*** OBRADOR is -Caught up- in His “Good Intentions”
*** ‘Political Myopia’ Seems to be The ‘illness’ of MONREAL
San Antonio, TEXAS.- Challenge for Medicine: What is Better Prevent Disease or Let It Appear for to Fight It?. Scenes are dramatic: The Children in Guerrero work as policemen, who would face the brutal violence of Organized Crime.
Terrible Images of the News traveled the world. This forced to UNICEF to go out and criticize the measure imposed on children.Whose life from that early age would have the task of facing the Drugs Dealer in the State of Guerrero, Mexico.

Torn images of children from Guerrero shook to all Mexico. In their short life they had an inevitable destiny: to fill the task of the Mexican state, as a whole, to protect the lives of its citizens: children, ladies, the elderly and others, in your life of kid.
While the Demagogues of the 4T in Mexico as ALFONSO DURAZO strongly criticized what happened in Guerrero. Especially with the attitudes of the children. Which he considers highly irresponsible.When the Government has more a year, and does not solve insecurity. People feel the fear.
“…’Political Myopia’ seems to be the illness of Mexico’s Senate leader, RICARDO MONREAL AVILA. Considering that the country is convulsed by the violence of Organized Crime. He seeks to support the -drug market- by rewarding, with legal permissions’ in favor of marijuana.”
“…Guanajuato, Guerrero, Michoacan, Tamaulipas and other states continue the malicious killings. And they don’t stop. Insecurity is at the skin of any Mexican. There are no homes, schools, workplaces in Mexico which are safe.”
“…The Government of OBRADOR has been in office for over a year. And millions of Mexicans are afraid to leave their homes, their jobs and schools as well. The Public Spaces are being held hostage by organized crime.”
“…Along with the non-growing Mexican economy, insecurity affects every minute, every hour, every day to the whole Mexican People. And what happened in Chilapa, on Guerrero state, where children go out to war against organized crime evidence to the government.”
“…While there are good wishes, and clear intentions of President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR to root out the causes of the problem of insecurity in Mexico. What is missing in these cases is to see the facts, and not listen excellent speeches.”
The Above Concepts are from countless critics of the Government of the 4T. In the face of the null action on insecurity, which the people suffer. One of them is Doctor EDGARDO BUSCAGLIA. Who was a harsh critic of FOX, CALDERON and PEÑA NIETO.
EDGARDO BUSCAGLIA has studied the phenomenon of organized crime, in 118 countries. He’s a researcher at Columbia University. His commitment to fighting mafias and field work, brings him countless enemies and threats, from organized crime.
“…MEXICO suffers from a strategy that encompasses more than security. Mexico does not have a security problem anymore, it has a problem of State Organized Crime”. Doctor BUSCAGLIA, in various forums in Mexico City, underlines without restriction.
“…In MEXICO (the delinquents) could not move with the ease and impunity with which they develop. Thousands of children are kidnapped and so on, if they do not have political protection”, explains The Researcher.
“… BUSCAGLIA speaks in detail: How the government of ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR is caught up in his good intentions and officials of the old guard, who block attempts -to attack- the Mafia.”
“…CORONAVIRUS continues relentlessly to harm at the world. Particularly, deaths maintain in China. But, it is no more than hundreds of deaths. However, drug traffickers in various countries, especially in Mexico, have to their credit: hundreds of thousands of deaths on their hands.”
“… With LUIS ECHEVERRIA, JOSE LOPEZ PORTILLO, MIGUEL DE LA MADRID, CARLOS SALINAS, ERNESTO ZEDILLO, VICENTE FOX, FELIPE CALDERON and ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO, the ‘Narco-trafficker’ in Mexico made deep roots between Businesspeople and Politicians.”
If The US Government in the trial that faces GENARO GARCIA LUNA will be able to -clean up- a little the ‘enormous corruption’ that Confront Mexico?. It is a question that is asked in broad sectors. Where ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR governs.
But… You’d better tell us your opinion…. For us, it’s the only one that’s worth and not another. Please…. ¡ Attention! “Appreciable Readers” of EL UNIVERSO and The UNIVERSE News Can Send All The Comments And Criticisms to theuniversenews@gmail.com And Are Welcome.