA to create a problem for the people, who are affected by the criminal violence of the cartels. Favoring to CABEZA DE VACA. We interviewed certain experts in Constitutional Law.
Commenting: “…Constitutional immunity was the right of high-ranking federal officials. As Attest the Mexican Legal Dictionary. Before being tried for the commission of an ordinary crime, the Chamber of Deputies had the right to rule on the origin of such criminal proceeding.”
“…In the constitutional reforms published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on December 28, 1982. The name was changed to “Declaration of Proceedings”. However, the institution still exists.”
“…The procedure followed before the Chamber of Deputies for it to authorize the aforementioned ordinary criminal proceeding was called “impeachment“. This procedure is very similar to the impeachment trial, in its first instance. Therefore, they are often confused.”
“…Description provided by the Legal Dictionary of Constitutional Law (Mexico, 1997) on “Declaration of provenance”: It is a political, administrative act of criminal content, procedural, unrenounceable, transitory and revocable.”
“…Competence of the Chamber of Deputies, the purpose of which is to place a public servant at the disposal of a judicial authority, in order to be tried exclusively for the crime or crimes of the common order committed during the performance of his or her duties and which have been the subject of the request.”
“…It is the exclusive competence of the chamber of deputies; the corresponding motion must be approved by the approving vote of more than half of the deputies present at the session. It is only applicable to public servants referred to in article 111 of the Constitution:”
“…Deputies, Senators, court ministers, office secretaries, heads of administrative departments, representatives to the assembly of the Federal District, attorney general of the republic, attorney general of the Federal District, state governors, deputies and local magistrates.”
“…When issued by the Chamber of Deputies. It does not prejudge the possible responsibility of the accused. Although it considers whether there are elements to assume probable responsibility.”
“…It is limited to judging whether it is politically opportune to place him at the disposal of the judge so that he may be the one to judge him. Whether it is affirmative or negative does not imply that he is considered guilty or innocent.”
“…Inadmissible, and even perverse is the action of the Court (SCJN) in the case of CABEZA DE VACA. Where the lives of one, tens or thousands of residents of Tamaulipas, do not matter to them: whether they live or die, due to of the violence of the Narco-Gangs.”
“…Tamaulipas, since CABEZA DE VACA has been Governor, has become a no man’s land. Criminal violence has reached a level never seen before in the state. Not even, when the PRI narco-governors(CAVAZOS, YARRINGTON, EGIDIO, and others) was thus..”
“…It is going to be a year. When there was great joy among the people, due to the fact that the Prosecutor ALEJANDRO GERTZ found enough evidence to prosecute the PAN Governor, CABEZA DE VACA. But, the ‘joy’ went to the well.”
“…Until the superman of the law, JUAN LUIS GONZALEZ ALCANTARA CARRANCA arrived, making the worst mess in the Court, to favor CALDERON’s partner in the renewable energy companies in the Burgos Basin (in Tamaulipas), CABEZA DE VACA.”
“…If the ministers of the Court (SCJN) do not believe in the people. Check what the Government of JOE BIDEN is taking care of Americans, at times when they have the audacity to transit or go to Tamaulipas. Security Alerts from the State Department are frequent.”
“…Paradoxically, the Government of JOE BIDEN, launches an alert to Americans ‘to avoid’ traveling to Tamaulipas. And in less than 24 hours, an armed commando attacks the civilian population, killing 15 innocent people in Reynosa.”
“…This provoked the anger of Senator RICARDO MONREAL who alluded to the violent event, where 15 civilians lost their lives. And the Legislator said: “Tamaulipas is burning. And -he blamed- the SCJN for this climate of violence, for not attending to the CABEZA matter.”
“…The People are fed up with violence. But that never takes sleep away from Mr. CABEZA. During the tour that President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR made to Nuevo Laredo, in reviewing the work of the Customs. He found more complaints.”
“…Victims of disappearances, and extrajudicial executions commanded by RAYMUNDO RAMOS, human rights leader, demanded that CABEZA be investigated for being a murderer. Report published by El Mañana de Laredo, Saturday, February 19, 2022.”
“…Russian TV reported that in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, there was more violence a few hours ago. Fires, shootings, and blockades in the streets exposing the population. The American Consulate warned its citizens not to visit Tamaulipas.”
While among the majority population of Tamaulipas, do not trust the Court. Much less in their ministers who apply like should be article 111 of the Federal Constitution, to receive a punishment from the FGR, Mr. CABEZA DE VACA.
Rather, they think that Minister-President ARTURO ZALDIVAR, and his colleagues at the Court are allegedly in the millions of ‘dollars’ dance of FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA. Which will allow him to avoid going to jail, according to analysts from Mexico, City.
“…In The Universe there are different ways: ‘The One of Good, and The One of EVIL’. The Universal One, and The One of Mediocrity. Each one decides, which to take. People complicate the decision. The Transit for the good, and universal being is through study, imagination, and good will. Zero Negativism.”
“…The Ego of people plunges them into an abyss of pride, which has no end. When exist simpler ways of doing good, and are there for everyone to see.”
“…However, People prefer to base their behavior on following the blind men. Those who talk about the light. And they have never seen it ,”…advises The Wise Men of The World…See You Soon in ‘The UNIVERSE News, and EL UNIVERSO’.