*** ‘Neoliberal Economic Policy’ Has Been a Disaster: AMLO
***On a Path Full of Thorns Transits The President OBRADOR
*** More Than 36 Years The Court Sold Justice to The Highest Bidder.
San Antonio, TEXAS.- “…For the PRI, in 2012, President ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO was a giant. On 1 July last, President ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO for the Mexican people was a pygmy. Thus, it goes to The History of Mexico ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO as… A Giant Who Became a Pygmy”.
“…While ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO is going to the Dumpster of History. ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR began the fourth transformation of Mexico” according to the political analysts.

The Inauguration of ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR, as President of Mexico, last December 1. In the building of San Lazaro, marks a change of course of the country, consider the majority of political experts. Where neoliberalism was severely criticized by President LOPEZ OBRADOR.
President OBRADOR said: “…As for the inefficiency of the neoliberal economic model, suffice it to say that even in quantitative terms, it has not yielded good results, remember that after the violent stage of the revolution, from the 1930s to the 70 of the last century.”
“… That is, for 40 years, Mexico’s economy grew at an average annual rate of 5%, and during that same period, in two ‘six-year terms’ consecutive, from 1958 to 1970. When Antonio Ortiz Mena was Minister of Finance, the economy of the country not only grew to 6% annual but that this advance was obtained without inflation and no increase in public debt” told the Mexican President in federal congress.
“…As for the economic policy applied during the neoliberal period, from 1983 to date. It has been the most inefficient in the modern history of Mexico.”
“… At this time, the economy has grown by 2% annually, and for this reason, and because of the tremendous concentration of income in fewer hands, the majority of the population has been impoverished to take it to seek life in informality.”
“… To emigrate massively from the national territory or to take the path of antisocial behavior. I say it with realism and without ideological prejudices, neoliberal economic policy has been a disaster, a calamity, for the public life of the country.”
Among the special guests of President OBRADOR were the presidents, prime ministers and representatives of foreign governments. Among those she highlighted: President DONALD TRUMP’s daughter: IVANKA TRUMP.
With High Diplomatic Sense IVANKA launched a twitt in Spanish, that said:”…En México con@VP Pence, @ Second Lady y miembros de la delegación presidencial para la inauguración del Presidente@lopezobrador.Muchas felicitaciones al pueblo mexicano!. Es un honor acompañarles en este día tan histórico y especial”.
On a path full of thorns, the government of LOPEZ OBRADOR transits. Because the judges and magistrates of the Supreme Court want to win 600,000 pesos. Much more than the salary of the President of the Republic. A fact totally contrary to the Federal Constitution.
Members of MORENA denounce: “… that senators of the PAN and the dome of the court brought MARTHA ERIKA ALONSO to the government of Puebla in illegal form. In exchange for the PAN legislators to stop the law of President OBRADOR, to lower the millionaire salaries to the ministers of the Court.”
“…The PAN legislators will do their part: to stop the law that lowers salaries to judges and magistrates in Mexico. After that, more than 36 years the Court sold justice to the highest bidder.”
Political parties (PAN, PRD,PRI, MC, PVEM) defeated in the last federal election, seek any pretext to curb President OBRADOR’s actions. It is a political vileness against the Mexican People. And The governors of the PAN are a serious obstacle to the Mexican Republic, in the opinion of the sociologists.
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