*** Was a ‘Hell’ in Notre Dame Cathedral?
*** 128 Former Combatants Were Assassinated in Colombia
*** Venezuela Suffers From Drug shortages, And Get Help
The Woodlands, Texas.-“…A Man named “The Son of God” who faced the Roman Empire. And that fact made which paid with his life. His mystical lessons and his image are unblemished. This without having experts in advertising and image. It Still lasts during centuries.”
“…Years Go by, and the figure of JESUS becomes imposing in the face of Chaos, Disorder, and Slander. Because the most elementary moral and spiritual values have no deep roots in humanity, today. Even the human being does not evolve to other levels of consciousness..”

“…In the Roman System of Patricians and Plebeians, JESUS tried to change the reality of the evils that were suffered in that time. The Values of the universal good that contrasted with the vices and customs of the bad inhabitants of the places where the son of God transited.”
“…Although JESUS never intended to have an open war against the mighty Romans. With an army that is recognized as the best of his time. If, by means of parabolas he sought that the people of the village see all the injustices that prevailed and the authorities of Rome carried out.”
JESUS Said: “… Blessed are the poor of spirit and Blessed are those who thirst and hunger for Justice, Because of them is the Kingdom of the heavens.” Like that sentence: “… It is more easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man enters the Kingdom of Heavens.”
“…The Speech of JESUS has similitudes with the CICERO’s Catilinarians. Only that in JESUS were subtle parabolas and concepts fine and exquisite language that was glad to hear. Although for the Roman Empire it was a serious affront that was committed in public. This was a crime.”
The Previous opinions are of experts in Religion, Bible Connoisseurs, Followers of the Christian Tradition and Historians such as the Italian MARCELLO CRAVERI. It would Suffice to revise facts in the world, to demonstrate that the mystical theses of JESUS are in force. Let’s See Some Examples:
Today’s Injustice. Since the signing of the Peace Agreement were assassinated 128 ex-combatants of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-Army of the People (FARC-EP) said Andres Stapper, director of the Agency for the reinstatement and Normalization of Colombia.
Was Arson The Catedral Notre Dame?. The symbol of Christianity in France or Spain. The structure of Notre Dame “Resists” after the fire that devastated the Parisian cathedral, but “vulnerabilities” have been detected in the building, particularly in the vault, declared the French Interior Secretary of State, Laurent Nuñez.
The Paris Prosecutor pointed out that the authorities favor the accidental track in the fire that devastated the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, by ensuring that “nothing points to a voluntary act.”
The investigations will be “long, complex “, prevented Rémy Heitz, who promised, “All means are implemented to reach the truth, to know the origin of this terrible fire “.
Venezuela in severe economic crisis. A First shipment of humanitarian aid arrived this Tuesday in Venezuela after the government of NICOLAS MADURO approved its admission, informed several news agencies a source aware of the subject.
“Confirmed” The arrival of humanitarian aid, corroborated the source on the condition of anonymity. The Shipment includes drugs and medical supplies, in severe scarcity in the oil country. In all parts of the world, injustices are In force. And paradoxically the mystical theses of JESUS, too.
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